North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


[-Militaires Sans Frontieres-]
Aug 12, 2009
blaze96 said:
Unless Kim Jong Il is really a retard with the IQ of a 5 yr old with down syndrome and a brain that has been change for that of an ourang-outan, he will not declare nuclear war on the US.
He can declare it, but in the words of Andrew Jackson:

"They've made their decision, now let's see them enforce it."

You're right though, they won't. Even Kim knows the kind of shit storm that would fall on his head if he ever actually tried anything.
Yet can you ever truely predict a human being accuratly. Specialy when you add greed, lust for power, and any number of other variables. Tis why the theory of deterence gets iffy.
Mainly like you said though, one thing to threat, another to actualy do.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.
My government has made it very clear ever since the 1950's that if nuclear weapons are used on our country then we will turn the country responsible into a highly irradiated parking lot. We can, we will, and I have a hard time believing that even Kim Jong Il is batshit insane enough to try and pick that fight.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
John Funk said:
I'm not reading a whole thread, but if we're talking about Korea and nukes and nobody's yet made a "Nuclear Launch Detected" joke I'm going to be very disappointed in you all.
Um what's that joke from again Funk? Sorry to disappoint you... D:


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I'm siding with the US as a citizen and I believe that the NK's government needs to be removed.
Besides, the US doesn't even really need a full army to take NK down as just one nuclear sub could do it by itself.


Brushie Brushie Brushie
Mar 14, 2008
North Korea is best Korea!

OT: Nuclear war is good for no one.


New member
May 7, 2009
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.
Engineering student here: Fallout, at least the heavy, deadly stuff can't go that far.


New member
May 7, 2009
Kalabrikan said:
North Korea couldn't possibly win a nuclear war with Pakistan, let alone the United States. They would be obliterated in two seconds if they launched a nuke in Asia. Plus the nuke would probably be intercepted by jet fighters before it could land on its intended target. In the world of dictators, North Korea is the stubborn child who wants everyone to pay attention to him because he thinks he has something to say, even though all his friends are doing far more interesting things.

A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.
ICBMs can't be intercepted by jet fighters, as jet's can't fly through space, ICBMs do.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Well considering the fact that Kim Jong Il is half a deck short of a full deck of cards. nuclear war could be a possibility. Of course North Korea should keep in mind that as much damage as they would cause to the U.S they would be blown all the way back to the stone age. Since the U.S would either collapse or be severly weakened form a nuclear exchange the balance of power would tilt, nuclear fallout would be around, South Korea would be hit hard and then who knows what would happen next, maybe even world war 3 (unlikely)! All because some short Asian fuck overstepped his bounds, this is big stuff, let's hope that neither one of these countries pushes the boundries and that Kim's missiles can't fly far enough to hit the U.S, or he's bluffing with the "I HAVE NUKES! TAKE ME SERIUOSLY! I AM THREAT!" card like he usually does. While I would love to see North Koreas midget dictator get kicked off his throne so he stops acting like an asshole, the civilian casualties, servicemen/women casualties and the threat of nuclear war isn't worth it.

N7 Ruiz

New member
Nov 23, 2009
This is the one war that should been fought. you can have dissagreements on the wars in the middle east but this man is dangerous to Japan ,South Korea and to a degree the United states his missles can Reach Hawaii but nothing main land United States if he does launch that army south then to all the american teenagers you better like the draft because are military is streched thin

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Subzerowings said:
I personally don't want to be in a third war, but I have the feeling that North Korea's threats are empty. IF they have nukes, they are only short ranged balistics, being a stretch if they reach Japan, and don't have many of them. We have enough Nukes ready that we could eradicate the country in a matter of minutes. Going against the United States when your a small country like North Korea and you have no Allies, any tactical mind will tell you that going to war with the US will not end well.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
Yao Guai? shit, I'm more sacred of the death claws...

but seriously, this is kind of worrying. whatever, if something happens, everyone will know


New member
Jul 26, 2010
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.
AND the South Koreans want the country reunified which will be difficult if we turn the North into a radioactive hell hole.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
I'm on the side of no nuclear winter thanks. The North Koreans don't scare, so any action, if any, will be a North Korean preemptive strike. Further proof that the American Military is run by morons.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Having the means to build a nuclear bomb is one level of difficulty but to have a delivery system to launch it across the globe is an entirely different ballgame. Declaring war against a country across the globe is a silly for a country the size of N Korea because it lacks the means to launch any attack. Attacking South Korea would be a death wish because most UN nations would throw there support behind South Korea. Unlike the Korean War, North Korea won't have the backing from the Soviet Union and China (most likely china would denounce the actions of north Korea but do very little to get involved). North Korea despite having a crazy leader wouldn't be stupid enough to declare nuclear war against anybody because the only result it would have is North Korea being bombed into the stone age. North Korea would have to "fight" the entire world and I'm 100% sure the world will win.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
North Korea has a DICKtator.
He's a spoiled-brat child.
He spends his time watching Hollywood movies...that should tell you something.


New member
May 18, 2010
Sigh another war? Seriesly? A nuclear one? You mean that one that WILL destroy our planet once and for all? Are you people stupid?
North Koreans: YES!!!
Well what about you South?
South Korea: We are responding to this with revenge that WILL start the war!
Well what about you US?
USA : We shall invade it like thousands other countryes who had NO business with us AT ALL.
Alrigth then carry on. Not like your killing our planet and millions civilians or anything.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Hmm, posturing. Thats just a human, particularly a male, response. Chest puffing and threats such as this rarely escalates to an actual war, its mostly just both sides reminding the other what they are capable of.

Say this did escalate the war, I'd say its time for the United States to back the hell out. Its not just that we're 13 TRILLION dollars in debt and already failing with our last war either. I would like to see North Korea conquer South Korea. I really would.

Think about it. North Korea has been censoring outside influece for the past 60 or so years? What'll happen if they conquer South Korea, a place of double its population and a much higher level of prosperity. Do you really think the people will sit back and take Kim Jong's dick up their ass for long after seeing that? If the United States really wants to spread capitalism to the world, thats the way you do it.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I doubt that they'd actually be able to nuke us. Even if they did, it would just bring about the wrath of the US and a bunch of other UN nations.

This whole topic also reminds me of a joke I wrote a few months back:
Why is North Korea such a bad place?
Because it has no Seoul!