Oh hey, new Overwatch short.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

Okay, first off, can we keep the butt debate out of this? I'm sure there are a great many important things to be said on that subject, but there are least five other active threads in which to say them. We don't need to make this a sixth.

So... as someone who was a bit disappointed by the first Overwatch short, this one was downright delightful. Dialogue is utter cheese, but damn, that animation. The rooftop chase sequence is gorgeous.

As is often the case with pre-rendered trailers, this makes me wish Widowmaker was actually that mobile in gameplay, rather than being a mostly stationary head-clicker who can fire a grappling hook once every twelve seconds.

Oh, and I like that they actually made an episode in which their poster child character is bested. That might seem like an odd thing to fixate on, but it's actually rather rare. Usually in promotional material you'd just see the main characters beating on mooks with any encounters between them being inconclusive.

The Philistine

New member
Jan 15, 2010
I'm guessing Blizzard will slowly introduce the dynamics of the human/robot, why the assassination took place, and it's impacts to kick off the game. It also seems pretty clear we're gong to wind up with one group of scrappy heroes versus another team of rough/shadowy anti-heroes/villains. But the biggest question I still have is: in a world of time-warping humans, robots, and talking gorillas, why is Widowmaker grey?

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Corey Schaff said:
Zhukov said:
Okay, first off, can we keep the butt debate out of this? I'm sure there are a great many important things to be said on that subject, but there are least five other active threads to say them in. We don't need to make this a sixth.
<.< so you're saying they should....butt out?

Very good video; I thought the Poster child of the game was a giant Gorilla though, not Tracer
First off, that was terrible. 10 out of 10 points awarded.

Second, Tracer is now the poster child, whether Blizzard wants her to be or not. They brought it on themselves.

Finally, on to the video at hand. If only the game was even remotely like this, I would be interested. But it's just like Team Fortress 2--awesome videos for the characters, but unappealing gameplay to me. Team shooters are just not entertaining in my book. I mean, great world and interesting story but none of that is going to be in the game. It's just going to be run around and kill the other players. Over and over.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
The Philistine said:
... why is Widowmaker grey?
She's actually kind of blue-ish. She probably looks grey in the short because it's night lighting.

Anyway, apparently [http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/heroes/widowmaker/] it's because her heart beats really slowly which makes her emotionless to be a better assassin and turned her skin blue as a side effect.

Yes, I realise that makes no sense at all. Somehow I doubt a physiology expert was consulted when they were writing the lore.

Corey Schaff said:
I thought the Poster child of the game was a giant Gorilla though, not Tracer
Eh, debatable I guess.

But she's on the box, she was a big part of the first trailer (yes, alongside Winston, the gorilla) and she's on all the banner ads I'm seeing all over the internet.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
Zhukov said:
The Philistine said:
... why is Widowmaker grey?
She's actually kind of blue-ish. She probably looks grey in the short because it's night lighting.

Anyway, apparently [http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/heroes/widowmaker/] it's because her heart beats really slowly which makes her emotionless to be a better assassin and turned her skin blue as a side effect.

Yes, I realise that makes no sense at all. Somehow I doubt a physiology expert was consulted when they were writing the lore.

Corey Schaff said:
I thought the Poster child of the game was a giant Gorilla though, not Tracer
Eh, debatable I guess.

But she's on the box, she was a big part of the first trailer (yes, alongside Winston, the gorilla) and she's on all the banner ads I'm seeing all over the internet.
Pretty much everything I've seen has Winston and Tracer as the face of the good guys and Reaper and Widowmaker as the face of the antagonists.

Curious why you didn't like the first trailer as much though, I thought it was a much better character piece than the second, while the second did better world building with the human/robot stuff, I find it hard to choose which I like better.

As for the games plot, it seems weird to me that they are setting it up as a PVP game when the story doesn't seem to support what's going on or why everyone is fighting each other. Especially things like why characters like tracer and Widowmaker would ever team up with each other. The story they've come up with is cool, but it seems like it would be a lot better in a single player or co-op type game, the threads tying the story with the actual gameplay seem tenuous at best.

The Philistine

New member
Jan 15, 2010
Tracer is also the first Overwatch character to make it into Heroes of the Storm. And her tagline was already worked into a card in Hearthstone (Argent Horserider). She's definitely the face of Overwatch.

Zhukov said:
She's actually kind of blue-ish. She probably looks grey in the short because it's night lighting.

Anyway, apparently [http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/heroes/widowmaker/] it's because her heart beats really slowly which makes her emotionless to be a better assassin and turned her skin blue as a side effect.

Yes, I realise that makes no sense at all. Somehow I doubt a physiology expert was consulted when they were writing the lore.
So she could pink up if her heartbeat picked up. I'm sure that little detail will never be abused by anyone.

Makes about as much sense as other bits of Blizzard lore.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
I thought the movie was a lot more fun than I find the game. Team based arena FPS's, just bore me. But this movie was awesome, i find it interesting that they are able to pump out these cinematics like this, considering that they've show behind the scenes of Wow cinematics that take them over a year to make a 180 second expansion trailer. It leaves me wondering how many cinematics they had already in the bank when they announced this game, and how much content we will get after release to further expand the universe and story.

Honestly, I am a player who only cares about story. Since the game doesn't have any story, I wont buy it. I'll watch the videos and probably read the comics. But I'm not interested in the actually game at all. Until the single player campaign expansion at least.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Still not digging the Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks style. I hate this cartoony style when it comes to CG animation if you want to do that just make 2D traditional animation.

It just does not look Blizzard-y to me.

And I am so used to their cinematics looking Hyper Photo Realistic like say the Diablo 3 cinematics:

Heck even Wacraft despite being cartoony in its own right has cinematics that looks so photo realistic looking:



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Corey Schaff said:
Zhukov said:
The Philistine said:
... why is Widowmaker grey?
She's actually kind of blue-ish. She probably looks grey in the short because it's night lighting.

Anyway, apparently [http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/heroes/widowmaker/] it's because her heart beats really slowly which makes her emotionless to be a better assassin and turned her skin blue as a side effect.

Yes, I realise that makes no sense at all. Somehow I doubt a physiology expert was consulted when they were writing the lore.
Actually that does make a kind of sense; if her heart is beating slower she might be getting a lack of oxygen, which causes a blueish-gray discoloration of the skin, because iirc blood is blue unless oxygenated.

That's super unhealthy though <_<
Yeah, but heart rate doesn't control emotion. If I do star-jumps for a few minutes and get my heart rate up I'm not making myself more emotional. Likewise if I sit still and do breathing exercises to lower my heart rate (although I suppose that is kind of calming).

Plus someone whose blood was so de-oxygenated that their skin went blue wouldn't be in any condition to go running across rooftops.

I know, I know, I'm overthinking this.

EternallyBored said:
Curious why you didn't like the first trailer as much though, I thought it was a much better character piece than the second, while the second did better world building with the human/robot stuff, I find it hard to choose which I like better.
First one was a lot of talking with bugger all action.

Blizzard's cinematics team have always been great at action and they can do decent physical comedy when they try, but they can't write dialogue worth a damn.

Mini-Winston was undeniably cute though. And him typing with his feet was a nice touch.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
The Philistine said:
I'm guessing Blizzard will slowly introduce the dynamics of the human/robot, why the assassination took place, and it's impacts to kick off the game. It also seems pretty clear we're gong to wind up with one group of scrappy heroes versus another team of rough/shadowy anti-heroes/villains. But the biggest question I still have is: in a world of time-warping humans, robots, and talking gorillas, why is Widowmaker grey?
Sci-fi science more than anything. Basically she's outfitted with cybernetics and her heartbeat's been slowed so she lost color in her skin. Why it turned her blue isn't exactly explained beyond "less oxygen, therefore blue skin".

And I'll agree that it was nice seeing a hero get their shit kicked in for once. Nice change of pace, especially for Blizzard the last few years. Really interesting to see how outclassed Tracer was honestly.

But I will say I enjoyed the Winston one more. It just felt like there was more heart put into it than this one. This was more an action sequence that could've honestly done without the dialogue. Felt really off the entire time beyond the Shambali guy's speech, or at least the fragments you heard. Especially that big overdramatic "NOOOO" at the end by crowd member #6.


Sep 23, 2014
The animation is really good, the voice acting is really goofy, the character expressions are nice... overall a good little movie.

Wasn't expecting Tracer to sound like an English teenager though.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
I loved it, kinda puts me in mind of a mash up between G.I. Joe's and Pixar. That's also some amazingly smooth and well crafted animation, the stairwell chase and the entire scene where Widowmaker is taking out the rooftop guards are stunning.

How the hell does Blizzard even do this? That's pretty damned close to Pixar quality and yet they're just pumping these movies out. Visually it even puts Valve's 'Meet the ___' series to shame if we're comparing between games here, and those look pretty damned good as well. This is just on a whole 'nother level. Their in-house cinematic tools must be incredible.

Also love the use of music to ramp up the tension, but then music and sound have always been another of Blizzards strong suits.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The faces look a bit generic in that random NPC sort of way, but otherwise very nice. This is the first time I've heard Tracer talk though, and I'm very surprised at her British accent. But maybe that's because visually she reminds me of X-Men's Jubilee.

Shame this game is multiplayer only, meaning I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole.

Dose butts though. :p


New member
Jun 20, 2013
Absolutely agree with the dialogue. I feel like they completely whiffed the whole "Begin with a line and then end on the same line but with a slight twist" thing, but the actual video itself made the characters feel like they were an absolute elite force to be reckoned with, which just gives me all the more reason to want to play them.

But I also want more lore, because with these shorts Reaper and Widowmaker are now absolutely the bad guys, and I don't know why the good guys would be on the same team besides "gameplay and suspension of disbelief." But I'm sure there will be a lot more and push comes to shove I don't feel like it'd detract from my enjoyment of the game.