Obama: "Turn off the video games and pick up a book."


New member
Oct 24, 2010
I spend just as much time reading as I do playing video games.
Sometimes I read while playing video games!


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I think it'd be easy for us to feel threatened by this statement but this isn't an anti-video games statement, it's a sensible statement about good parenting. Although with the way he's mentioned games in the past I do hope that his potential for a real anti-video games attitude is something that only exists in my head.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Books are important. But then I've been a reader since I was 6 years old and that was well over three decades ago now.

I think video games actually serve a better purpose than movies in some aspects (and some titles) in engaging children/young adults in actual interactive stories that can fuel their imagination to some degree but I will agree its not as developmentally helpful as reading can be.

As I grew up reading science fiction and fantasy I've now branched out as an older person into obscure anthropology and pre-history non-fiction and its helped me to grow and learn as an individual as I've gotten older.

So I have to agree with the President to a certain extent, reading is important. Video games are of course great in moderation. Even WoW won't turn you into a fat, pimple ridden idiot if you take it in moderation.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Judging from some of the comments about "EVIL OBAMA TRYIN' TO STEAL MAH VIDEO GAMES", it's pretty obvious that he's right. Because it looks like some people can't read.

Guys, he's saying to read and play games. That shitty parenting is to plop a kid down in front of a video game and nothing else. I can't disagree with that. The majority of students I talk to ***** and moan if they have to read even three chapters out of a book. I told someone that I read Lord of the Rings and they were disgusted by the thought of doing something so "gay".

Hell, a good half of people I potentially want to roleplay with complain that they don't want to read 6-8 paragraphs because that's too long.

So yes, Obama is right. You don't need to froth at the mouth and go all "RAWR he do things me no like so everything he do be wrong no matter what". Please. Be rational. Read.

Also, given his previous stance on video games, it's really doubtful that he's suddenly decided that they are a sin or whatever. Obama's pretty much the only president so far that has embraced technology even a little bit. It's a shaky step in the right direction, even if it is hindered with the usual presidential bullshit.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
What he's trying to say is "Stop wasting time and do something productive".
He's talking about video games since that is what most kids are doing. That's what I was doing when I was a kid and I can say that it is one of the most time wasting and unproductive hobbies out there. No matter how sophisticated, story driven or complex your games are, you're just playing them to waste time (don't lie to yourself).
He's not dumb, he's not just going with the "Games are Satan" crowd, he knows that if you'll spend your whole youth just sitting in your room, staring into the TV screen and moving 6 fingers, you'll have a hard time keeping up with reality when it's time to take responsibility for your own life.
I think he's also saying "Don't let video games be the substitute for a family".

That's what I think, at least.

manythings said:
Anything given to the US president that isn't culturally significant, an antique of value or to be displayed in the White House/Smithsonian etc. is destroyed by the Secret Service. Like here in Ireland there is the pub in Moneygal where the the Landlord has, in a case, the glasses used by Obama and his wife. Glasses which would have the DNA and fingerprints of the current US President. Tell me how likely that sounds.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
666Chaos said:
SoopaSte123 said:
Considering one of the duties of the president (or any public figurehead) is to try to be a role-model, I'd say he's doing his job. The unfortunate thing is that he is like many adults (my own father included) who view video games as detrimental. It would be nice to get past the books = good, video games = bad.
I dont think he is telling everybody to stop playing video games completely. He is saying that people should cut back on it because it is hurting other aspects of their lives.
That's fair then, I suppose. I feel like he should've used something else other than "pick up a book", though. I know many people who spend their entire free time reading which seems as just as bad, but I suppose they're far and away the minority. "Go exercise" is what I would still stand by, as that works regardless.

...and here I am over-analyzing one tiny phrase. I'm sounding like a 24 hours news channel pundit.
*sits in the corner and cries*


New member
Jan 1, 2010
SoopaSte123 said:
666Chaos said:
SoopaSte123 said:
Considering one of the duties of the president (or any public figurehead) is to try to be a role-model, I'd say he's doing his job. The unfortunate thing is that he is like many adults (my own father included) who view video games as detrimental. It would be nice to get past the books = good, video games = bad.
I dont think he is telling everybody to stop playing video games completely. He is saying that people should cut back on it because it is hurting other aspects of their lives.
That's fair then, I suppose. I feel like he should've used something else other than "pick up a book", though. I know many people who spend their entire free time reading which seems as just as bad, but I suppose they're far and away the minority. "Go exercise" is what I would still stand by, as that works regardless.

...and here I am over-analyzing one tiny phrase. I'm sounding like a 24 hours news channel pundit.
*sits in the corner and cries*
I would just like to point out, by "Pick up a book" I'm thinking he meant a schoolbook. Implying that he would rather students be studying rather than spending the entire day on video games, and not necessarily saying that any book is better than video games. Granted, I could be wrong in my interpretation.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Gamer_152 said:
I think it'd be easy for us to feel threatened by this statement but this isn't an anti-video games statement, it's a sensible statement about good parenting. Although with the way he's mentioned games in the past I do hope that his potential for a real anti-video games attitude is something that only exists in my head.
It is an anti video game statement. There is absolutely nothing that makes books better than videogames. The assumption that reading is somehow a better way to spend your time than playing games is indicative of the way most non gamers still see games as pointless wastes of time when compared to other leisure activities. I know Obama was just trying to give good parenting advice, but this kind of sentiment shows how far gaming still has to come to be treated the same as other kinds of entertainment.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
And while you're at it, stop watching Ballet and listen to Rap Music!

Stop watching movies and make a sculpture!

Stop drawing and go look at paintings!

Because as we all know, when a totally unqualified politician talks about one form of art being more worthy of your time than another, he is automatically right.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
Don't you mean a kindle obama?
Are you living in the stone age or something?
No, he makes a good point (of course he does, he's OBAMA) and at least he isn't screaming 'Videogames are evil! They will turn your child into a mudering PSYCHOPATH! 100% of people who meet a gamer DIE!'

Quite refreshing.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
DJDarque said:
How about some physical activity as well? Considering the problem with obesity in the country I'm surprised he didn't say that instead.
its more offensive to say "you're fat" than "You're dumb" despite a vast number of people filling both roles splendidly all across this nation, i blame the P-C Movement myself, people used to have thick skin now everybody bitches about so called emotional abuse or some such nonsense.

on topic though:
I'm currently reading three different books, and playing two different games(PC and console)
Im also holding down a job and going to college for a BA or BS or whatever the acronym for bachelors is


New member
Jan 25, 2009
books, games, movies and tv shows all amount to basicly the same thing for me. So long as they are for enjoyment purposes. You spend a few hours reading a book and I spend a few hours playing games. Neither of us have done the washing.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
666Chaos said:
SoopaSte123 said:
That's fair then, I suppose. I feel like he should've used something else other than "pick up a book", though. I know many people who spend their entire free time reading which seems as just as bad, but I suppose they're far and away the minority. "Go exercise" is what I would still stand by, as that works regardless.

...and here I am over-analyzing one tiny phrase. I'm sounding like a 24 hours news channel pundit.
*sits in the corner and cries*
I think he was trying to address the rampant literacy issue that the states is having right now.
We're facing rampant illiteracy? Shows how much I pay attention. And I guess these aren't the days where most kids play RPGS filled with text to read... Damn. I rescind my previous comments. Go read a book, kiddies.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Why does it have to be one way or the other? Why not just encourage children to both play video games and read books?