"We need to discuss this more" "This is a topic worthy of discussion" "People like this are getting in the way of having a meaningful discussion!"
Again with the fucking discussion. How long has feminism existed? About a century, give or take, through three waves. How long has the MHRM existed? About as long, with ebs and flows (though it should be noted the actual movement hasn't really rallied under one name until recently. Until then, they were mostly disparate groups, like pro bachelor clubs, or fathers rights groups.)
What have we accomplished? A whole lot of talk, and not a lot of headway.
All any side has done is ***** at each other, myself included. Point is, the debate of gender equality has been going on for over a hundred years; women can vote and get abortions, the draft has fallen so out of favor as to be political suicide to implement, what the fuck else is there? How much more talking do we need before the slacktivists get off their asses and do something about the issues the care oh so much about? All these gender debates strike me as complete masturbation. And like masturbation it feels good, for while at least. But all things fade, and jerking it will eventually lose it's luster.
As for the comic itself, what else is there to say that hasn't been said already; it looks and reads like it was made by a goddamned five year old. Complete with a utterly juvenile read of the whole fiasco. I'd make a hypocrisy/projection joke, but you already know the punchline.
The nihilist in me wants to say that any social movement is pointless because social change is by it's very nature temporary. Egalitarianism is a fruitless endeavor because you're just going to end up oppressing someone else. We are all just lumps of organic matter, sitting on a mud ball hurtling through space, so insignificant on the cosmic scale as to be completely nonexistent. (The rest would be me having a nervous breakdown, but I doubt anyone came to a comment section to hear about my philosophical views.)