Obsidian Would Like to Make Another Alpha Protocol Game


Beware of Snow Giraffes
Jun 13, 2009
Right now I treat statements like this the same way I treated what Brain said every day in Pinky and the Brain;
Yeah you can say whatever you want but all I can believe is that these grand plans will have 4-5 fatal flaws and fail in a spectacular way.

And for extra entertainment:


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Nackl of Gilmed said:
Alpha Protocol really had me until that forced boss battle thing with the coked-up European guy. I completely built my guy for stealth and precise pistol-based wetwork. He did not do well suddenly being transported into a parallel reality where a guy can take three headshots and continue walking up to stab me with his knife. That seriously annoyed me.
And that precise pistol-based wetwork, should've end that fight instantly. Chain-shot for multiple head shots, run behind cover, use Shadow Operative, hide, wait for the Chain Shot's cooldown, do another - bam, fight is over.

At least, that's how I beat him on my first try without losing a single HP point.

OT: YES! That's my 2nd favorite game of 2010 (after Heavy Rain). I beat it 7 times, and I would love to see a sequel. The branching of the story was amazing


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Obsidian made another buggy, broken game? Oh my! I never saw that coming. And what's that, it was with yet another DIFFERENT publisher, and wasn't a sequel based on someone elses software? My my my! Will wonders never cease!

Sorry to be glib, but can people stop placing the blame for Obsidian's horrible game-bortions on everyone but Obsidian now? They just aren't capable of producing a polished finished work. Accept it. They've had myriad opportunities with numerous, quality publishers backing them.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
BarbaricGoose said:
I'd just like to point that "Adventurous" does not mean good...Saying that AP was "More accomplished" than ME2 is rather silly. You're entitled to your opinion, but ME2 was far more accomplished than AP. I dare say AP was barely accomplished at all. Accomplished is probably the worst word to use when describing AP, because that's the exact opposite of what it was. It was more... inept...You can say that you enjoyed AP more, but saying that it's "More accomplished" is just wrong.
Okay, let me rephrase that:

It was more accomplished in its adventurousness.



Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
That would be great, seeing as how I really enjoyed AP.

Maybe, just maybe, they could fix the duck walk when sneaking though. Just a thought.


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
I loved Alpha Protocol, and I think it was far less buggy then many other games that I love just as much, like New Vegas... Oh Obsidian, how I will always love you despite what the masses dictate. You will always have a number one fan in me.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
WOOT!!! I was really dissappointed when Obsidian said they weren't making a sequel. Alpha Protocol was a freaking awesome game.

Also, would you idiots stop comaparing AP to ME? Yes they're similar, but they're both great games for different reasons, and I'm certainly not going to try to choose between two of my favorite games of all time.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
It was a great game that got dismissed way too easy. It wasn't perfect, but it was unique, and while the forced boss battles were the only broken part, IMO. Other than that, it was great. The mechanics, the gameplay, different play styles worked well. I even bought it a second time, selling my PS3 version, then buying the Steam version on sale.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
Obsidian is like one of those extremely gifted but nervous people. You see some of the work they do and it's life changing stuff. Most of their games have completely changed the way I view the world, morality and people. But when crunch time comes and they have to present their work in front of a crowd then they start to panic, crash, and everyone thinks he's completely inept.

Obsidian is one of my favourite developers, Alpha Protocol was a true example of multibranching gameplay where making choices was actually important as opposed to just seeming important but doesn't change shit. I'm not blind to their ineptitude though, they need to pick up their act in the gameplay and polish department but I really believe an Alpha Protocol sequel could have fixed all that. Not sure how they'd accomplish bringing over that many choices into the next game, could have focused on a different character maybe. Guess we'll never know how it could have gone.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
LiquidGrape said:
etherlance said:
Another Alpha Protocol?...........................

*negative snip*
Excuse me, but I think what you meant to say was...


No I really think I need to staple this one in.......maybe this guy can help.



New member
Jan 3, 2009
Haven't played AP yet (bought it a few weeks back, still have to finish my backlog), but from the reviews (not the scores, which have bee BS since the early '00 everywhere) it sounds like a classic Obsidian game... brilliant but buggy as hell.

They really should hire more quality assurance guys...


New member
Jun 17, 2010
YES, FUCK YES. Please make it, the original was an absolute blast, one of the best games I've played in years and that dialogue system must not be left under a rubble of incompetent reviews. I was really devastated to see SEGA announce they won't publish another one, but if the developers are still game for it, another studio would be better for publishing it anyway!

Logan Westbrook said:
Unfortunately for Urquhart, the message from reviewers seems to be pretty clear: Alpha Protocol had broken, buggy gameplay and needed more development time. If Obsidian ever gets the opportunity to make another Alpha Protocol - and hopefully it will, because even with all the bugs, there was a lot to like about the game's RPG side -it's going to need a lot more polish than the first one received.
For the most part, the same fuckwit reviewers said absolutely nothing of Civilization V's bugs, crashes and other shit, a lot of which was non-system specific, happening to everyone, instead giving it a green light and praising every fucking feature in the game based on a hour's playthrough of some 1% of the game's content (and neglecting to mention plenty of things, like the game's utterly incompetent AI that results in 0 military challenge, among other things).

The fucking game holds over a 90 score on Metacritic, while every single user will tell you the game is worse off than most betas and still holds a full price more than 6 months later, despite the numerous patches (that managed to introduce as many bugs as they fixed), which is somewhat reflected in the fact user reviews are at some 6.5 average (with most of those giving high scores not having played the game for any longer period of time to encounter its memory leaks, late game crashes, various victory condition AI fails etc.).

Meanwhile, I played personally through Alpha Protocol 2-3 times and managed to find a grand total of 0 bugs and the game never crashed for me. The boss fights were occasionally stupid and out of place (but never really too difficult, even with me playing on Hard), the minigames difficulty curve went a little crazy near the end of the game (although easily worked around with EMP bombs, one might say that's even acceptable within the game's RPG elements) and the RPG features could have used a bit more balancing.

With everything else done right in the game, story, dialogue, pretty fun combat and stealth, it more than makes up for it's shortcomings, especially considering how utterly brilliant, innovative and fun the dialogue system is. Compared to it's main "competitor", Splinter Cell: Conviction, the game was much more innovative, awesome and fun. Despite that game being a shitty console port with awful controls and a buttload of bugs, issues, awful design choices etc., that piece of crap holds 83 on Metacritic (with the user score once again rating the game 'right', giving it a lowly 3.4).

Bottom line, I hope they don't take too much of the "professional" reviewers bullshit. Yes, the game needed some more polish, yes, it needed some more work, but for what it was, a non-sequel, a first spy RPG and for what it did with the dialogue system alone, it was just fine. Mass Effect was similarly shitty with certain systems (I'd say it was far worse actually) and was hailed one of the greatest games of all time and ME2 rightly fixed a lot of the issues. I've got a feeling Alpha Protocol would've done the same, if it wasn't for the blooody reviewers.


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
I would very much like another Alpha Protocol game, except obviously with more polish and the conversation options to be a little more different (I.e a lot of them sounded the same in AP1)


New member
May 19, 2011
I's like to see a new one too but only if they fix the problem where the stealth guy can make it through some more of the bosses a little easier or they playing the all out combat guys didnt fell like i was playing on easy mode and they game was punishing me for it