Obesity Discrimination

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
tobi the good boy said:
See that doesn't really work, I used to frequent my local gym (Exams stopping me right now I'll be back in once they're over) and often I would see large people come in and try to get their act together but they would have to deal with so many snide remarks from meat heads and (for the lack of a better term) Bitches that they end up leaving because the environment was so hostile. Heck I used to think they just left because they gave up putting in the work but I've seen fully grown men in tears because of the shit they have to put up with.
Ten to one someone's going to use this as "proof" of weak will on their part. Because, clearly, if you don't want to keep walking into a hostile environment, you're a wimp.

I despair of humanity at times.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Xiroh86 said:
Now, and this is partially my fault, but you, and almost everyone on the planet thinks "obese" = 'morbidly obese." This is not the case however. Obese is just the technical term for someone who is overweight. It is based on the BMI (Body Mass Index) which is based on height and age range. Interestingly enough, based on BMI (which is the standard, at least in the US) most professional athletes are obese.
These days the move in medicine is use "waist circumference" rather than BMI, because of how it can vary quite easily. Though extreme BMI results are still useful with people severely over/underweight. There was a patient at my hospital with a BMI of 75. Most people don't weigh 75 in kilos.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Being fat is not a lifestyle.
It's not a creed or a belief or a race or ethnicity.
It's just unhealthy.
Stop saying that it's okay.
It's not.
It's a serious problem.

That is not to say however, that fat people are amoral. THAT ISN'T THE PROBLEM.
The problem is that poverty systemically makes people fat.
I'm not saying we should kick the shit outta fat kids, but we sure as hell shouldn't pretend that there isn't anything wrong.

It's not discriminatory to say that I don't want people to be obese.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Overweight = 25 - 29 BMI
Obese = 30+ BMI

Obesity is definitely a problem. Health, safetly, and concern for others.

If I am on an airplane next to an obese person, I want to have them pay for a second seat rather than make my flight miserable by spilling into my side.

If I live in a country with national health care, I want obese people to exercise more. I'd also support putting higher taxes on unhealthy foods (just as many countries put higher taxes on cigarettes).

I am currently overweight, but have often slipped over into obese. At which point I take up exercising again and try to slim down. It makes me more efficient at both work and play, and increases the odds that I will see what kinds of people my daughters become when they grow up by lowering my odds of death by all sorts of things whose odds of killing me greatly go up if I am obese.

All that said, if someone really enjoys being obese, and it doesn't affect me directly (i.e. squeezed into 1/3 of the seat I paid for) or indirectly (i.e. my taxes paying for all the additional treatments you need due to your poor health), than sure, go for it. You are likewise just as free to be a smoker, furry, or twihard. My disgust for your habit doesn't mean you can't do it. Just that I shouldn't have to pay for it.

Blazing Steel

New member
Sep 22, 2008
Fat/Chuby is fine, but obese people deserve what they're getting. If the obese person can act like a human being then I don't have much of a problem with them, but if they've eaten themselfs into a mobility scooter, then I see no problem with having a go at them. No it's not descrimination because it's justified.

(*If it is caused by a medical problem etc. then it's a different story.)


New member
Dec 3, 2011
RazadaMk2 said:
Discrimination against those who choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle is totally fine.
No, it's not.

Obesity is usually not the result of a conscious choice. It's a result of
-being poor and only having access to shit food. LIVING in a poor area means your food selection is already restricted because shops stock shittier food. This is actually true: Shops in poor districts carry less healthy food, less vegetables, more instant shit
-being poor and thus in a situation that leads to long working hours and very little time to prepare healthy food
-being sick mentally, for example due to depression (which, if you know anything, is indeed a real affliction of the mind)
-being sick physically, as there are multiple afflictions and diseases that will make you fat
-being a woman, because "obese" as a woman is defined as "any body shape that isn't anorexic"
-being born fat, because your metabolism works that way

Yes, someone that consciously eats shit food has little excuse, but...that's not why most people are obese. Statistically, the "lazy person that just eats lot" is rare among fat people. Most have health or money reasons for it.

Sorry that I brought reality and facts into it.

Yes, if you are a decent person, you don't mock overweigth people - you likely are bashing someone that *is not at fault*. IN the case of a depressed person, you and scum like you are likely the reason the person is fat in the first place. So good work making things more expensive for all of us.

Hey, I'm skinny, but I wouldn't randomly bash overweigth people. Why? Because I'm not scum. Being scum is a choice. Make sure not to make it.

Being fat is not a lifestyle.
It's not a creed or a belief or a race or ethnicity.
It's just unhealthy.
Stop saying that it's okay.
It's not.
It's a serious problem.
Nah. You and your lack of education are a serious problem. THAT is a choice: You can choose to stop being ignorant.

Of course, people like you, as you show here, love wallowing in their ignorance like a pig wallows in mud.


New member
May 18, 2011
usmarine4160 said:
Ahri said:
At the end of the day, their weight is their 'problem', not mine.
Until their medicals bills become your tax increase.
So when's the last time taxes got increased because there's been a higher count of obesity-related health problems? I can think of one...uh...like, never, really.

I personally think obesity is one of those things that can be easily kept in check if people used their brains a little, but I won't go out of my way to actually be a wiseass about it. After all, I've smoked for years and only quit last year. So yeah, I don't see a reason for going knight templar on anyone.

And, I must say, this lady has a point:
IndomitableSam said:
All said and done, everyone is doing something with their life someone else will think is bad and/or wrong.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
ToastiestZombie said:
Abedeus said:
Yeah I once saw a show where they got a bunch of skinny people, made them eat a LOT of food. Only about 3 of the 10 people gained weight, and even then not much. Same goes for some fat people, but the difference is that from my knowledge there can't really be anything that can stop fat being burnt away by exercise, or less fat coming in. You may have to do a bit more exercise if you have a bad metabolism. But if you complain about being discriminated against when you aren't doing the right amount of exercise for your metabolism then you're just a massive twat.
Okay. Last September I was after a harsh died when I lost 30 pounds. I was within normal BMI for once in my life. I regained probably almost everything (at least 20 pounds, I bet) because I had a surgery and was unable to swim, ride bike or do any exercise for few months (except physiotherapy for my arm). Now I'm on a diet again.

How is it worse when I complain about indiscrimination (when I was unable to do that "right amount of exercise for my metabolism" to keep fit), but someone who voluntarily lights a cigarette and poisons everyone around him is free from complains? And who am I hurting that I should be discriminated? Because pretty sure that alcohol or chocolate DON'T cause other people to get fat, or wasted, unlike second hand smoking.

Caliostro said:

Keep in mind, I'm not saying it's ok to harass fat people because they're fat.

But I do think it's wrong to harass them.

Let me know how a low-income family that only has caloric and unhealthy fastfood for kids to grab at school and already with many debts (dietitians need money) can afford to buy healthy food, and let kids go to the gym or buy a new bicycle. So easy to judge people when you haven't been in this situation.

Note - I'm obviously not talking about myself. I'm somewhat a victim of terrible steroids for allergy and asthma since I was 5. And allergy and asthma, which limited my ability to exercise outside as a kid.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
rutger5000 said:
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.
How is someone fat or obese a THREAT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH? Holy fuck I don't get some of you people. You're scared they'll what, collapse the sidewalk? Cause an earthquake? Leak fat and make people around them fat?

"We simply wouldn't be able to support fat people's living habits" boo hoo I guess, as long as they have money for fast foods and garbage to eat, they won't be short of food. Ethical? Welcome to business. You want to convince McDonalds to sell only to poor African children for $0.1 per burger? Go ahead.

I sense that a fat person insulted you or punched you when you were younger. Can't seem to find a reason to hate someone based on their appearance otherwise.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
zefiris said:
RazadaMk2 said:
Discrimination against those who choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle is totally fine.
No, it's not.

Obesity is usually not the result of a conscious choice. It's a result of
-being poor and only having access to shit food. LIVING in a poor area means your food selection is already restricted because shops stock shittier food. This is actually true: Shops in poor districts carry less healthy food, less vegetables, more instant shit
-being poor and thus in a situation that leads to long working hours and very little time to prepare healthy food
-being sick mentally, for example due to depression (which, if you know anything, is indeed a real affliction of the mind)
-being sick physically, as there are multiple afflictions and diseases that will make you fat
-being a woman, because "obese" as a woman is defined as "any body shape that isn't anorexic"
-being born fat, because your metabolism works that way

Yes, someone that consciously eats shit food has little excuse, but...that's not why most people are obese. Statistically, the "lazy person that just eats lot" is rare among fat people. Most have health or money reasons for it.

Sorry that I brought reality and facts into it.

Yes, if you are a decent person, you don't mock overweigth people - you likely are bashing someone that *is not at fault*. IN the case of a depressed person, you and scum like you are likely the reason the person is fat in the first place. So good work making things more expensive for all of us.

Hey, I'm skinny, but I wouldn't randomly bash overweigth people. Why? Because I'm not scum. Being scum is a choice. Make sure not to make it.

Being fat is not a lifestyle.
It's not a creed or a belief or a race or ethnicity.
It's just unhealthy.
Stop saying that it's okay.
It's not.
It's a serious problem.
Nah. You and your lack of education are a serious problem. THAT is a choice: You can choose to stop being ignorant.

Of course, people like you, as you show here, love wallowing in their ignorance like a pig wallows in mud.
Look I freely admit I'm not an expert on the subject. But I call bullcrap. Say 80% from the Americans are from European decent, then their genetics should still be fairly similair to Europeans. Yet we don't have that many obesity problems, even though every European country has a lower GDP then the states.
Look I get that fruit and vegetables are more expensive and hard to get in America. But just for fun get a group together and buy all the fruit and vegetables in the store. Next time the selection of fruit and vegetables would have doubled, while their prices would have been halved. Why? Because America has a free market and people sell what other people buy.
Also regarding the health problems. That is very true, but most of the dissease that cause you to be fat, are caused by you being fat. Diabetes being a prime example of that.
Yes I understand that it's easier to follow a livestyle that makes you fat, but it's bullcrap to say it is impossible to follow one that makes you lose weight.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
IndomitableSam said:
I'm getting really fucking tired of this "everyone chooses to be fat, they're a bum" type thing. Seriously? Some people are born bigger. Metabolism is different in everyone. Yes, most overweight people could do some things better, but, honestly - how many skinny people are as unhealthy as obese people? How many skinny people have heart issues, high cholesterol, etc? Why do they? Some eat terribly and don't gain weight... some just have it due to genetics. Skinny people sit and play video games or watch tv all day - but do we criticize them, tell them to go outside and get some exercise? What about the people who have all these chips and Red Bull for gaming sessions? How healthy are they? Could they run a mile any better than someone who is overweight?

Some people are big because they don't live properly... some just are. Stop the judging.

If you want to get on someone for being fat - in this day and age - go and fix your face with surgery - it's just as easy as losing weight. Crooked nose, big chin, droopy eyes... just plain horse-faced ugly? Surgery. Takes less time, too. Or your boobs. Do they fit with society's ideal? Too small and you're not sexy. Too big and you're a slut. Are your feet funny looking? Are they too big for most shoe styles? If you can't wear nice heels then you're not as sexy as someone who does. Why is your hair grey? Society says grey hair is bad. Unless you're a man. Then it can only be partly grey. And don't even think about balding, unless you look good with a shaved head or want to be labelled sad or pathetic. How about scars? Society says you're ugly if you have scars - go fix them. And if you're a guy who's really skinny, you're not attractive at all - society says you're a creep if you're skinny and have long hair.

What does society say if you're a certain age and single? If you're an unmarried woman, something's wrong with you. An unmarried man, and you're focusing on your career. Career woman? She should be having kids. Mother? She should be working. Doing both? She's making everyone else look bad. Gets divorced? Someone cheated or they failed in some other way.

Everything can be changed now, so why is picking on fat people ok? From what I'm told, it is much easier to afford unhealthy food in the US than healthy. In the north here in Canada, you can get a bag of chips for a couple dollars, but a gallon of milk costs 10. A loaf of bread 6 or 7 dollars. A bag of apples? $20. Not easy to eat well.

Also - have you ever asked someone how they feel after they lose weight? People treat them better and that is the most hurtful thing in the world.

Seriously, if people keep saying it's ok to badmouth fat people, think about your lifestyle first. And the way you look. Because some people may be fat, but they're much better looking than you, and a much better person.

Why do we have to conform? I have no heart disease in my family - shouldn't I be badmouthing someone who does because they're not eating a proper diet and taking the right supplements and exercising the right way and as much as they should to make sure they don't cost people money due to their health issues?
Exactly. Why people think they have the right to tell fat people how to live is beyond me.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.
How is someone fat or obese a THREAT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH? Holy fuck I don't get some of you people. You're scared they'll what, collapse the sidewalk? Cause an earthquake? Leak fat and make people around them fat?

"We simply wouldn't be able to support fat people's living habits" boo hoo I guess, as long as they have money for fast foods and garbage to eat, they won't be short of food. Ethical? Welcome to business. You want to convince McDonalds to sell only to poor African children for $0.1 per burger? Go ahead.

I sense that a fat person insulted you or punched you when you were younger. Can't seem to find a reason to hate someone based on their appearance otherwise.
Fat people are part of the public, no? Being fat is a threat for you health, no? Ergo fat people are a thread for public health. If you don't follow this reasoning, for which I wouldn't blame you. Fat people take up hospital beds, we're lacking hospital beds.

And no I've never been hurt by a fat person in my live, and a good friend of mine is nearing obesity.
About 'not being able to support fat people', first off you can't eat money, second off you can't buy what isn't there, third off I have to admit I was referencing from Europe's prespective hear. America with it's enormous abundancy of land and recourses will be able to support their own civiliances. In Europe we would have needed to import food from nations that are lacking it themselves.
Again I treat fat people exactly like I treat chainsmokers. Do I have a problem with chainsmokers? I myself no. But I get discrimation against them, and I won't run to their aid when public opinion is pushing them to change their livestyle.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
rutger5000 said:
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.
How is someone fat or obese a THREAT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH? Holy fuck I don't get some of you people. You're scared they'll what, collapse the sidewalk? Cause an earthquake? Leak fat and make people around them fat?

"We simply wouldn't be able to support fat people's living habits" boo hoo I guess, as long as they have money for fast foods and garbage to eat, they won't be short of food. Ethical? Welcome to business. You want to convince McDonalds to sell only to poor African children for $0.1 per burger? Go ahead.

I sense that a fat person insulted you or punched you when you were younger. Can't seem to find a reason to hate someone based on their appearance otherwise.
Fat people are part of the public, no? Being fat is a threat for you health, no? Ergo fat people are a thread for public health. If you don't follow this reasoning, for which I wouldn't blame you. Fat people take up hospital beds, we're lacking hospital beds.

And no I've never been hurt by a fat person in my live, and a good friend of mine is nearing obesity.
About 'not being able to support fat people', first off you can't eat money, second off you can't buy what isn't there, third off I have to admit I was referencing from Europe's prespective hear. America with it's enormous abundancy of land and recourses will be able to support their own civiliances. In Europe we would have needed to import food from nations that are lacking it themselves.
Again I treat fat people exactly like I treat chainsmokers. Do I have a problem with chainsmokers? I myself no. But I get discrimation against them, and I won't run to their aid when public opinion is pushing them to change their livestyle.
That's a fallacy. "If A leads to B, then A must be stopped!". Hey, here's an interesting fact - people who are slightly obese live longer than people who are either normal weight, underweight or very obese. Weird, huh.

Being fat doesn't affect anyone else. That's like saying "Giving an organ for donation is a risk to your health, so it affects the public, since you are public!! STOP DONATING ORGANS!". Or the whole gay marriage thing... just as stupid "IT WILL AFFECT THE CHILDREN AND NORMAL MARRIAGES!". You can't poison people with your fat. You can't second hand fatten them. If I eat a donut, my dog won't get fat, my mom won't get fat, you won't get fat. Unless you also eat donut, obviously.

"Drinking water in massive amounts can kill you. Killing you is a threat for your health, no? Ergo water is a threat to public health."

You can't eat money? Sure you can, you can buy shit with it. What isn't there? Last I checked, McDonalds are still open and doing great. Countries that are poor and famished aren't because it's fat people's fault, it's economics and poor conditions for agriculture. Educate yourself. All of your arguments are hypothetical fallacies for the sake of argument.

Just admit that you treat them like trash because you find them icky. That's why most people hate homosexuals, too. Not what their priest/holy book/pastor says, they just find the idea of people being different a scary idea.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
hulksmashley said:
It's not nice to discriminate against anyone for any reason.

Obesity is just another stupid reason people judge one another. Like people who judge smokers, or christians, or atheists, or immigrants, or women, or gays. This list goes on and on and on.
a gay person isnt in controll of there gayness ect.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
People have a right to make their own decisions, and that's completely fine.
I also have the right to judge them for it.
Should people be jerks about it? No, of course not. But the word 'discriminate' doesn't actually have the meaning of necessarily being a jerk, it means treating them differently. If I like one type of cheese more than another, I am discriminating. Doesn't mean that it's meant as a personal insult to the cheese I didn't eat.

zefiris said:
RazadaMk2 said:
Discrimination against those who choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle is totally fine.
No, it's not.

Obesity is usually not the result of a conscious choice. It's a result of
-being poor and only having access to shit food. LIVING in a poor area means your food selection is already restricted because shops stock shittier food. This is actually true: Shops in poor districts carry less healthy food, less vegetables, more instant shit
-being poor and thus in a situation that leads to long working hours and very little time to prepare healthy food
-being sick mentally, for example due to depression (which, if you know anything, is indeed a real affliction of the mind)
-being sick physically, as there are multiple afflictions and diseases that will make you fat
-being a woman, because "obese" as a woman is defined as "any body shape that isn't anorexic"
-being born fat, because your metabolism works that way

Yes, someone that consciously eats shit food has little excuse, but...that's not why most people are obese. Statistically, the "lazy person that just eats lot" is rare among fat people. Most have health or money reasons for it.

Sorry that I brought reality and facts into it.

Yes, if you are a decent person, you don't mock overweigth people - you likely are bashing someone that *is not at fault*. IN the case of a depressed person, you and scum like you are likely the reason the person is fat in the first place. So good work making things more expensive for all of us.

Hey, I'm skinny, but I wouldn't randomly bash overweigth people. Why? Because I'm not scum. Being scum is a choice. Make sure not to make it.
I know in my case, most of the people I interact with have access to healthy foods and exercise facilities. I spend most of my time at college, and they work very hard on our campus to give us access to healthy foods, and students get free access to a rather impressive gym, and can take multiple physical education classes many of which are really fun, they actually got me into martial arts. If people have a genetic predisposition to low metabolism, that's something that should be counteracted. IF they're doing something about it, that's great and should be encouraged, if they aren't and they have the means to do so, then it says something about that individual.

zefiris said:
Being fat is not a lifestyle.
It's not a creed or a belief or a race or ethnicity.
It's just unhealthy.
Stop saying that it's okay.
It's not.
It's a serious problem.
Nah. You and your lack of education are a serious problem. THAT is a choice: You can choose to stop being ignorant.

Of course, people like you, as you show here, love wallowing in their ignorance like a pig wallows in mud.
What did he say in there that was untrue? Is obesity not a problem? Do these people not deserve some help? Should something not be done about it? How is that uneducated of him? Please realize the tone that you are putting on, and the way that makes you seem.

Farseer Lolotea said:
Abedeus said:
I know of at least two families that can eat like pigs, smoke and don't exercise, but everyone is slim as hell.

If Bell's Curve is real (and usually is), the opposite is true for people with stunted or extremely slow metabolism that require few times more exercise to even stay at same weight, much less lose it.
Fun fact: You know the typical weight-loss regimen? If someone within the socially-acceptable weight limits adopts such habits, that's usually considered symptomatic of body dysphoria, an eating disorder, or both.

Know what I'm saying?
If I started acting like I'm swimming while on on solid ground I would be insane. But it is totally appropriate when I'm in the water. Circumstances matter.

Vegosiux said:
usmarine4160 said:
Ahri said:
At the end of the day, their weight is their 'problem', not mine.
Until their medicals bills become your tax increase.
So when's the last time taxes got increased because there's been a higher count of obesity-related health problems? I can think of one...uh...like, never, really.

I personally think obesity is one of those things that can be easily kept in check if people used their brains a little, but I won't go out of my way to actually be a wiseass about it. After all, I've smoked for years and only quit last year. So yeah, I don't see a reason for going knight templar on anyone.

And, I must say, this lady has a point:
IndomitableSam said:
All said and done, everyone is doing something with their life someone else will think is bad and/or wrong.
Now I'm not sure on this point, because I live in America and government healthcare is considered socialism here, but I think they would just call them "rising healthcare costs" and not mention why they're rising.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.
How is someone fat or obese a THREAT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH? Holy fuck I don't get some of you people. You're scared they'll what, collapse the sidewalk? Cause an earthquake? Leak fat and make people around them fat?

"We simply wouldn't be able to support fat people's living habits" boo hoo I guess, as long as they have money for fast foods and garbage to eat, they won't be short of food. Ethical? Welcome to business. You want to convince McDonalds to sell only to poor African children for $0.1 per burger? Go ahead.

I sense that a fat person insulted you or punched you when you were younger. Can't seem to find a reason to hate someone based on their appearance otherwise.
Fat people are part of the public, no? Being fat is a threat for you health, no? Ergo fat people are a thread for public health. If you don't follow this reasoning, for which I wouldn't blame you. Fat people take up hospital beds, we're lacking hospital beds.

And no I've never been hurt by a fat person in my live, and a good friend of mine is nearing obesity.
About 'not being able to support fat people', first off you can't eat money, second off you can't buy what isn't there, third off I have to admit I was referencing from Europe's prespective hear. America with it's enormous abundancy of land and recourses will be able to support their own civiliances. In Europe we would have needed to import food from nations that are lacking it themselves.
Again I treat fat people exactly like I treat chainsmokers. Do I have a problem with chainsmokers? I myself no. But I get discrimation against them, and I won't run to their aid when public opinion is pushing them to change their livestyle.
That's a fallacy. "If A leads to B, then A must be stopped!". Hey, here's an interesting fact - people who are slightly obese live longer than people who are either normal weight, underweight or very obese. Weird, huh.

Being fat doesn't affect anyone else. That's like saying "Giving an organ for donation is a risk to your health, so it affects the public, since you are public!! STOP DONATING ORGANS!". Or the whole gay marriage thing... just as stupid "IT WILL AFFECT THE CHILDREN AND NORMAL MARRIAGES!". You can't poison people with your fat. You can't second hand fatten them. If I eat a donut, my dog won't get fat, my mom won't get fat, you won't get fat. Unless you also eat donut, obviously.

"Drinking water in massive amounts can kill you. Killing you is a threat for your health, no? Ergo water is a threat to public health."

You can't eat money? Sure you can, you can buy shit with it. What isn't there? Last I checked, McDonalds are still open and doing great. Countries that are poor and famished aren't because it's fat people's fault, it's economics and poor conditions for agriculture. Educate yourself. All of your arguments are hypothetical fallacies for the sake of argument.

Just admit that you treat them like trash because you find them icky. That's why most people hate homosexuals, too. Not what their priest/holy book/pastor says, they just find the idea of people being different a scary idea.

Over 35 percent of American adults are obese. Not overweight, they're obese. How is that not a problem? Make all the rhetorical circles that you want, but according to the CDC, the obesity rate caused an increase in medical spending by 75 billion dollars in 2003 alone.

Farseer Lolotea

New member
Mar 11, 2010
RafaelNegrus said:
If I started acting like I'm swimming while on on solid ground I would be insane. But it is totally appropriate when I'm in the water. Circumstances matter.
Unless you're using weight and/or body-mass index as a proxy for particular habits and/or health issues, that analogy makes no sense.

Then again, that's exactly what the weight-loss industry does anyway.


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
Abedeus said:
rutger5000 said:
I treat fat people in the same way I would consider chain smokers. They are a threat for public health, and they can be flat out disgusting, and simple steps can be take to become less fat. (Save the world, become a vegetarian and watch you fat drop down.) And if it becomes a serious problem it's more then okay to discrinate against obese people. Look I get genetics and all, but I won't buy it that you won't lose weight if you just avoid animal fat and all that progressed stuff they dare to call food in America. Same as I get addiction, but I won't buy it that nicotine stickers and perhaps some thearapy won't get you of smoking.
To all that find this offensive. We as the world are going to face food shortage in the next few decades, until genetically enhanched crops finally make their entrance. We simpely wouldn't be able to support fat people's live habbits, nor would it be ethical with a significant proportion of the world starving to dead.
How is someone fat or obese a THREAT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH? Holy fuck I don't get some of you people. You're scared they'll what, collapse the sidewalk? Cause an earthquake? Leak fat and make people around them fat?

"We simply wouldn't be able to support fat people's living habits" boo hoo I guess, as long as they have money for fast foods and garbage to eat, they won't be short of food. Ethical? Welcome to business. You want to convince McDonalds to sell only to poor African children for $0.1 per burger? Go ahead.

I sense that a fat person insulted you or punched you when you were younger. Can't seem to find a reason to hate someone based on their appearance otherwise.
Fat people are part of the public, no? Being fat is a threat for you health, no? Ergo fat people are a thread for public health. If you don't follow this reasoning, for which I wouldn't blame you. Fat people take up hospital beds, we're lacking hospital beds.

And no I've never been hurt by a fat person in my live, and a good friend of mine is nearing obesity.
About 'not being able to support fat people', first off you can't eat money, second off you can't buy what isn't there, third off I have to admit I was referencing from Europe's prespective hear. America with it's enormous abundancy of land and recourses will be able to support their own civiliances. In Europe we would have needed to import food from nations that are lacking it themselves.
Again I treat fat people exactly like I treat chainsmokers. Do I have a problem with chainsmokers? I myself no. But I get discrimation against them, and I won't run to their aid when public opinion is pushing them to change their livestyle.
That's a fallacy. "If A leads to B, then A must be stopped!". Hey, here's an interesting fact - people who are slightly obese live longer than people who are either normal weight, underweight or very obese. Weird, huh.

Being fat doesn't affect anyone else. That's like saying "Giving an organ for donation is a risk to your health, so it affects the public, since you are public!! STOP DONATING ORGANS!". Or the whole gay marriage thing... just as stupid "IT WILL AFFECT THE CHILDREN AND NORMAL MARRIAGES!". You can't poison people with your fat. You can't second hand fatten them. If I eat a donut, my dog won't get fat, my mom won't get fat, you won't get fat. Unless you also eat donut, obviously.

"Drinking water in massive amounts can kill you. Killing you is a threat for your health, no? Ergo water is a threat to public health."

You can't eat money? Sure you can, you can buy shit with it. What isn't there? Last I checked, McDonalds are still open and doing great. Countries that are poor and famished aren't because it's fat people's fault, it's economics and poor conditions for agriculture. Educate yourself. All of your arguments are hypothetical fallacies for the sake of argument.

Just admit that you treat them like trash because you find them icky. That's why most people hate homosexuals, too. Not what their priest/holy book/pastor says, they just find the idea of people being different a scary idea.
Come on we're not talking about slightly obesse people here. I find nothimg more painfull to watch then a girl suffering from anorexia, it's infinetly better to be slightly overweight then seriously underweight. But we're not talking about slightly obessed people, we're talking about moriable obese people. The right woman in the video wasn't moriable obese, but the left one seemed to be aproaching it.
I myself don't really fear second hand smoking. I realize it poses a health risk, but then you probably need to spend an hour a day in a small room with a chainsmoker. Not a likely senario.
I admit that I'm a bit creeped out if a see an moriable obese person in bathing clothes at the beach. That's how far my problem with fat people specifically go. I do however believe that it's ones responsiblilty to put a serious effort to stay heatlhy.
Maybe our definition of discrimation is different. I don't mean it's okay to bash them, I do think it's okay to discus things like fat-tax or things like that.