@Notch and the 'F-bomb'


New member
Apr 23, 2011
So today there's been something of an explosion over on Twitter with the revelation that someone at the Minecon event in Las Vegas 'dropped the F-bomb' in front of some kids, much to the dismay of Minecraft creator/demi-god, Markus Alexej Persson, aka Notch. Apparently, the culprits were in fact the Yogscast with their opening skit being the offending article(can't confirm this). This is an interesting case as in the past I've questioned the sensibilities of the Youtube gaming community, in terms of censorship, and thought I'd ask The Escapist community how they feel.

By sensibilities I'm referring to the casual sexism, disablism, homophobia, crude language etc. Personally, I have no problems with cursing. I would say that I swear fairy often and I find it strange that people would be offended. Fuck is a great word for enunciating views both critically and for comedic effect. The issue of swearing in front of children is a bit of tough one. My nine year old brother loves the Yogscast, he watches it for their gameplay and humour, most of which clearly goes over his head. They regularly make suggestive references (case point: masturbation with Notch) which he clearly does not understand. All of his friends also watch the Yogscast which means they are privy to language and information I wasn't until much later on life. He does, however, understand that to repeat this language is wrong. Is Notch overreacting?

As for the sexism, disablism and homophobia, that nonsense makes me cringe. Even revered Youtubers such as Seananners(who I love by the way) make silly throwaway comments about 'acting gay' or 'no homo ;)'. The same thing goes for the overuse of the word 'retarded' as an insult. Chat about 'banging chicks' is fairly normal too. So many kids watch these videos and assume these attitudes are acceptable. I'm sure the people in the community who are female, disabled or gay don't enjoy it. Female presenters, such as Tara Long on Destructoid, are open to regular abuse from viewers/trolls, purely because they are female. The irrelevant comments they receive quite often project pure hatred.

We need to remember that playground politics do after all originate in the playground.

So, what do you think? Are these problems that need to be addressed? Do you think they are acceptable? Are they even there?

Edit: Several people have alluded to the similar case in the UK where, comedian Ricky Gervais attempted to "claim back the word mong". An eloquent retort came from fellow comedian Richard Herring here: http://www.richardherring.com/warmingup/?id=3276
Also, in the end, Ricky Gervais apologised for his mini-campaign after speaking to the mother of a child with down's syndrome. Interesting in his case was the fact that he claimed 'mong' no was no longer associated with disability, yet continuously posted pictures of himself doing the 'mong-face'.

Edit 2: Hmmm, some people seem to be getting the wrong end of the stick. This post was meant to open debate using Notch vs. Yogscast as a lead (hence the further link to a relevant topic). At the time of posting I'd only seen Notch's tweets saying "I'm very sorry about the behavior of the people we won't work with any more. Celebrity or not, you don't f-bomb kids" and "Yes, Yogscast." There was no intention to mislead or wind people up. Most people understand what I meant. I didn't know the full story and, seeing as Yogscast still haven't made a statement, it'd be silly to link to Notch's side without hearing them out. Anyway, as I said, this story was just a lead into my other questions. I'm not a journalist, I was just curious to see what people think. There's no conspiracy on my part. However, once Yogscast have made a statement I'll add a link (If someone else wants to post or mail me a link it'd be good).
How a statement like this "I'm sure the people in the community who are female, disabled or gay don't enjoy it" can be taken has been an eyeopener too. Ooft. Psychoanalysts abound ;)

Edit 3: Here's a link to Yogscast's defence statement and video: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mnau9 http://youtu.be/HddMANh3Xis
Here's what Notch said, I think... http://i.imgur.com/v4TrW.png (Ta Psycho-Toaster!)

So it all seems to be a misunderstanding. What a surprise...


New member
Aug 4, 2011
I don't really see a problem. Youtube is open and free, if people are offended by what they hear they can watch something else or argue with the offending party.


New member
May 6, 2011
I don't think it's strange to want people speaking at your event to an audience composed partly of kids to keep it age-appropriate. "Never working with them again" is arguably a bit of an overreaction, but it's within reason.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I don't see a problem with his reaction. Minecraft is a pretty kid friendly game, I think that part of its designs was on purpose. Makes sense Notch would want to keep his convention kid friendly too.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Show me a kid who doesn't know the words Fuck, *****, slut, ****, whore or asshole.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

Probably just him trying to save face with his company in case some "Oh god my sensibilities I must sue!" idiots come along or making sure they'll be able to comeback for MineCon next year.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Go to any primary or secondary school in the world and you'll hear a lot worse than that.

Hell, play on Xbox Live for 3 minutes, younger people saying worse things more frequently, mixed in with violence too.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
My 2 cents:

This whole debate is fucking ridiculous.

Since when is it youtubes job, or the Yogcasts job, or Notchs job to protect children from foul language?

Remember when we used to have those funny things called "parents" to take care of that? Its like banning Pulp Fiction from television because some kid somewhere could still be up watching and midnight.

Oh yeah, and fuck the Yogcast and Seananners. Their videos fucking suck. Boring mindless dribble.

(Sorry, I cant get through a thread which discusses Yogcast and Seananners without saying it.)
Half of what you said was right, the last bit can only be responded to with "Then don't fucking watch it and let us who like Yogcast get on with it without people saying things which equate to "fucking suck. Boring mindless dribble." on the escapist.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
It seems a bit of a strong reaction, especially if there wasn't any warnings behind the scenes about that sort of thing. People use different levels of diction than others, and if Mojang and crew failed to expect cussing from the Yogscast after reviewing them for a spot in the convention, then that is their mistake, not the Yogscast's.

Josh Horton

New member
Apr 6, 2011
Totalbiscuit was not happy about Notch's decision about the whole situation and my response to TB's post about it was, "In all honesty, if the kids there have seen the Yogscast previously, than they were perfectly aware of the swearing... >_>"

I've watched the Yogscast for such a long time and there has rarely been a video of theirs without a swear word at all.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I find it odd that he was offended at the yogscast saying the f-word in front of children, when he talked about masturbation and shagging simons mother in a interview he did with them, which will be watched by Thousands of children.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Lord Mountbatten Reborn said:
Won't somebody please think of the children? Keep them closeted from stuff they probably already know!
Because everyone knows they don't share this kind of stuff in Elementary school! I didn't learn about this stuff until I was a proper adult and could handle the shock to my sensitive head!


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I'm just going to say this: the day western society gets over this ridiculous notion that certain words are inherently "bad" will be a good day indeed.


New member
Apr 28, 2011
Yetipumper said:
I'm sure the people in the community who are female, disabled or gay don't enjoy it.
And there's your problem. Don't presume to know what offends other people. (for a more erudite comment, look up Stephen Fry bits on youtube.)

Also: In British English swearwords are much more common, deal with it.

Melon Hunter

Chief Procrastinator
May 18, 2009
It annoys me how childish his reaction is though. A statement on the Minecraft website or some other official Mojang outlet, yes. Announcing it on Twitter and refusing to even say Yogscast, instead referring to them only as 'the people we're not working with anymore'? Yeah, real smooth. Not to mention he had to clarify it was the Yogscast later to some followers because they had no idea who he was talking about. That's what bitchy pre-teens do, not grown men in charge of a highly successful company. Furthermore, the Yogscast have over 1 million subscribers, a good deal of them solely for their Minecraft videos. Does he honestly think it's a good idea to completely disassociate with them over one curse word?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Dense_Electric said:
I'm just going to say this: the day western society gets over this ridiculous notion that certain words are inherently "bad" will be a good day indeed.
Yeah, just wish the day would come sooner.

Granted, Fuck will eventually be turned into a lesser swear and some other word will take its place.

Kinda like Humbug, that's not some cute word for "I don't like it" it's old slang for Bullshit.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Yetipumper said:
overuse of the word 'retarded' as an insult.
As someone with a younger brother who is deaf/blind, I don't see a problem with using it as an insult. I used to, then I realized these people aren't talking about my brother, or any specifically 'retarded' person.

I see it more this way, they aren't comparing them to a group of people who are mentally handicapped, due to a physical/genetic some other condition.

They're calling them retarded in a way that says they are actively choosing to do things that don't make sense. They're acting like dumbasses so to speak.

That and life is too short to be constantly offended by offhanded comments.