Occupy protests in your area


New member
May 27, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
dietpeachsnapple said:
Krion_Vark said:
spartan231490 said:
Miles000 said:
The one in my city got shut down and fined...
Then the whole movement disbanded in the area.
Then the trolls moved in on the facebook page.

Also they ruined the park.
How did they get shut-down? Really, i'm curious.
My guess they didn't get the proper permits. Yeah you actually need permits to have a protest. It may seem stupid but its also because they can really really disrupt the way things work.
For a protest to be viable, it has to be visible. To be visible in this age, you have to be conspicuous. To be conspicuous, you have to be inconvenient.
I probably should have clarified my point more. If the protest disrupts things like Traffic and makes it a hazard and does not allow cops and medics to get around they can be shut down and arrested if they do not comply with the officers and move to a different spot.
Thats the way I have seen multiple protests shut down in my town at least.
It is a worthy clarification, that is why I included a reservation for the necessity of individual level responsibility in these protests. The individual should understand it is not their right to needlessly endanger the lives of others with their movement. Being conscious of this should compel each individual of their obligation, not to the protest but as a decent human, to move out of the way for emergency vehicles. If the OWS can achieve individual responsibility to their cause, and their own humanity, they will be unimpeachable.


New member
May 20, 2009
In Calgary we have (or rather had) two camps, one is essentially disbanded now (they were all homeless people so the city sent in workers to help them find homes)

And the other one said they aren't going to disband... and currently winter JUST popped in so they are going to have one hell of a time eh?


New member
Aug 7, 2010
They showed up at Comic-con here in Winnipeg, I mean yeah it SEEMS like a good cause, but we need Capitalism, would they rather have everyone down in an economical homeless shelter metaphorically, or let a few businesses get stomped out by big brand companies and keep our economy alive? Is anyone with me on that?


New member
Feb 3, 2011
My opinion is that people are giving too much of a shit...

Everyone has the power to get rich, people just need to chill out.


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Peaceful, while they lasted, but who ever the damned idiot in charge of police decided "Hey, our city is full of murder, drug sales, and general unjustful law breaking. Let's waste our man power and money on the peaceful protesters camping out in the park."
Fuck tards.
So they have disbanded the whole occupy thing and now rally during the day only.

But seriously, they're was a huge ammount of injury in the innitial "Insert police cock assault" part, 99% protester.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Nearest major city is about 30 miles from me, and yes, some idiots tried to occupy a park downtown. A bunch got arrested. Much as I agree with the sentiment they display, the actions they're taking are worse than ineffective... they essentially gave themselves as an example of what happens to those who refuse to work within the system... a warning to others who might try to remove their toes from the line.
George Carlin was right.

Sagacious Zhu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Occupy Oakland got pretty ugly quickly. The mayor really hit them hard early one morning and scattered the bulk of the group with riot cops.

Seriously though, if the Occupiers don't do something soon, they're going to be dead in the water before the new year. They're not generating as much news as they used to be and the media has been reluctant to deal with them now that uglier stories have been coming out of the camps.

They need to write up a mission statement and define a goal or they're going to be washed out by the first big NYC storm


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Yeah, there was one camp on the grounds of the Legislature Building here in Winnipeg. I'm not sure if they're still there anymore though since I haven't heard anything about it in recent days. They've probably disbanded by now since we're starting to head into winter weather.

EDIT:\\ My mistake, apparently it's still going.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Occupy Edmonton? Considering how incredibly downtrodden and poor our city isn't, there's not much of a movement.

And of the actual protesters, the only thing I've heard from them has been them threatening to kill a radio DJ... on air. WELL DONE, PEOPLE.
Jan 29, 2009
Well, sadly, yes. Not because I don't think it's a good thing, but they plan on ruining a perfectly fun parade that we have on New Years (Rose Parade). That isn't sticking it up to the greedy corporations, that's ruining hundreds of thousands of peoples' day.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Went down to the local one. I live in a heavily TeaBagger area, so the entire thing was tense. The cops were out there making sure that the small group of guys standing around waving guns and shouting insults didn't do anything stupid.

Needless to say, I didn't hang around long. Gun nuts scare me.
Feb 9, 2011
I'm by Sacramento, California and they are here wasting time and energy. They are protesting for better wages and money, all the while draining the city's money by forcing them to pay $20,000+ now in police overtime at this point. Thanks guys...

Bunch of idiots...


New member
Oct 27, 2010
I wish they did protest near me so i could go watch them and laugh my ass off at them. God these people are so stupid most dont even know why they are there and really just mad because they gotta work and dont everything for free

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
I'm in New Jersey, 13 miles outside of New York City. There's actually nothing here except some discussion on the nearby college campus, and some of my classmates know people in the protest, but that's about it.