North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Engarde said:
dogstile said:
This is what's going to destroy the planet. Technology being used by idiots.
This basically sums up my opinion. Well said, Sir!
well America cant nuke without the UK agreeing to nuke NK as-well.And we don't have enough troops to fight in another war right now so I don't think UK will agree to America nuking but NK could nuke at their own will I think.

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
Why do you keep talkin about nuclear warheads....okay....lets say US cant bomb the shit out of North Korea...whats stopping them from unleashing 10,000 NORMAL rockets....i reckon that would level the whole damn country witheout any radiation! Its still a win....

Even if we look this with simple numbers.....korea lunches 100 missles....US lunches 10,000....seriously who do you think will win o_O Not to mention the US has better technology and arsenal at its hands....
but even if US and N. Korea were at the same tech level....Us has ALOT more soldiers at their disposal. I just dont get it....why do North Korea keep trying to pick a war with SOuth Korea and the US....its like beign a suicide bomber!
And even if they do hit hard at the US/S.Korea alliance...the whole damn world will want to blow them up.....and North Korea doesnt fart nuclear missles and soldiers and food...and ammo....that bloody place exsists solely because half the wolrd donates to them.....

Readign some of the comments in this it possible that N.Korea knows something that 90% of the world population there a secret alliance in which N.Korea is a member of. its like a cat picking a fight with a dog and a lion.....
it makes no sense.....if it was china instead of N. Korea...okay.....then id will be very complicated...but North Korea has absolutely no FUCKIN CHANCE in winning this thing....the only resutls from a potential war will be oblivion....prehaps the next Fallout Game will be called
FALLOUT: North Korea..... -_-`


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Sep 3, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
Eggsnham said:
Looks like I'm moving to the UK a bit earlier than expected.

I wonder if Canada's safe?
Who would bother to nuke Canada? :p
Nobody, but we're close enough to the US to receive some nasty radioactive weather from accross the border. This would have me somewhat concerned, living in southwestern Ontario and all.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
TimeLord said:
So basically, America and South Korea are poking North Korea with a big stick to see if it will attack them or cower back in fear!
Do you live in North Korea? If not, you really need to not post such rubbish, if you are then it's understandable since your basically a prisoner.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
in what way did i imply it had the cliche "timer"?
What kind of rhetorical question is that? At NO POINT in all I have written did I EVER use the word "timer" or "cliché". What are you accusing me of accusing you of?

YOU talked about special forces sneaking in and detonating North Korean nukes, it's is hardly going to be a suicide mission where they detonate it while they are still within range.

Bottom Line: special forces can't solve this problem.

Special forces are for fighting small footloose units of terrorists, insurgents, mobile missile batteries and so on. They CANNOT survive a stand up fight with a large force of even conscript troops.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Of course I would side with America. North Korea is batshit crazy. The rest of the world keeps nukes around only as deterrence, basically so they can say "don't nuke us or we'll nuke you back." North Korea on the other hand constantly threatens to nuke stuff. Nuclear war has never happened before, and hopefully it never does, because it'll just end up as a shit ton of civilians dying on both sides.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Rakkana said:
To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
*sigh* Same here, we always get pulled into it. I blame our stupid, spineless government, for being America's ***** and fighting their wars.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ultimateownage said:
Rakkana said:
To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
*sigh* Same here, we always get pulled into it. I blame our stupid, spineless government, for being America's ***** and fighting their wars.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see and start slowly moving supplies to our lair - just in case.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
Jamous said:
ultimateownage said:
Rakkana said:
To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
*sigh* Same here, we always get pulled into it. I blame our stupid, spineless government, for being America's ***** and fighting their wars.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see and start slowly moving supplies to our lair - just in case.
Indeed, that's why being Vault Tec CEO is so useful.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
In case of Nuclear war, it will be safe down under in Australia cause it's so isolated. If there people gonna seek shelter here, here's one tip. DON'T COME IN A BOAT!


Bullets... they don't affect me.
Feb 17, 2010
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.

EDIT: Seeing as a whole lot of people keep quoting me over how "OMG America CAN nuke N.Korea!", let me explain.

Think about how many allies America has close to North Korea. The resulting fallout of the nuclear warheads may very well spread to South Korea, Japan, maybe China. Its probably the reason why America didn't nuke North Korea yet.
The main reason we havn't hit N. Korea yet is the same reason we havn't hit Afghanistan or Iraq yet... Our gov't is mainly composed of pansies.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
This whole situation is beyond depressing. North Korea is a military nation in all senses of the word, and it beggars belief that the America-SK alliance seems to think that the only way to deter them from attacking is to look big and strong.

If North Korea goes off, it doesn't matter who or what they're up against - they'll simply declare total war, and for once, I think they're one of the few nations that could back that up. If the state demanded it, I'm confident that they could marshal every man, woman and child to take up arms and fight.

It'd be nice if we tried to use the carrot more than the stick when it came to these situations. It's idealistic, but hell, it's better than an endless battle of two belligerent assholes shouting 'Oh Yeah?' at each-other at an increasing level of volume.


Bullets... they don't affect me.
Feb 17, 2010
Also, on November 8th, 1965, 400 American and Australian soldiers defended themselves from over 1200 VC troops, losing 48 soldiers, and killing over 400 of the enemy. The American/Australian forces killed almost 10 of the enemy for every 1 that was killed by the enemy, illistrating that our forces are more effective than theirs.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Oh mother of God, are you seriously using the Vietnam conflict as an example of American Military superiority?

No. Just, no.


New member
May 1, 2009
stinkychops said:
I'm sorry what?

What does the problem in the Pentagon have to do with wanting NK to win?

NK is a government that is starving its own people. Their economy is shit because no-one will trade with them, because they treat their people and their neighbours like shit.

Why would anyone side with NK? Why should they 'stay the hell out of this', if one of their ships was torpedoed?

FFS, don't look at whether your countries made mistakes and allow that to stop you from defending yourself. That kind of logic is idiotic.
"Oh no, the war in Iraq was a bit of a dumb-move."
"Yeah, we better not mess with those Koreans now. Even though they threatened us with killing everyone in our country"
"After there was CP in the pentagon, how can you not want the 300 million + Americans to mind their own business/die?"

"I believe that no decisions have been made yet whether or not the military exercises are going to continue, but it would surely defeat any purpose if they're trying to stop North Korea from taking action since North Korea will unleash a nuclear war if they do those exercises."

Why shouldn't the military excercises continue? Because China's been discluded? Because NK doesn't like them practising defending themselves from it?

Seriously. What is your justification here?

(Also, religion and politics)
You got it wrong.
The US isn't doing the military exercises to defend themselves from North Korea, they're doing it to try and impress/scare the North Koreans with their military power.
North Korea threatens to go to war if they will continue with these exercises, but the exercises will still go on thus the US and South Korea are provocing/ignoring their threats.
If North Korea takes action then there will be casualties.
The US and South Korean governments are risking lives to do some military exercises for 4 days.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Normalgamer said:
TimeLord said:
So basically, America and South Korea are poking North Korea with a big stick to see if it will attack them or cower back in fear!
Do you live in North Korea? If not, you really need to not post such rubbish, if you are then it's understandable since your basically a prisoner.


I really don't understand how your post makes any sense at all.

What TimeLord said is basically true.


New member
May 1, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
america is TOO POWERFUL for north korea. they know the moment they try ANYTHING they'll be bum rushed by china (who hate north korea more than us), europe, maybe russia, and maybe the south americans. when North korea tries something, kim jong il and his regime are dead.
America is too powerful to handle for North Korea, but Kim is crazy and would gladly bomb the hell out of Seoul, small populations and his own people.
Even America can't stop all those missiles and engaging with them would cost a lot of lives.