TheIronRuler said:
topkek... I'm sad the monument is gone, happy I got to see it as a child.
Gone? The cathedral is still standing, and seems to be structurally sound. Only the roof and some stained windows got completely destroyed.
[quote]I'm mostly laughing now because it just shows to me the natural decline of churches in France.[/quote] What part of catching fire during the renovation is "natural" decline?
[quote]There's a national architectural competition for replacing the spire, and I for one would love it if they built a minaret there. The Hagia Sofia weeps, and Notre Dam could very well be next.[/quote]
Oh... Right.
Next time instead of trying to be clever, just say that "muslems are to blame".[/quote]
To be fair, Erdogan is thumbing his nose at the express wishes of the founder of Modern Turkey in doing that and destroying one of the great pillars of Turkey's once proud secularism. If he'd tried it a decade ago he'd have been fucking lynched in the street because one did not contradict Ataturk within the borders of the country.