Oh dear...

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Thebiggestpanda said:
I think he should be shot once with his own firearm in a non-lethal area of the body. Then he should watch as the judge gets to smoke all his weed while he doesn't get any. Then we can call it even after he runs arround a busy part of town screaming "I am a dildo!".

Doing time in prison does very little in terms of rehabilitation so I believe that the more unorthodox punishments are better.
Non-lethal? Are you kidding?

If you shoot someone in ANY part of the body there is a chance they WILL died from blood lost.

You alitude disturbs me.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I believe that they should have the same punishments as everyone else. They shouldn't get off easy because they're popular. It's the sense of entilement that probably makes some of these people commit crimes. They think "I'm famous, so that means I'm special. The laws don't apply to me in the same way as they do other people." They should get the same treatment as everyone else, no matter how harsh it is.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
Absolutely not. Celebrities should be treated just like everyone else. I don't care whether you're Joe or Jane Doe or God, if you do something wrong, you deserve to be punished. Just because he makes shitty rap and has a following of people with bad taste does not mean he should get off easily.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
So...because he broke the law, and a bunch of fans make and join a facebook group, he should have a reduced sentence? I don't see how any judge would even give half a care what those fans think, or how many people are in some silly facebook group.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Reduced? Hell, no.If anything they deserve more. If they are an iconic image one minute and then a drug-y the next, people will begin to think it's o.k. because "a celebrity did it". Just ridiculous stuff in the world.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
You'd think they should have a more severe sentence is anything, cos they're role models and get more publicity. They'd make a good warning of not to be an idiot and copy them


You matter in this world. Smile!
Feb 22, 2009
As far as the law is concerned, everyone is equal. Therefore, said "celeb" should be treated as anyone else would be. Full sentence.


I miss my avatar
Feb 18, 2010
Same sentence. Break a law, gets the punishment. So he's a celeb. And?
If anything, celebrities shouldn't get bail. If you can easily pay it, then it's not a punishment.
He's human, he broke the law, he gets locked up.
Random dude does the same, he gets the same treatment.
Pretty simple.


Sep 22, 2009
My word. I do shake my head at how apolitical our society has become. Think about it; every time someone signs a petition for a celebrity to get out of jail, and be treated differently from us ordinary folk, they are willingly agreeing that we should live in a society where nobles and notables should have advantages over us, and be given special privileges.

...Didn't we fight wars in the past to stop that kind of bullshit from flying? Anyone ever hear of The French Revolution? The Declaration of the Rights of Man? The Magna Carta? The Russian Revolution? The American Revolution and the Civil War?

All this goes to prove to me that democracy really will be crushed under the stroke of a pen some day. Our society doesn't even seem to realise what it's doing to itself. It's sad.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Legion said:
Neither. They should be treated based upon their crime and nothing else. They are just people like everyone else no matter how many people know their name or how much money they have, and they should be treated as such.
I agree with this...


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.
That's one way to deal with it, but giving our own problem to a bunch of innocent fishermen won't solve anything either. That's enough of a shock to possibly destroy the whole village.
good point, what about sending him to to a remote arctic village, without the 'village'-bit? :D


New member
Aug 30, 2009
FargoDog said:
Julianking93 said:
In all honesty, I was going to say that....but I figured it would be too harsh >>

But yes, if anything, they should be made an example of with even harsher sentences.
Society needs to make an example, and no better example can be made than of celebrities, especially when so many of them and their fans think they're above the law.

I seem to recall Lindsay Lohan was caught with cocaine and was out of jail in under 72 hours. If that was any member of society who wasn't famous, they would be in there for at the very least a year. I can't stand the pedestal people put celebrities on, and as such deserve harsher punishments.

Good God, I would be a horrible leader.
So just because someone has a fan base, they should be put in jail longer than the average guy? yeeeeah. no.

OT: It shouldn't even play a factor. Same sentence as anyone else. The answer to this should be obvious. We live in a place where everyone is considered an equal in the eyes of the law, and that's how it should be. Even though, currently, it's not.

The case of that one wrestles son comes to mind.. who was drunk, and street racing. he crashed and pretty much killed his friend in the passenger seat. If I had done that, i would probably be in jail for life. He only got a few months. It's bs.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.
That's one way to deal with it, but giving our own problem to a bunch of innocent fishermen won't solve anything either. That's enough of a shock to possibly destroy the whole village.
good point, what about sending him to to a remote arctic village, without the 'village'-bit? :D
That should work, anything left to hear him would be likely to just eat him.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
Umwerfer said:
Rune342 said:
A celebrity should be treated the same as everyone else. Just because they are richer or more well known than somebody else doesn't make them above the law.
Agreed...but he is a rapper... so I say we give him a good thrashing, some community service, boot-camp, a boot, and send him to a remote arctic fishing village without any sort of connection to the outside world. There he won't be a bad role-model for kids, and he damage my ears any further.
That's one way to deal with it, but giving our own problem to a bunch of innocent fishermen won't solve anything either. That's enough of a shock to possibly destroy the whole village.
good point, what about sending him to to a remote arctic village, without the 'village'-bit? :D
That should work, anything left to hear him would be likely to just eat him.
go go baby seals! XD