Oh dear...


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.
That's one way to deal with it, but giving our own problem to a bunch of innocent fishermen won't solve anything either. That's enough of a shock to possibly destroy the whole village.
good point, what about sending him to to a remote arctic village, without the 'village'-bit? :D
That should work, anything left to hear him would be likely to just eat him.
go go baby seals! XD
Have you ever seen a pack of baby seals hunting? They surround their prey and then slap it to death from all directions.


Aug 3, 2008
Do they fuck, but they can pay the bail, don't forget.
Gary Glitter should be locked up in prison, but he's roaming free.
It's like what Simon Amstrell said, "It's good to see everyone has forgotten what a violent thug Cheryl Cole is."


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.
That's one way to deal with it, but giving our own problem to a bunch of innocent fishermen won't solve anything either. That's enough of a shock to possibly destroy the whole village.
good point, what about sending him to to a remote arctic village, without the 'village'-bit? :D
That should work, anything left to hear him would be likely to just eat him.
go go baby seals! XD
Have you ever seen a pack of baby seals hunting? They surround their prey and then slap it to death from all directions.
Death by small puppy-eyed monsters slapping away at your ankles...the horror XD
Apr 29, 2010
Celebrities should not be given special treatment. If they commit a crime, they should do the same amount of time as any other person who did the same thing.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
They deserve to be sentenced the same as everyone else, their status should not have an affect on their punishment, they should not be held above the law

Sneaky llama

New member
May 28, 2010
Legion said:
Neither. They should be treated based upon their crime and nothing else. They are just people like everyone else no matter how many people know their name or how much money they have, and they should be treated as such.
I completely agree they are just people. The law should be blind to fame, popularity etc.