Occupy protests in your area


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Yup police made them take down the tents they put up but they're still going strong. I live in a small city btw.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
ravensheart18 said:
ranyilliams said:
If ANYONE has ANY questions about the movement i will try my best to answer. BUT if you ask a question that is obviously trying to get a rise out of me i will ignore you. Please try and think openly and put past prejudices behind you, this movement is a GOOD thing, no matter what the media tells you.
Why not tell us what you think this movement represents then.
Read two posts up, i think i answered your question in that post aswell

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm fairly certain there's one going on in Salt Lake, buuuuuuuuuut I haven't been up there recently and there's nothing going on anywhere else in Utah sooooooooooo yeah.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
ravensheart18 said:
ranyilliams said:
ravensheart18 said:
ranyilliams said:
If ANYONE has ANY questions about the movement i will try my best to answer. BUT if you ask a question that is obviously trying to get a rise out of me i will ignore you. Please try and think openly and put past prejudices behind you, this movement is a GOOD thing, no matter what the media tells you.
Why not tell us what you think this movement represents then.
Read two posts up, i think i answered your question in that post aswell
Not really. You gave generalities. What are your SPECIFIC points that you think are uniform accross the movement? For example, "corrupt corporations" - define that concern with facts to back you up.
I don't want to tell you "facts" this is the internet. Everything people tell you should be taken with a grain of salt. I can point you in the direction of how you can research those topics yourself. But i refuse to say "Blank did this so i think we should Blank"

I myself am not even able to speak for everyone involved. What i tell you might be wildly different then what someone else tells you, but that is the point, people have different concerns about what is wrong with this world and why. It is important to inform yourself about what it is that you think is wrong and how YOU can fix it. Badmouthing the protesters because you think they don't have a demand is backwards, the protests are a way to get people thinking about the problems, to try and get them informed and involved with the world they live in. Criticizing people for exercising anything that is within their own rights is pointless and is a waste of time.

Research those institutions (The Federal Reserve bank of the unites states, The World bank, NATO) Understand that Corporations have a very heavy hand in politics and they donate THOUSAND to politicians that support the interests of the companies that fund their campaigns:


I hope that you find this information helpful and informative, We are on the same side Raven. Think openly about what i have told you please.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I think people are trying to start an Occupy Freiburg movement, but I am not sure. There were some communists doing...something yesterday, but I didn't see if it was a protest or a gathering or whatever.

Of more annoyance are the near-weekly strikes by the public transportation workers. Having come from a metro area with no real form of mass transit, I've fallen in love with the S-bahn here.


New member
May 27, 2009
Krion_Vark said:
spartan231490 said:
Miles000 said:
The one in my city got shut down and fined...
Then the whole movement disbanded in the area.
Then the trolls moved in on the facebook page.

Also they ruined the park.
How did they get shut-down? Really, i'm curious.
My guess they didn't get the proper permits. Yeah you actually need permits to have a protest. It may seem stupid but its also because they can really really disrupt the way things work.
For a protest to be viable, it has to be visible. To be visible in this age, you have to be conspicuous. To be conspicuous, you have to be inconvenient.

While I appreciate the utility of smooth functionality, it seems ridiculous to ask a government body permission to protest the flaws in that governing body, especially when your protest implies that the governing body is corrupted and deliberately unfair.

I would posit that if each individual member took responsibility for themselves WHILE protesting, city functions like medical care would be easily continue functioning. Simultaneously, the protestors would present a much more refined and organized front, likely garnering more support from small non-government institutions.

I can sympathize with the desire to remain decentralized though. Too much risk.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
I live near Oakland. Gotten slightly violent here and there. I would go, but I am pretty sure I would get eaten alive.


New member
May 27, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
orangeban said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Redlin5 said:
Are there any near you? There is one in the city close to the town I live in but its likely going to be disbanded due to snow/homeless people taking over the camp. It did move to a new location but I don't see it going that long. So far the police haven't really had to deal with them although recently fires were banned.

Any round your parts? Any violence or is it peaceful?
Can you please tell me what "Occupy" is about? From what I gathered it is just a bunch of old Hippies and "Hipsters" (God I hate them, more so than the hippies). While the Hippies apparently want to change something, at least from what I gathered, the Hipsters are just doing it for the Irony or something of that sort.

Was my evaluation correct or am I far off the mark?

Please explain :D
What it is people have finally got sick of a system that favours the rich, and evaluates worth on financial income. So they're making a stand.
Wait, hasn't the Government, or hell, time in general shown this to be the way how most things are run? The Rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

It is good that people are getting sick of it, wouldn't it turn to communism then? I mean having everyone be equal and what not, isn't that what Communism is about and what I am getting from your post?

I am still confused, though less than I was.
Capitalism and communism are not a binary range, where if we fail to embrace capitalism and all its economic tenets, we are suddenly pinko commies. Most countries in Europe function just fine with a democratic socialism. They also, coincidentally, protest when they are angry about something, and don't stop until the government listens.


New member
May 27, 2009
EcksTeaSea said:
I live near Oakland. Gotten slightly violent here and there. I would go, but I am pretty sure I would get eaten alive.
I have been reading some of the news articles about that. So long as you don't mind running away when the police show up on a bus wearing riot gear, you would be fine. They are very peaceful until things get... conflicted.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
dietpeachsnapple said:
Krion_Vark said:
spartan231490 said:
Miles000 said:
The one in my city got shut down and fined...
Then the whole movement disbanded in the area.
Then the trolls moved in on the facebook page.

Also they ruined the park.
How did they get shut-down? Really, i'm curious.
My guess they didn't get the proper permits. Yeah you actually need permits to have a protest. It may seem stupid but its also because they can really really disrupt the way things work.
For a protest to be viable, it has to be visible. To be visible in this age, you have to be conspicuous. To be conspicuous, you have to be inconvenient.
I probably should have clarified my point more. If the protest disrupts things like Traffic and makes it a hazard and does not allow cops and medics to get around they can be shut down and arrested if they do not comply with the officers and move to a different spot.
Thats the way I have seen multiple protests shut down in my town at least.


New member
Dec 10, 2010
ranyilliams said:
the end game for this movement? There is NEVER an "endgame" the world will always keep changing and evolving. But the purpose of this movement is to raise awareness, to a corrupt system of banks, corporations, and politicians. Even if this movement fades away, the fact that it happened at all has already showed that there are people who care about whats happening. More people then ever now are aware of whats going on, and they will not go away.

Again your second question implies that we will reach a finishing point and everything will be solved, its never that easy. The occupy movement is trying (some would say failing) to raise awareness, thats all it is. We do not plan on storming parliament, we do not plan on hurting anyone, just simply inform. I can tell that you are against the movement from the way you are asking the questions. But please, research the issues yourself, don't listen to the news about the movement, they are part of the problem.

I don't want to get into politics, i want to make movies. This is simply a problem that is happening in the world, and i am just trying to let people know that researching yourself if ALWAYS the best way to find the truth.

If you honestly want to get informed about the movement i can send you a couple of links to a few good news sits online. But if you don't care and you were only trying to bother me just ignore me :p

Question everything anyone tells you, Even me. Research everything on your own and then you will begin to understand what is wrong with the system.

This one applies to canadian's but the basic system of money creation for most countries is almost exactly the same:
You have stated that their is no end goal of the Occupy movement other than raising awareness. My question is then, when does everyone pack up tent city and go home?

(I don't mean this in a snarky "get off my public park you darn kids" way, but in a "if there's no endpoint, are you actually going to camp out forever?" way. It just seems like that's infeasible for a protest. Who is supporting them (food/clothing/shelter) if they are never going to stop protesting?)


New member
Dec 10, 2010
ravensheart18 said:
I think the bulk of protesters really don't know what they are protesting and the idea that there is any commonality between the protests in every country is silly as issues are rarely the same country to country.
I agree with this.

In my town, the "manifesto" of the Occupy protest states that they are in solidarity with the Arab Spring movements. I find that to be a little disrespectful of those movements, who were (in my mind anyway) protesting much more pressing matters and were in much greater danger than Occupy protesters here.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
Smagmuck_ said:
I will also say, that before enacting my counter-protest, I asked them some rather imprtent questions. Like...

What was your occupation before deciding to protest?
While you were in College what was your Major?
Do you understand how Capitalism works?
Do you own any sort of modern technology?

Now, here's a good example of why i find these people idiotic.

"What was your occupation before deciding to protest?"
<color=green>"I didn't have a job, I've been on Welfare since I moved out."
"While you were in College, what was your Major?"
<color=crimson>"Liberal Arts, there's no jobs for us. It's all because of the 1% pigs."
"You understand that Liberal Arts has been a dead Major for some time, right?"
"Do you know how Capitalism works?"
<color=blue>"Capitalism? Isn't that what the Soviet Union was based off of?"
"Do you own any sort of modern technology?"
<color=red>"Yeah, I just bought an iPhone 4S yesterday."

Granted there were SOME people there for the right reasons, but the majority of them were just plain lazy. Now, either the people who live in my town are stupid idiots or this whole OWS movement is because college kids are too lazy to put some effort into a decent Major.

I also plan on studying either Majoring in Engineering or in Information Technologies.
Hm, alright, fair enough. I suppose if those are the sorts of people you've had interactions with, it's hard to blame you for holding that opinion. Personally, it baffles me when people have this misconception that they can get their four year degree in whatever they choose to study and the working world will subsequently embrace them with open arms the second they graduate. If you're going to go the root of the liberal arts, you could at least take that and go on to graduate school or something which will give you additional training.

Rin Little

New member
Jul 24, 2011
I'm near the Pittsburgh area but I haven't heard anything recently about the Occupy Oakland thing. I've mostly ignored it cuz nothing's really gonna go anywhere with it.

Khanht Cope

New member
Jul 22, 2011
Blablahb said:
Again the protestors and their sillyness are conclusive proof for anyone sensible not to endorse them.
You're entire post is HEAVILY opinionated and offers only mudslinging. What other way is there to swiftly discredit a multi-national collective of hundreds of thousands of people? that's essentially what prejudice is.

'I propose we disregard this collective out of hand based on the pre-established notion of their inferiority. They will fail because failure and derision is their way of life'.... but in the end the civil rights movements came through. =)

An unbiased man would extend more respect to a collective of this scope.