North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


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May 19, 2010
Jack and Calumon said:
Why do I now have the image of Obama saying, "Shut the hell up." And hitting the launch button first? My god that would be strange.

Yeah, so tell me how the vaults work out America!

Calumon: Protect Bandit Keith!

The scary thing is that I can actually see the president doing that......
I don't want to live in Fallout 3!!!


New member
Jun 4, 2009
[quote="Subzerowings" Snip[/quote]

We're still at war with the *snicker* Democratic *snicker* Peoples Republic of Korea (aka NK).

It's a shame we had to get China involved back in the 50's. We could've ended it more decisively, and if I remember correctly from history class (which I probably don't since we spend .5 seconds on the war) it could've been in our favor... of course, after the landings at Inchon.

How do you think the USA is wrong when dealing with this guy? The DPRK has an insane leader. He's not just a bad person, but he is seriously mentally ill if he thinks he could win a "nuclear war" with America.
My guess is that they have several Aegis cruisers chilling in the Sea of Japan. Those vessels are things you don't want to piss off. More so because they can score kinetic kills on ballistic missiles like Patriot batteries. On top of that, we have enough remaining nuclear warheads that fit on anything from a bayonet to cruise missiles to the bomb bay of a B2 to retaliate effectively. And if one does go off, you can say bye to the guy's regime.

I doubt China would be happy if we (by that I mean the UN, but probably made up of mostly US troops, just like last time) had to invade, but again, they wouldn't be happy if we got nuked and then embargoed them because they support the country that fried Los Angeles.


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Jun 4, 2009
newfoundsky said:
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.
Or because we never had a good reason. I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion, just if you have the wrong one your stupid.
We didn't nuke them because our President's are smart; they didn't want to drag the Soviets into a nuclear war. MacArthur wanted to deploy nukes in the 50's before he was relieved of command.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I'm scared more for the people of South Korea or Japan about this psycho's outbursts than I am for the USA. DPRK is way too close to too many megacities (Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo, etc.) to be using nukes. If they did use them, I don't think there would be any stopping the US from turning DPRK into a parking lot if somebody else doesn't beat them to it.

Then again... something tells me that Obama would not use nukes unless it was the USA that got hit. If it were up to me i'd use em if DPRK used nukes period, but I happen to be crazy. x_x


New member
Jun 8, 2010
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.
Haven't read all 12 pages so I don't know if this has been brought up earlier....

North Koreas biggest allies are China.....( both being communist states)

China owns most of the U.S. debt...... China will not go to war with the states if they want to ever see that money....

North Korea cannot survive a prolonged war with the U.S. by themselves.

At OP: No one says that North Koreans are crazy.... just their leader.

North Korea is Bluffing...... Just like always.....


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Well no one really knows what type of nukes NK has or the range they have one thing is sure if they have the range to reach the US with a ballistic launch NORAD will detect it and the space surveillance network of the us will just blow the nuke up in the air with their satellites or turn or interfere with it's guidance systems.

The air superiority of the US air force is rules out the possibility of an atomic bombing, the only way a nuke could possibly reach the us would be with an atomic launch from a submarine within short range so they don't have the enough response time to act.

And as for the US launching a nuke is highly unprovable since it would get a very bad response from the rest of the world and they could do the same amount of damage with high altitude bombing runs without all the side effects of nuclear weaponry.

The only way I see this happening is if the US wants so have a war and they let a nuke pass through their defense system so they have an excuse to nuke them as well, and well that seems a little stupid.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
But then how will they get that $75 trillion they say we owe them after 60 years????


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
Caligulove said:
But then how will they get that $75 trillion they say we owe them after 60 years????
What the... hell?

That's so stupid its funny. DPRK is even more insane than I thought.

Mr Godfrey

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Jul 31, 2009
North Korea talks a big game every couple of months, but these days it's just that: "talk". Not to mention their only ally, China, released a statement saying they would not support a North Korean involvement with America or South Korea. Without the actual military superpower to back them up, a war between North Korea and a joint US/South Korean Military would last approximately as long as the Gulf War. Yes, they could nuke us. We, on the other hand, could leave a radioactive North Korea shaped hole in the ocean. Not to say that we would. The US has allies that might suffer the nuclear fallout if we were to use any real firepower, but they don't really need it either. The US military numbers at around 2 million highly trained, well armed soldiers; the Korean People's Army numbers at around 1 million under trained, poorly armed villagers in uniform. Not to mention air supremacy, would we really even need nukes? Conventional bombs and missiles would do the trick fine. When it all comes down to it, a war with North Korea is highly unlikely, but even if it did happen they wouldn't last very long when faced with modern technology (The US has changed a lot in the past 60 years... North Korea has not)


New member
Jan 14, 2009
It's very simple, really.

What would you rather do, OP, let our allies get attacked by a country that's been building up for a war for roughly 60 years? North Korea's been waiting until the 'world police' ie: the UN (ie: Amurica) has leadership that they think wouldn't do anything about it?

Maybe we'll stand and fight it now, but in ~20 years, China will invade a couple places, we'll do nothing. North Korea will take over South Korea, we'll do nothing.

A couple generations after that, assuming America even exists, they'll own us. Foreign powers already own our ports, highways, etc, and you shouldn't be worried about a nuclear war. We've been getting rid of our nukes, not working on new technology with nukes, etc, and that's why we don't like North Korea. They're 60 years behind, yes, but we've done nothing while they've caught up. And a single nuke, or a dozen nukes, will do plenty enough. Sure we have 1000, but in all this time we don't have a real deterrent or defense to nuclear weaponry.

I hope it doesn't come to war, but at this point, honestly, you should join me in welcoming the nukes.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Heh. North Korea is like the younger brother who tries to challenge and bully his much more stable older brother (South Korea) and tries to fight a cousin(or ally, USA for example). The North Korean government is just too foolish; if nuclear warfare breaks out, we'll loose maybe a state or two, which isn't too much of a problem in the long run (we can repopulate and rebuild, can't we?) while our nuclear weapons would devastate the North Korean land, but we have to be careful about using them because of all our friends around the troublesome North Korea.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
And the Deathclaws, don't forget about the Deathclaws.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Gotta side with the us and South Korea here, the citizens of North Korea are mostly below the poverty line while their leader lives in palaces and builds nuclear stockpiles, not to mention the fact that they used to test chemical weapons on prisoners.

But I think the world's smart enough to not delve into nuclear war, I mean we came bloody close back in the cold war and I think that's as close as we're ever gonna get to a worldof cannibalism and nuka cola (unfortunately).


New member
Jul 20, 2010
superbatranger said:
Actually Kim Jong-il is not the God Emperor of North Korea. His father is, and his father is dead. Yea, apparently in their constitution there is a line that says, "Under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the Korean people will hold the great leader Comrade Kim Il-sung in high esteem as the eternal President of the Republic."

Yea, I know it's scary. So, apparently Kim Jong-il is the de facto, or acting, leader of the country, but his father is the official leader, despite being dead for the past 16 years.
Hmm I did not know that. I was joking anyways, but the more you know...


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Valiance said:
It's very simple, really.

What would you rather do, OP, let our allies get attacked by a country that's been building up for a war for roughly 60 years? North Korea's been waiting until the 'world police' ie: the UN (ie: Amurica) has leadership that they think wouldn't do anything about it?

Maybe we'll stand and fight it now, but in ~20 years, China will invade a couple places, we'll do nothing. North Korea will take over South Korea, we'll do nothing.

A couple generations after that, assuming America even exists, they'll own us. Foreign powers already own our ports, highways, etc, and you shouldn't be worried about a nuclear war. We've been getting rid of our nukes, not working on new technology with nukes, etc, and that's why we don't like North Korea. They're 60 years behind, yes, but we've done nothing while they've caught up. And a single nuke, or a dozen nukes, will do plenty enough. Sure we have 1000, but in all this time we don't have a real deterrent or defense to nuclear weaponry.

I hope it doesn't come to war, but at this point, honestly, you should join me in welcoming the nukes.
What are you talking about?

The US Air Force also operates a strategic nuclear bomber fleet. The bomber force consists of 94 B-52 Stratofortresses, and 19 B-2 Spirits.

In addition to this, the US armed forces can also deploy smaller "tactical" nuclear weapons either through cruise missiles or with conventional fighter-bombers. The U.S. maintains about 400 nuclear gravity bombs capable of use by F-15, F-16, and F-35.

And the US Navy currently has 18 Ohio-class submarines deployed, of which 14 are ballistic missile submarines. Each submarine is equipped with a complement of 24 Trident II missiles, and some Trident missiles are equipped with the W88 warhead. Approximately 12 U.S. attack submarines are equipped to launch, but do not currently carry nuclear Tomahawk missiles.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
I am an American; however, I live in South Korea. No one here is concerned about the threat of attack from the North. This is all just hyped up by the media to get everyone riled up. The war is still on-going it is in a 60 year ceasefire agreement. Every time the South Koreans and the Americans hold a military readiness drill, the North rattles its saber. Threatening nuclear war is interesting as they do not have nuclear strike capability at this time so, they will be hard pressed to actually do anything but conventional warfare.

The North does have the northern half of South Korea targeted with artillery (up to the Han River) but the North only has first strike capability they can not sustain a long, hard war with the South and it's supporters without Chinese intervention. The North is China's puppet so, I do not see anything coming out of this latest threat. All this is for Jong il showing his own party in the North's government how strong he still is so that he can garner support for when his third son (Kim Jong un) takes his place as ruler of the country. With any luck he will be weak and the military will start a coup deposing him as 'The Dear Leader.'