Occupy protests in your area


New member
Apr 14, 2010
there was a sort of occupy thing happening here i never really noticed or cared almost nobody really noticed it everyone who did kinda laughed at it


New member
Nov 14, 2010
I live nowhere near anything resembling a city.

Thus I have this to say: #OccupyOffTopic.

"yficit vectors," Roger, Roger. What's your vector, Victor?


Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
We had a small one in Tallahassee, but I didn't go. I have to much work and I really dislike the outdoors. Now if we had a Occupy McDonalds or Funstation I'd be there.

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
There is, in fact, an occupy wall street movement in my town, called Occupy MHK (the inital for the local airport, dont ask me why its that, because they arent at the airport)

First, I was kind of like "Huh?? This is a small town of 52,000 people, and only 23,000 of those are permanate, the rest are collage and military. And there are almost no big businesses here. I dont get it.?"

Turns out they are protesting Aggieville, the bar/resturant area near the collage. "I can see that. Those guys in Aggieville are a little on the hardcore side when it comes to squashing non-Aggie business. I mean, they convinced the city to not give a permit to this guy to sell hot dogs from a rolling cart because he had an 'unfair advantage over a brick-and-morter resturant.' I would love to see [some] of the businesses knocked down a peg or 2."

Also lucky, is that they are almost NOTHING like the other OWS movements. They protest during the day, and leave at night. They clean up their trash and use real restrooms or donated port-o-potties. They turned away people that they thought would give them a bad image, IE the anarchist, Marxist, and one man holding a 'vote Ron Paul' sign. They talk with the city board over issues. And when their permit expired, the police came, asked them nicely to leave. They packed up, went to city hall, and nicely asked for another permit, which they were granted. So I am fine with the one in my town.

Now for my stick-shaking. The Occupy movement itself is a very touchy subject for me. Yes, I believe that the income gap is getting excessive. No, I do not want to CLOSE it, or end capitalism for socialism like I am sure some people in this movement want to do. Yes, my heart goes out to everyone who is indebt and/or foreclosed on. However, I am willing to bet that alot of those people were living outside there means, and when things turned sour, they just keeped putting themselves in debt to maintain their way of life, not make cuts to things they could afford and recover. They 'fiscal responsiblity' pendelum swings both ways.

And I pray to God that 'Occupy' wises up and learns to control the dissitents in its ranks. Some people may not know it, but this is basically 'Occupy's' second coming. The first time was in the early '30's. Eventually, it got out of control, much like what is happening now, and was put down after rouge elements decided they hated banks so much, they bombed the headquarters of JPMorgan, killing 40 and injuring over 400. And then there is the 'Battle of Anacosta Flatts' in D.C. to consider. *shudder*


New member
Jun 11, 2011
There's one here in Norwich, UK next to McDonalds and Starbucks protesting against capatalism. Not much hassle really, though I can't sit on the brain statue and drink my coffee without some wierd looks now. Ironicaly though, I met one Occupy guy at the midnight Skyrim launch who said he's waiting for his 360 copy from Amazon...

Skyrim = by a multi-million dollar developer
Xbox = by a multi-billion dollar corporation
Amazon = a multi-million dollar sales and distributior

...yeah...I don't see why they bother...


New member
Jun 2, 2011
A friend of mine seems to be leading Occupy Belfast pretty much and I wish him the best of luck too. Also, it seems to be going well enough. No complaints that I've heard of and it's actually quite peaceful from what I hear.
Feb 9, 2011
Just had another surge of them here in California on the UC Davis campus. Ended in mass pepper sprays and whatnot. My sister said it was pretty hilarious to watch.