Obsidian Hopes "Digital Distribution Stabs the Used Game Market in the Heart"


New member
Aug 2, 2010
OutrageousEmu said:
Gmans uncle said:

Honestly why are devs getting so mad about the used games model? When someone buys your product they have the right to sell it again, that's called capitalism.
And devs have every right to do legal things to stop it. That is also called capitalism.
And we have the legal right to go "Fuck you. I'm not buying your games." Then they would appreciate used game sales.


New member
May 13, 2010
I wouldn't be surprised in a few years that game companies will try to make used game sales illegal or something.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Dear Pubs,

You've already sucked $70 outta me like a cheap whore, and like all cheap whores you wanna share your love, I get it, but you've made your buck today.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Is it just me or many obsidian staff been making a lot of public statements recently? .... INSTEAD OF FIXING THEIR DAMN GAMES


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Oh Chris Avellone, I used to think you were cool. Now I wish you get stabbed in the heart by a used game.

Guess what, when I buy a game, it becomes my property, and you know what I do with my property... whatever I damn well please.


Jan 5, 2010
The following post by someone whose entire collection of modern games are bought new:

Oh look, another dev who does not realize a used sale does not equal a new sale.

A lot of people buy at used prices because they cannot justify the overblown full modern price, yet are comfortable with the used price.

Additionally the games industry needs to realize that used sales that go to the small stores are a good chunk of what is keeping the industry and smaller stores alive.

Also, what Jim Sterling said. Thank god for him.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
When are these people going to realize that by doing this they are encouraging piracy, and that not everyone has enough money to buy all the games new?
I am going to laugh so hard when the death of used games market leaves certain developers out of business. Used games market has to exist. It gives people the chance to sell the games they don't want to play anymore in order to have the money to buy other games they want to play. Take that option away from them, and customers will be very careful when they buy games. They will buy less games because they won't be sure they're worth their money if they have no chance of selling them once they're done playing.
Greed makes people make stupid business decisions. It amazes me how they fail to see the far reaching consequences of trying to kill the used games market. This is the kind of thing that will kill consoles. The only advantage consoles have over PC's is the ability to buy used games. Everything else is gone. All of the stuff people hate about PC games are now in your console games. Just look at the facts: installing games on consoles and having to patch console games in order for them to work properly. Then there are no dedicated servers in multiplayer, lower graphics and resolution, higher game prices etc.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Tell you what devs. You cut the price of digital products by about 25-30%, and I'll stop buying used unless the game is more than 10 years old. Sound cool?

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Ultratwinkie said:
Adam Jensen said:
When are these people going to realize that by doing this they are encouraging piracy, and that not everyone has enough money to buy all the games new?
I am going to laugh so hard when the death of used games market leaves certain developers out of business. Used games market has to exist. It gives people the chance to sell the games they don't want to play anymore in order to have the money to buy other games they want to play. Take that option away from them, and customers will be very careful when they buy games. They will buy less games because they won't be sure they're worth their money if they have no chance of selling them once they're done playing.
Greed makes people make stupid business decisions. It amazes me how they fail to see the far reaching consequences of trying to kill the used games market.
Used games will cost more developers than it saves. Publishers and developers on consoles need EVERY new sale they can get. If they don't the game bombs and anyone involved goes bankrupt.

Console gaming is not as healthy or safe as you think. Even the biggest companies are walking a thin line between bankruptcy and making a profit. Gaming is a very high risk, and very few gamers acknowledge that fact. Used games will only hurt gaming.

This "I cant afford it" argument sounds like a first world problem. You don't need gaming to live, and if you don't have the cash to afford it, you have no right to have it. Gaming isn't a need, its a fucking luxury. You have no right to a luxury if you cannot afford it.
You couldn't have missed the point more if you tried to punch a baby and destroyed Australia instead.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
I don't think devs are really worried about people buying games from eBay or craigslist or whatever. It's more of the fact that stores like Gamestop so aggressively tries to get gamers to buy used games to the point where many people who would have been perfectly willing to buy games new end up buying them used instead.

As for digital distribution, yes it should be cheaper in the first couple of weeks. The problem is that game retailers hold too many cards as to whether or not a game will be successful or not. For AAA games, being boycotted by companies like Gamestop would be the kiss of bankruptcy and Gamestop does pull that card to keep digital download prices high.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Here's an idea, make a game that isn't a buggy broken piece of garbage, and maybe people won't prefer to buy it used!
Mar 30, 2010
Maybe if devs concentrated more on putting out games with decent replay value rather than bitching at gamers for selling games they 100%ed in three days maybe that'd sort out the problem.

Or is that too unrealistic?


New member
Nov 14, 2011
CM156 said:
tanis1lionheart said:
Aren't these the same idiots that are known more for making shit sequels to great games?
Smile when you say that, partner!

They, last I checked, have never had the same publisher twice, which I find amusing to no end. Though I could be wrong about that.
Obsidian write amazing stories and generally make games building and expanding on the original(everyone prefers New Vegas to Fallout 3, and I thought that KoTOR2 was much better than the first game), it's just that they're either messed around by publishers alot, like Lucasarts gave them a year to do the KoTOR2, or they're working on a buggy engine anyway (like with Fallout 3).

They pretty much made Planescape Torment though, and they did Neverwinter Nights 2, which had a really fun singleplayer.

So don't diss Obsidian just for Chris Avellone's opinions.