North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
US wouldn't use nukes if used in korea - - absolutely no need to. We have a very capable army and very precise weapons.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I'd say neither side will actually press the button, but the NK government are just insane enough to do it, not to mention, well prepared, with all their bunkers and such.

TBH, in the event that the excersises continue, I dare say the best thing for america to do if these threats continue would be to make the terrible decision to launch first. I honestly never thought I'd say something like that, and now I'm off to hastily join the "if fallout happens" group...


New member
Apr 11, 2010
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was 60 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
'Nam 2030?

In all honestly, it sounds like there accusing them because of the fact they can. A investigation should be conducted before they go deploying 1st Force Recon and what not.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Jack and Calumon said:
Why do I now have the image of Obama saying, "Shut the hell up." And hitting the launch button first? My god that would be strange.

Yeah, so tell me how the vaults work out America!

Calumon: Protect Bandit Keith!
...In America!


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Oh North Korea, you so crazy. Kind of on topic, but I vaguely remember watching a documentary about a foreign aid doctor who helped cure blind North Koreans. Once they had the ability to see again, they instantly fell to their knees and praised Kim Jong-Il for curing them. Yeah.

Basically, North Korea is FUBAR.

snave said:
Radeonx said:
You do realize that America was in the Korean war that was 60 years ago, right? And they actually had a reason to be there. It's basically fighting old battles, which is stupid, but I can see why we'd want to fight them.
Just to fact correct here. That "old battle" is technically not old. The Korean War never truly ended: a peace treaty was never signed. Really, both sides just gave up on fighting it. As such it stands to this day as the longest running currently-active military conflict in the world.
Ha! I never knew that. Well, the more you know.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
As much as the USA would love to give North Korea a black eye over the situation they can't really afford to right now as they are stretched a bit thin. Having these exercises so close to North Korea will put them on the spot. If they act the USA will call on its allies, yes UK that means you. But that also means China as they have an invested interest in the area. And an interest that things in the area stay quiet. I'd be far less worried about the USA's reaction to anything North Korea does, but worry about how China will view it.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Honestly, I know this guy thinks he's legit, but if he tries to nuke us he'll probably miss. Just ignore him and he'll stop.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Subzerowings said:
The discussion here is: "Who do you side with and what should happen?
Personally, whoever fires the nuke second. It's pretty difficult to get on the side of someone who decided to start a nuclear war, and is easier to side with whoever fires in retaliation.

But regardless, I'll start building a bunker, stock up on canned food and keep a stash of modern tech.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Scrumpmonkey said:
AwesomeFerret said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
Eggsnham said:
Looks like I'm moving to the UK a bit earlier than expected.

I wonder if Canada's safe?
Who would bother to nuke Canada? :p
Why take the chance? He should get to the UK as fast as he can. Even if there never is a war, he would still be better off for living in the UK.
No i mean who would take the time/ funds to nuke it? It's like nuking gilford. Just seems like a waste of good nukes.
You say that as if there are in fact such things as good nukes.


Certified Deviant
Jul 17, 2008
Oh those silly North Koreans, they don't even have a missile capable of reaching the US or even Hawaii, US bases in South Korea and Japan is a whole different story though, and I think Kim is crazy enough to start a Second Korean war...


New member
Apr 1, 2009
For a nuclear war to happen, North Korea would need rockets that could hit the broadside of a barn.....and they currently don't.

Nor will they most likely ever before the US uses it's orbital space laser to blow them up in mid-air.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
So basically, America and South Korea are poking North Korea with a big stick to see if it will attack them or cower back in fear!


New member
Mar 13, 2010
From my observations:

North Korea has been thumping its chest and barking menacingly at the world for a long time... Most likely, it's all sound and fury, signifying nothing.

The country itself is essentially a feudal prison camp. The nobody in, nobody out policy of border control has crippled their economy by itself, even without the help of international sanctions for bad behavior. When you can't afford to feed your workers, you can't afford to go to war. Up against USA and China, as superpowers, along with their allies, the best they could hope for is to strike at critical targets before being annihilated.

One of the big problems they have in achieving any successful strike is that while they might have nuclear armament, from the 60's, they most likely have not developed effective methods for delivering the payloads (long range aircraft, ICBMs or submarines)) that could not be countered by countries actively sinking money into missile, air and navy defense systems.

The people of Korea itself should be the subject of pity in this matter since North Koreans live horrible, abused, famished lives and the South Koreans just want to get along and strive to get in on the good stuff of western economies, while living in fear of a conjoined twin that wants you dead by the whim of a ruthless, loud tyrant.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
While this is not the UK's fight (yet) and I know that NK's nuclear capability is about as effective as a pigeon with a single 5.56mm DU round strapped to it, it still worries me. Here you have Kim-Il-Thingy, who is utterly potty, with his finger on the button. Any nuclear detonation anywhere is going to elicit a response. Someone mentioned that the best NK can do is land a nuke on the tip of Alaska. Sure it might not do much harm but it's still an attack on US soil and they would be well within their rights to retaliate.

Ironically I used to worry more about the US - I mean, would you feel safe knowing that GW Bush had his finger on the red button?

Anyway, the way I see it is this. The SK's are rightfully miffed that someone sank their ship and all evidence allegedly points to NK. The US have never really liked NK and so have sided with SK to stand up to the bullying NK's. I can see the logic but at the same time it's blatantly rattling the sabre. Mind you, it's the lesser of two evils in this case. Best do something than nothing.

Anyone in NK with an ounce of sense will look at the US and SK display and realise that they're on to a major loser if they carry out their threat. OK so Kim's a nutcase and might not pay attention but I wouldn't be surprised if the NK civvies and even the armed forces etc. wise up and leg it before the shit hits the fan! I wouldn't rule out an internal attempt at a coup either! Seriously - if you knew your nutter of a leader was willing to defy all warnings and launch an offensive that will only result in you and your country being blasted into atoms then you'd go to some pretty desperate measures to stop it!



New member
Apr 6, 2010
Well, I'm a bit surprised that anyone wants to wage war on America. I know I've probably been Ninja'd, but considering what happened to the Japanese in WWII, I don't think either of us wants to go through that again. Of course, Kim Jong Ill is pretty loony. I'm not a big fan of President Obama, but I hope that when war is at stake he'll make the right decision.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
It's Kim Jong Ill, he's insane. If you accidentally overcook his steak he'll shoot bombs at your house.

Also, are there any household items that are effective against radscorpions?


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Personally can't wait till that tired tacky little regime gets done like Ceausescu.
(I'm talking about North Korea).