Now that Fallout 4 is being teased, what would you like to see in the next installment?


New member
Dec 13, 2011
Saladfork said:
I agree wholeheartedly with all of these. Frankly, what Bethesda did to the brotherhood was... just kind of weird. If you only played fallout 3, and then played New Vegas, you'd probably get really confused about why the quintessential 'good guys' were such dicks.
Actually, they very well establish the fact that this an unusual situation. And that this chapter of the brotherhood has pretty much gone rogue.


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Dec 13, 2011
Jedi-Hunter4 said:
Terminate421 said:
Setting it in Atlanta, we've heard nothing about what the nukes did to the southern states. Besides, if we go down south enough:


And to anyone else, they aren't setting it outside of America. It won't happen and wouldn't work
Um why????
Because fallout is not only post-apocalyptia. Fallout is also outdated americana seen through the filter of America's 50's. It is part of the series identity. I hated my friends back in the UK that wanted Fallout:London for the same reason. Fallout is more than just ruins and geiger counters, it is also a vision of the apocalypse as seen through America's 50's idea of nuclear war.


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Dec 13, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Pandabearparade said:
Unfortunately that won't happen. Bethesda already said they wouldn't take Fallout out of America. It kind of makes sense, Fallout has a very American style to it.
Although they do add people like Tenpenny, who came to America from Great Biritan after the war, because Great Britian is so bad that the Capital Wasteland is considered better.

that really gives you an idea about just how bad the rest of the world is.
Yeah, they think that America is better, but they haven't really seen it. On DC getting from Raven Rock to Rivet City is considered a boastful feat that only the strongest men could ever accomplish. However, the British have enough resources so that one random yahoo can stock up and make a 3 month-long trip over to America.


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Jul 9, 2010
the northeast again, Around new york city

A new engine

A development kit so we can make our own mods

I been asking for this since Fo3, I would like to see just one area in the fallout world that has some semblance of a life that isnt crap. an agrarian society, ,something.

well developed characters, good voice acting.

Mossberg Shotty

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Jan 12, 2013
I hope they do something about the characters. Theres just something about all of them that looks... wrong. And no matter how hard you try, every character you make ends up looking like Edward Norton. Even the ladies, though I can't explain that phenomenon.

In fact, I wouldn't mind if they overhauled the entire engine. Fallout 3 and New Vegas just looked too similar, despite the drastically different settings. It's too unpolished and samey, theres a problem when you can burn yourself out on both games by just playing one of them. They need to shake up the formula.

As for setting, London has a nice vibe to it.I can already imagine scavenging derelict double-decker buses.


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Oct 7, 2011
Saladfork said:
The_Lost_King said:
Saladfork said:
(And clearly it's possible, that bar owner in Megaton came from the U.K.).
and a bunch of little kids were able to stand against mutants. Excuse me if I don't take anything in Fallout 3 seriously.
Fair enough, but I still maintain that there's bound to be some interesting shit lying in wait in the radioactive oceans of the fallout universe. Knowing their maker's penchant for shout-outs, there's a pretty good chance we'd see something bizaare and Lovecraftian.
... and then a giant monster rises out of the depths. It's Cthulu, noooooooooooooo!!!!

Though, I heard somewhere that large bodies of water can't be irradiated or somehting. Plus the ocean wouldn't be very irradiated because they didn't nuke the ocean.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Jfswift said:
Terminate421 said:
Setting it in Atlanta, we've heard nothing about what the nukes did to the southern states. Besides, if we go down south enough:


And to anyone else, they aren't setting it outside of America. It won't happen and wouldn't work
Ugh, no. Don't give Bethesda any ideas. I watched a show on Netflix about alligators once. They aren't classified as super predators without a reason. :(
Well, we've already had something (deathclaws) that punches bears (yao guai) to death, so are alligators really a step up?


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Jul 14, 2009
SecondPrize said:
A $20 price point on steam by the time unpaid fans have fixed the game. And I want a motorcycle.
I don't think you understand how Bethesda works, mate.

My previous statement notwithstanding, I would like to see a return to it's roots. Yes, I grew into the first two, played the second one first and loved it immensely, and would love to see that kind of game again. Less "streamlining", though to be honest making it into a shitty first person shooter was a bad idea from the start. It was like a game that was Fallout themed more than it was an actual Fallout game. Kind of gives me the same feeling that Final Fantasy's numbered sequels that were MMOs give me; it just seems off.

It will never happen, everything needs to look like an action game, even role-playing games, the shootier the better. Shame, that.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
This is why i cant stand bethesda.

"Lets create a huge world, and dumb the player in"

that idea is nearly 10+ years old, it annoys me that Bethesda cant write an interesting story or at least create one interesting character to save their life.

Learn from Farcry 3 please


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Nov 21, 2009
Terminate421 said:
Setting it in Atlanta
Hey, wasn't that the airport everyone talks about?
Terminate421 said:
YES. THIS. Just... so much this.

OT: In my opinion I want to have more of a game based around the BH Of Steel, because that part of the game for me was really something. Sad that we probably wont ever see a setpeice as awesome as the airfield again...

I loved that fucking airfield. Shooting down dropships with a Tesla Cannon? Awesome.

Cappy: "global warming." I don't think that is the ONLY problem in the Wastes right now.


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Mar 12, 2012
Icehearted said:
SecondPrize said:
A $20 price point on steam by the time unpaid fans have fixed the game. And I want a motorcycle.
I don't think you understand how Bethesda works, mate.

My previous statement notwithstanding, I would like to see a return to it's roots. Yes, I grew into the first two, played the second one first and loved it immensely, and would love to see that kind of game again. Less "streamlining", though to be honest making it into a shitty first person shooter was a bad idea from the start. It was like a game that was Fallout themed more than it was an actual Fallout game. Kind of gives me the same feeling that Final Fantasy's numbered sequels that were MMOs give me; it just seems off.

It will never happen, everything needs to look like an action game, even role-playing games, the shootier the better. Shame, that.
I'm pretty damn sure they release good games hidden behind a curtain of bugs, and then fans make patches to fix the bugs.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Terminate421 said:
Setting it in Atlanta, we've heard nothing about what the nukes did to the southern states. Besides, if we go down south enough:

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! Northern parts of the map can be held by a cult of heavily armed bandits who worship a giant statue of a Bulldog and, the south half will have their antithesis: a gang who worships the Mutant Alligators.


Speaking as someone who lives in the Capital Wasteland [sub](I say from personal experience that Olney is in fact inhabited by Deathclaws and, Germantown is inhabited by super mutants)[/sub] I would have said to set a game in a northern city like Chicago or, Detroit. Hell, I would also be open to a game set in Vancouver.


Terminate421 reminded me about the fact that America's Wang has Alligators and Leather Head was my favorite boss from TMNT4. Atlanta would be an awesome place to set a new Fallout but Tampa and Orlando would also be interesting targets, especially if the Fallout-Universe version of Walt Disney was just getting into the swing of building his own secret cult plantation amusement park. Imagine Fallout Orlando: where amusement park mascot zombies try to rip your skin off before being crushed to death by giant pythons, alligators and, geckos.


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Oct 27, 2009
As long as the game has that nice Bethesda-style glitchiness and involves the Commonwealth or some other previously unexplored area like the American south or a different country, I'm buying it.


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Nov 9, 2008
Well, I could go into a long list of hopes and requests, but I can pretty much summarise it as "More like how Obsidian would make it."

However, I understand that is unlikely to happen so my one big request is: please do not try to tie the east and west coast stuff together. They're very different games with very different settings and very different writing styles and it would require incredibly skilled writers to try to combine them, which, frankly, Bethesda are not. I remember in New Vegas that Veronica mentioned a chapter of the Brotherhood out east that had a civil war. That's about the level at which the connections should be; nothing explicit, nothing direct and, for God's sake, no characters moving over.


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Mar 23, 2011
T said:
for God's sake, no characters moving over.
I understand your feeling on this, but I disagree. Importing characters from New Vegas might be the -only- way we're going to see some decent characters in Fallout 4.

I'd love it if they imported Joshua Graham, Boone, Arcade, Veronica, Cass.. well, most of the cast in New Vegas, really. It won't happen, but it would be nice if Bethesda recognized they're not very solid in the writing department and just ripped off New Vegas. Or, better yet, hire the guy who made this mod ( to do some writing for them. It's pretty sad when an amateur who is paid nothing can create a cast of characters that puts theirs to shame without needing to waste millions of dollars on "celebrity" voices.


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Sep 26, 2010
Pandabearparade said:
I'd love it if they imported Joshua Graham, Boone, Arcade, Veronica, Cass.. well, most of the cast in New Vegas, really. It won't happen, but it would be nice if Bethesda recognized they're not very solid in the writing department and just ripped off New Vegas. Or, better yet, hire the guy who made this mod ( to do some writing for them. It's pretty sad when an amateur who is paid nothing can create a cast of characters that puts theirs to shame without needing to waste millions of dollars on "celebrity" voices.
Have you even actually played that mod?

the characters in it offer no more background information then the ones in base Skyrim do.