Obesity Discrimination


New member
Jan 7, 2012
So these two great women that I know started this YouTube channel called Fat Whores, but promoting their channel is not the point of this thread.

First off, I think think this is the right section of the forums to post this, but I could be wrong. If I am I apologize.

Now to the meat of this thread.

Like I said, I am not here to flat-out promote their channel, but they did just recently post a video in regards to a new HBO documentary series "The Weight of the Nation," and the way this country views obesity in a discriminating light.

I'll post a link and the bottom of this thread, but I wanted to know what other Escapists think.

Do you think that people, or the country in general, discriminate against those who are "obese"?

Here's th like to the video. The audio quality isn't great at all, but they are just starting out, so cut them a little slack for that.

Dec 14, 2009
Save the whales, harpoon a fat chick

[sub]Can't remember where I heard that line but it's freakin' terrible :D[/sub]

Being fat is associated with greed and/or a lack of self control/discipline.

It's understandable that people would want to paint those personality traits in a negative light, but at the same time, fat jokes stopped being funny a long time ago.

I've never hated on someone because they were fat, but at the same time, I never tiptoed around the issue either.

Besides, there's a difference between being a bit chubby, and being obese.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Of course people discriminate against fat people, in any number of ways. I don't see how that's even a question.

Hell, just read the dozens of comments about disgusting fat people who shouldn't be allowed out in public, and it's all their own fault always, and they are ruining the country etc that are bound to follow this.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
It goes both ways, my mum is fat and when she slanders skinny people (probably because of her insecurity of her own weight) I get mad, I don't do anything but it upsets me.

To be fair, obesity is a problem, it's not something to be proud of, not as long as there are starving people in the world anyway. With that said discrimination is always bad, but criticizing is not discrimination.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
That's kind of an obvious question, yes there is discrimination against fat people.

And discrimination against anyone is bad, but there's no denying that obesity is a growing problem in the US, and we can't become complacent with it. There's a difference between spewing hate and scorn at someone because they're fat, and telling someone that they should lose a few pounds because their weight is maddeningly unhealthy.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
I got made fun of in Highschool because I was "too" skinny. So skinny people get it bad too apparently, because nobody told me...

My city is full of bullies, so I guess I discriminate against bullies. I dislike them more than pretty much any other type of human. If I had a button that would kill all bullies in my town, I would press it. I guess I'm a bad person.


I saw an old lady fall down today at the flower market where I was buying roses, and I helped her up on to her feet.

Could my mass slaughter of bullies be redeemed for selflessly helping old ladys in there time of need with simple tasks? No probably not, but I digress.

Yes obese women and men get picked on of course. Even more so the women, poor women get the short end of the stick in everything it seems. In the end that makes them stronger, or more stupid that they let society mold them. Men aren't far off, we don't have magazines telling men to look more flabby, no, they say to have a six pack, and men think to themselves *Now that's how I want to look*.

Being fat means your ugly and uncool cool says the system and man follows suit. Of course being fat can be pretty unhealthy if McDonalds is the source of your outer layer being too wide.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Honestly, people should discriminate against fat people. I used to be really fat, and I did something about it,and I should keep going, so I don't die when I'm 40. If there wasn't any stigma, I probably wouldn't have bothered.

I would rather be picked on than dead, or immobile.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
hulksmashley said:
It's not nice to discriminate against anyone for any reason.

Obesity is just another stupid reason people judge one another. Like people who judge smokers, or christians, or atheists, or immigrants, or women, or gays. This list goes on and on and on.
You can't choose to be gay or a woman. You can choose to be a smoker, christian or fat person. Immigration's a whole different deal.

OT: My thoughts are basically, you can discriminate against them until they stop being lazy and do some exercise. Example: You can discriminate if a fat person is eating at Mcdonalds for the fifth time that week, but if they're at a gym or running then you should encourage them.

Here's another example of why some fat people are bullied. Basically i'm a rather chubby person, not obese but I'm not exactly thin either. I'm exactly the same size as another person in my school, he gets bullied all the time for his weight. Thing is, I go to the gym about two times each week, take part in most sporting activities (doing shotput and discus for the next school championships). Whereas the other person does NOTHING, and actively tries to make excuses not to do sporting events. My whole class says he should do some more sports, he says no or tells us to "fuck off". It's not anyone else's fault but his that he gets picked on, he doesn't have any brain disorders and he definetly has no weight disorders. I reckon it's fine to pick on him until he actually does some shit, instead of being a lazy sport avoider.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Discrimination against fat people is ridiculous, up to a point. I know several people who have been refused a job based on their weight and honestly it's sickening.

However, I can understand having a basic employee fitness standard if you are in a line of work where it matters, but desk-jobs do not require thin people. I can also understand why someone who is morbidly or dangerously obese might be refused work on account of their susceptibility to some illnesses.

Unfortunately, in the two or three cases I know about, it has purely been about aesthetics. Now, I know it's never overtly about weight, but when it's the only thing that separates you physically from someone less qualified and they get the job over you, it's pretty obvious.

My former boss once told me that she would rather have a thin person serving customers in her shop because 'it looks better'. Obviously I bit my tongue and didn't say anything, but it really rustled my jimmies.

Being overweight is a natural part of living in an affluent society, the difference here is that throughout history it has been considered a sign of wealth and good character, whereas these days it's associated with laziness and greed. What people may not be quite so considerate of is that excess weight is a common side-affect of having better things to do than run laps.

As with anything else, it comes down to moderation. Not everyone has to have the body of Adonis, but maintaining a weight that allows you to function well as a member of society and avoid an untimely death is probably a good idea.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
I'm getting really fucking tired of this "everyone chooses to be fat, they're a bum" type thing. Seriously? Some people are born bigger. Metabolism is different in everyone. Yes, most overweight people could do some things better, but, honestly - how many skinny people are as unhealthy as obese people? How many skinny people have heart issues, high cholesterol, etc? Why do they? Some eat terribly and don't gain weight... some just have it due to genetics. Skinny people sit and play video games or watch tv all day - but do we criticize them, tell them to go outside and get some exercise? What about the people who have all these chips and Red Bull for gaming sessions? How healthy are they? Could they run a mile any better than someone who is overweight?

Some people are big because they don't live properly... some just are. Stop the judging.

If you want to get on someone for being fat - in this day and age - go and fix your face with surgery - it's just as easy as losing weight. Crooked nose, big chin, droopy eyes... just plain horse-faced ugly? Surgery. Takes less time, too. Or your boobs. Do they fit with society's ideal? Too small and you're not sexy. Too big and you're a slut. Are your feet funny looking? Are they too big for most shoe styles? If you can't wear nice heels then you're not as sexy as someone who does. Why is your hair grey? Society says grey hair is bad. Unless you're a man. Then it can only be partly grey. And don't even think about balding, unless you look good with a shaved head or want to be labelled sad or pathetic. How about scars? Society says you're ugly if you have scars - go fix them. And if you're a guy who's really skinny, you're not attractive at all - society says you're a creep if you're skinny and have long hair.

What does society say if you're a certain age and single? If you're an unmarried woman, something's wrong with you. An unmarried man, and you're focusing on your career. Career woman? She should be having kids. Mother? She should be working. Doing both? She's making everyone else look bad. Gets divorced? Someone cheated or they failed in some other way.

Everything can be changed now, so why is picking on fat people ok? From what I'm told, it is much easier to afford unhealthy food in the US than healthy. In the north here in Canada, you can get a bag of chips for a couple dollars, but a gallon of milk costs 10. A loaf of bread 6 or 7 dollars. A bag of apples? $20. Not easy to eat well.

Also - have you ever asked someone how they feel after they lose weight? People treat them better and that is the most hurtful thing in the world.

Seriously, if people keep saying it's ok to badmouth fat people, think about your lifestyle first. And the way you look. Because some people may be fat, but they're much better looking than you, and a much better person.

Why do we have to conform? I have no heart disease in my family - shouldn't I be badmouthing someone who does because they're not eating a proper diet and taking the right supplements and exercising the right way and as much as they should to make sure they don't cost people money due to their health issues?


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
Save the whales, harpoon a fat chick

[sub]Can't remember where I heard that line but it's freakin' terrible :D[/sub]

Being fat is associated with greed and/or a lack of self control/discipline.

It's understandable that people would want to paint those personality traits in a negative light, but at the same time, fat jokes stopped being funny a long time ago.

I've never hated on someone because they were fat, but at the same time, I never tiptoed around the issue either.

Besides, there's a difference between being a bit chubby, and being obese.
Ha. I'm all for discrimination if it was always as hilarious as that line. [jk.... but it was pretty funny].


Travelling Mushishi
Apr 22, 2009
No more than they do against smokers, alcoholics, or drug addicts.

Just hear me out.

We like to pretend that people can't get addicted to food, but have you ever talked to one of the people riding in the scooters at a grocery store? As a cashier I have to interact with them all the time, and as both a smoker and a recovered drug addict, I know one or two things about what addiction is like... and they have an addiction. There are a sizable number of people in our society who are so overweight that they can no longer walk the distance of a grocery store.

Let me repeat that... THERE ARE A SIZABLE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY WHO ARE SO OVERWEIGHT THAT THEY CAN NO LONGER WALK THE DISTANCE OF A GROCERY STORE! They're miserable, they're feeling the constant pains which are a symptom of obesity, they can't get any of the feel good chemicals which are a natural result of exercise, they smell horrendous because there are parts of their body which they can not reach to clean. That's right, smokers like myself aren't the only ones who smell unpleasant. If you've ever had the misfortune of having to drive one of those grocery store scooters, then you know first hand that the odor on these people is so thick that it is permanently left on anything they sit on. There is a palpable smell on those scooters.

NO ONE would choose to live like that. EVER. E. V. E. R. And yet the people in those scooters inevitably come by with the same unhealthy foods which will only make their conditions worse. What tiny amount of happiness can they hope to gain from a box of Cheez-its or a two liter of soda? They are chasing a high. Not only that, anyone who's ever tried dieting knows how unpleasant that can make you feel, but imagine if you were as out of shape as these people are. Those are called withdrawal symptoms.

So having made my case that these people are food addicts, I'll reiterate my point. If it's okay to discriminate against smokers, alcoholics, or drug addicts (and for the most part our society has deemed that it it is) then it's no worse to discriminate against the obese. The results of their addiction can make them unpleasant to be around, both in terms of attitude (I have yet to meet a single person in one of those scooters who was chipper and seemed filled with the joy of life) and to the extend that their odor and unkempt appearance is genuinely unpleasant. I hate to put it like that, but it's hard to see someone in one of those scooters and not be disturbed by the reminder they bring, of a slow, painful, self-imposed death.

Having said all of that, I think that it SHOULD be inappropriate to discriminate against any addict. From a sociological perspective, the reason we discriminate against addicts is that they have broken a societal more, and the discrimination is the punishment they get for breaking those mores. It's meant to be a deterrent... "don't live like them, or people will treat you that way too." While it actually is a good idea to try and deter people from succumbing to addiction (trust me, I wish I'd been better deterred from smoking), the fact of the matter is that treating people who suffer addiction as outcasts only makes the situation worse.

When someone's rude to me because I smoke I don't think to myself "well maybe it's time to quit." I was thinking that before, but when people are assholes our natural human response is to dig our heels in. I don't say "well, now I really should quit," I say "fuck you! I smoke because I want to smoke, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!" It's a lie that we tell ourselves when someone tries to make our lives worse because of our flaws, we don't give in, we start justifying our own bad behavior. These women, it sounds to me, are doing the exact same thing that I do. They're not going, "well, maybe you have a point... perhaps it's time I lose some weight." They're saying "fuck you! I'm obese, and I'm proud!" They are making a positive out of the unpleasant results of their addiction... it's a coping mechanism. And while it helps their hurt feelings, it won't help them recover. To indulge that kind of justification is to be an enabler.

If you want to help people with addictions, people like me, or these women, you don't discriminate, and you don't tell us that we're lesser human beings. We don't need a good talking to, we need support and help. The obesity epidemic won't end just because we identified it and pointed out all the horrible things that people who suffer a food addiction go through. It'll end when we start to offer people a better alternative, when they have help pushing through the difficult process of quitting, and are certain that they can do it because they've got that reassurance every step of the way.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
I think it's clear that as survival in the modern world gets progressively easier, our bodies are going to need some extra attention to stay healthy. I absolutely believe that having a healthy body directly influences your mind. What I'm saying is that I don't think we should just accept "obesity" - people need to understand that it's unhealthy and needs to be reversed.

That being said, you shouldn't discriminate against someone just because they're fat. Being overweight isn't a good thing, but it isn't a total representation of someones' character. There are a lot of fat, lazy people out there. But there are also a lot of people who are fat because they work all the damn time and don't have an extra few hours to exercise.

Anyone who's overweight should do a service to themselves and get in shape, but that's up to them and not the rest of us.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I don't find them attractive, but that's as 'deep' as my judgement goes. And it's justified, everyone has different tastes in that regard.

I loved the hell out of Hugo on Lost, though.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
IndomitableSam said:

You can't be born fat, you can be born so that you need to do more exercise to get thin. But you can't be born fat, and stay like that. Also, those surgeries cost thousands of dollars, so people don't pick on other people for not having them because of course they can't afford it. Let me ask you something, how much is it to go for a run? How much is it to go to the local park and do some exercise? How much is it to do about fifty push ups each day to keep fit. If you awnsered nothing, then you are correct. They may not be able to afford healthy food, but they can definetly afford to do exercise. I just hate it when I see people going "Stop making fun of me for my weight, it's who I am!" when all they are doing is trying to justify having a lifestyle that will kill them early. There is no reason why a person can't do exercise (unless of course they are disabled) so why should we let fat people get off it because we don't want to hurt their feelings? Also, if you become fat enough you become disabled you deserve everything that you get, you aren't unlucky or a victim of anything. You brought it upon yourself by not exercising and eating fast food every day of the week when you could easily afford to make your own nice and healthy meals.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I think a lot of the discrimination exists because of the obese people that complain about being overweight but won't get of their backside and do anything about it and I personally get really annoyed with that and it does make me resent obese people a bit more even though I know they aren't all like that.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
All said and done, everyone is doing something with their life someone else will think is bad and/or wrong.

Why, as gamers, are we badmouthing people for something like this? Doesn't society as a whole badmouth us for playing video games? Aren't we considered creepy pedophiles because we play games like Tera? Or murderers because of Call of Duty? Aren't we making a choice in our lives that will bring people's opinions down on us?

And don't say it costs society money - most of us are at work posting here, if not we're at school or could be volunteering or something, so we're all being jackasses and being a general waste as we are now. Wasting company money, education money, free time on ourselves... until you're a model citizen, shut up.