Nothing you do is ever going to matter


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Of course the world will never know i existed. The world is several billion years old and has housed thousands of species, most of them having gone extinct. The world won't remember humans in general. After we kill ourselves off and our cities are reduced to dust by the shifting plates and plant life, the Earth will move on to it's next genetically mutated form of life that may or may not achieve sentience.

And if that isn't bad enough, the Earth is just one planet orbiting one of tens of thousands of stars in our single galaxy, and our galaxy is only one of Haruhi knows how many. We're feeble insignificant atoms in the universe, and as we are even now, our existence is completely unknown.

Strangely enough i'm comfortable with that. Low expectations for my species in general.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
I think there's nothing un-respectable about simply leaving your small corner of the world as good or better than you found it. If everybody did just that, how awesome would life be?


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Bloodastral said:
If at first you don't suceed, try, try again. Imagine if Isaac Newton hadn't bothered to discover gravity, then where would we be? Floating off into space and being eaten by black holes that's where! So the motto of this story is don't give up.
And then who would officially be the Deadliest Son of a ***** In Space?

OT: I don't care if what I do matters to the world, it just needs to positively affect those I care about.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Just because it's unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible, so even if you don't succeed you should still try to.

I can't even think of a sarcastic line for that either, just pure idealistic gobbledygook.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
The optimism in this thread is making me feel dirty.

Who cares about "the world"? Who cares how many people you're recognised or admired by? It's not just individuals such as yourself who are worthless, it's humanity as a whole. The world is transient. The existence of our entire species is pointless and insignificant. No matter how many people you affect, nothing you, or anyone, will do will ever be meaningful or worthwhile. Kill yourself you worthless fuck.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
OP is quite right, YOU and me are irrelevant. Unless you discover something that will progress humanity you will continue being a nobody in a world that is full of them.

p.s. In case you don`t know the meaning of life is to have kids.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
tzimize said:
OT: Depends on how you look at it op. Sure, I'm not gonna win the nobel prize or an oscar (or some other prize that is internationally recognized), but I AM the most important person in the universe for at least 1 person in the world. And I'm pretty important to a handful of others.

That surely mean I matter? A lot?

I dont care at all if the world recognize me as important or not. In fact, I dont really care much about the world at all. If my international impact on the world is zero, it doesnt bother me at all.
This sums up my Statement


New member
Aug 21, 2010
bulldogftw said:
I knew it

Moderator Edit: Please do not make low content posts.
pfft i got put on probation for a post that small.

anyway who cares about the world. just make your own little world matter to you and make sure one other person remembers your name after you die and thats enough.

with 6 billion going on 7 billion people, how many peoples names do you know off the top of your head. 100-1000 maybe. thats a very small % of the world. So unless you are that awesome at something that you are in the top 0.0000001 of the worlds population you will not be remembered or even known and that shouldnt make you feel any less worth while. your just like everyone else.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Whatever. I just want to enjoy my life and live comfortably, and I don't really care if I manage to change world suring that course.
I don't see why I shouldn't try, or why others shouldn't. You do what you want, man, live your life, have fun and stop worrying.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
There are 3 types, though each carrying a moderate amount of sub groups, of people. Those who are just bound to succeed and usually do. Those who succeed because they supported the succeeder and triumph by his success, and those who dream big but always fall short.
Its up to you to decide where your final destination is and how your going to get there. The unfortunate part is, that decision alone is something a lot of people overlook and forget to answer until its too late and they've already made all the wrong commitments.
Everything you do WILL matter.... for the span of your life and longer because everything you do will affect you and so long as you are a person, it matters. for every one person, theres another twenty linked to him/her through some connection. every decision you make affects them and so force like a ripple in the water.

You matter, I matter, my neighbor who seems to enjoy mowing the lawn in the middle of winter matters.

Humans exist to matter


New member
Sep 8, 2008
I dont know about you, but when I make my Shindlers list/citizen kane/fight club-esque master piece, I'm having my name stuck on the box. Also I'd like to think that by the time I'm old enough to achieve that, we'll have accepted video games as a legitimate form of media instead of the catalyst for the apocalypse


New member
Jul 22, 2008
As a lot of people have pointed out; everything you do matters to someone, even if it is only yourself. If you have self respect then that should be the opinion that matters most.
As far as what a persons achievements mean to the world at large, that is as much a case of timing and conviction as it is talent. Film stars, musicians, directors, artists, even politicians, all become footnotes in history, with only a very small few actually becoming history themselves. James Cameron may be the most famous director in the world but he is just part of history; Orson Welles IS history. Madonna - part of history; Elvis - history.
In some cases talent isn't even an issue. Nelson Mandela has cemented his place as a historical figure through nothing more than a clear belief in what was unjust, and nothing less than the conviction to stand up for those beliefs regardless the cost.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
I know. Therefore my goal in life is to enjoy myself and make the lives of those I care about that little bit better in any way I can.

Also, just because I'll probably not be remember in 500 years time, that's no reason for me to act like I won't be. As long as I can raise my kids right and make sure they don't repeat my mistakes, I won't need to be remembered, since my teachings will live on, if I taught them right.

Plus there'll always be that picture of that night you got your drunk on at that party on the internet.



New member
Aug 15, 2010
Even if that's true... what I do matters to me.

I don't think judging yourself, or others' worth, based on how many wikipedia articles they have- or how many history textbooks they're in- is a very wise way to go about life.

I don't think about whether or not I'll be remembered a hundred years down the line; I think about how I'll affect others, and myself, today.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
My brother, nothing I ever do will ever matter one bit in the grand scheme of things when compared with the changes brought on by masses of people working the world over on things I may or may not agree with or even know about.
In fact, I'm going to jump off a building right now, we all should!

hahahaha kidding, man. Nobody should care that the world doesn't give a damn, that'd be hypocritical. Do I spend all my day worrying about all the poor sods having existential crises or that accomplished feats I'll never know about?
I'm going to sip my coffee now and forget all my worries.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
On various other threads I've posted walls of test on this subject: it's a true statement, that we're not really anything in the long run.

We get by by making arbitrary rules and arbitrary goals, and then playing our own games, whatever they may be.

The trick is to realise this, comprehend it, and say: "Fuck this, I'm going to matter to me".