Oh hey, new Overwatch short.


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Iwantstuff said:
Absolutely agree with the dialogue. I feel like they completely whiffed the whole "Begin with a line and then end on the same line but with a slight twist" thing, but the actual video itself made the characters feel like they were an absolute elite force to be reckoned with, which just gives me all the more reason to want to play them.

But I also want more lore, because with these shorts Reaper and Widowmaker are now absolutely the bad guys, and I don't know why the good guys would be on the same team besides "gameplay and suspension of disbelief." But I'm sure there will be a lot more and push comes to shove I don't feel like it'd detract from my enjoyment of the game.
To be fair, Widowmaker and Reaper are a part of a merc group, so the reason they were on the same team would be they were paid to be there. Hell, you've even got both of their ties to Overwatch before they were Talon, Reaper if I'm remembering right was basically next in line after Soldier, and Widowmaker was married to one of the previous leaders before she went insane.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
The Madman said:
How the hell does Blizzard even do this? That's pretty damned close to Pixar quality and yet they're just pumping these movies out. Visually it even puts Valve's 'Meet the ___' series to shame if we're comparing between games here, and those look pretty damned good as well. This is just on a whole 'nother level. Their in-house cinematic tools must be incredible.
You have to keep in mind Blizzard has been making cinematics for their games for some 20 years. While the earlier games cinematics might not look like much anymore, they've been consistently impressive for their time and have only improved since then. Blizzard certainly got the experience[footnote]And the budget, that also helps[/footnote].

Also, I feel comparing Overwatchs purely cgi shorts to TF2s 'Meet The' is not entirely fair, since the latter are largely made using the ingame engine, with all the limitations that implies. An engine that is about a dozen years old by now, so there is a pretty large technological gap between the two. In this sense, I find it actually pretty damn impressive how good TF2 shorts made in SFM can look, which I guess can be attributed in a large way to the strenght of the art style.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
MarsAtlas said:
What the hell is that Life is Strange character doing there?!


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
I will say I didn't liked it so much like the first Episode. It was very good, don't get me wrong, but the first one had more exciting material which make me watch it all the time.

For example I really liked that the goons of Reapers aren't stupid like in some similar movies/comics/books/etc. Especially when you see how a single goon react in a specific situation. In other words, I really like delightful Underdog moments. That why we love the "Traitor" Stormtrooper in the new Star Wars movie.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Zhukov said:
So... as someone who was a bit disappointed by the first Overwatch short, this one was downright delightful. Dialogue is utter cheese, but damn, that animation. The rooftop chase sequence is gorgeous.

As is often the case with pre-rendered trailers, this makes me wish Widowmaker was actually that mobile in gameplay, rather than being a mostly stationary head-clicker who can fire a grappling hook once every twelve seconds.

Oh, and I like that they actually made an episode in which their poster child character is bested. That might seem like an odd thing to fixate on, but it's actually rather rare. Usually in promotional material you'd just see the main characters beating on mooks with any encounters between them being inconclusive.
I'm a little behind on my Overwatch lore. Can you explain it to me from the bottom up? Why did Tracer butt in on the assassination attempt? Is she fighting some kind of rear guard action?


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Eh, I personally am tired of the "Hot, scantily clad female killer, who gets a sexual pleasure from killing people." trope. So I didn't find it all that impressive.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
BloatedGuppy said:
Zhukov said:
So... as someone who was a bit disappointed by the first Overwatch short, this one was downright delightful. Dialogue is utter cheese, but damn, that animation. The rooftop chase sequence is gorgeous.

As is often the case with pre-rendered trailers, this makes me wish Widowmaker was actually that mobile in gameplay, rather than being a mostly stationary head-clicker who can fire a grappling hook once every twelve seconds.

Oh, and I like that they actually made an episode in which their poster child character is bested. That might seem like an odd thing to fixate on, but it's actually rather rare. Usually in promotional material you'd just see the main characters beating on mooks with any encounters between them being inconclusive.
I'm a little behind on my Overwatch lore. Can you explain it to me from the bottom up? Why did Tracer butt in on the assassination attempt? Is she fighting some kind of rear guard action?
Uhh, I don't think there's a specific reason for her to be there. Maybe she just wanted to hear the robot monk guy's speech?

There was some mention of an ongoing rivalry between her and...


Son of a *****.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2010
Okay, the animation was great, but christ that dialogue was clunky as all hell. I mean, they even pulled out the old "slo-mo closeup of someone screaming 'NOOOO'" chestnut.

It's honestly looking like of the two, Battleborn will have the better story. Overwatch is looking like it's gonna be stuck up its own ass trying to be dramatic.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
MarsAtlas said:
What the hell is that Life is Strange character doing there?!
A week earlier she saved her robot boyfriend from being shot which set in motion a chain of utterly unexplained events that somehow led to the assassination, a connection that she has only just realised by a vague leap of logic. Hence why she's so upset.

Actually, fun detail I just noticed. She's the same person who shows up in this trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBIwGKDwnWY] at 00:12 aiding an omnic.

Happyninja42 said:
Eh, I personally am tired of the "Hot, scantily clad female killer, who gets a sexual pleasure from killing people." trope. So I didn't find it all that impressive.
Whoops. Here we go.

It's not actually suggested that she gets off on killing people. Merely that it makes her feel alive. Which she generally doesn't on account of being brainwashed and... de-emotioned or something.

As for her design, I actually don't mind it. Granted, it's not what I'd come up with if someone asked me to design a sexy female sharpshooter assassin but apparently I'm a puritan. (I'd go for something a bit more inconspicuous since, y'know, assassin. Think a female Agent 47.) However it's got that whole nifty spider theme going on, with the grappling line and the eight-eyed goggles.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
That was like the coolest short film i've seen in awhile, and the fighting / chase was thrilling for sure :)
I can't get over Tracer's voice though ... sounds like a high school girl trying to disguise her British accent or something lmao.

Also those butt shots. I'm sorry but the makers behind Overwatch freaken designed those 'cheeks' to stand out whether you're trying to ignore it or embrace it. But seriously the animation was really awesome and I would love to see more short films like this.
I used to Trazer voice by now. Widowmaker on the other hand, I'm not digging the French (?) accent.

Also, were we watching the same short? Well ok I notice one scene they were somewhat trying hard to cover her cheeks from sight.

OT- It was a cool short but I prefer the first one in terms of world building and story.

I guessing this was a preclude cos of Trazer chest thingy being damaged (which lead to her not able to removed it without killing her) and the whole human/ robot conflict. Also while I don't want to sterotype but that pacifist leader is pretty much Zanyatta. I was going to mention on why he's in the game killing the enemy when he was supposely killed (I thought he was repair) until I look him up on Overwatch wiki.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Tracer sounds awesome and her movement is bad ass, I love how spunky she is about everything.
Widowmaker on the other hand... her design is okay and everything else is nice but that accent... it just sounds like the whitest person trying to do a forced French/Russian? accent ever :S

the short was pretty cool but it needs more Gorilla with glasses


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Casual Shinji said:
MarsAtlas said:
What the hell is that Life is Strange character doing there?!
Ah, thanks for telling me why I dislike her so much...

Zhukov said:
Actually, fun detail I just noticed. She's the same person who shows up in this trailer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBIwGKDwnWY] at 00:12 aiding an omnic.
Not the same bot though. Eyes give it away. But exactly how do those relationships work anyways? We talking machine-sexual gear-head types only going for them or what? Or just weirdly close roomates?

MarsAtlas said:
They're from the same monastery. I don't know what the little lights on their face are for exactly but the one in the video as a 3x3 set just like Zenyatta.
Pretty sure they're just designed that way. Also Zenyatta's more like the wandering Buddha, the guy that was assassinated more like a Buddist Pope(I'd say Dalai Lama, but it doesn't seem to fit exactly beyond flavour and scenery).


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Zhukov said:
Happyninja42 said:
Eh, I personally am tired of the "Hot, scantily clad female killer, who gets a sexual pleasure from killing people." trope. So I didn't find it all that impressive.
Whoops. Here we go.

It's not actually suggested that she gets off on killing people. Merely that it makes her feel alive. Which she generally doesn't on account of being brainwashed and... de-emotioned or something.

As for her design, I actually don't mind it. Granted, it's not what I'd come up with if someone asked me to design a sexy female sharpshooter assassin but apparently I'm a puritan. (I'd go for something a bit more inconspicuous since, y'know, assassin. Think a female Agent 47.) However it's got that whole nifty spider theme going on, with the grappling line and the eight-eyed goggles.
I don't mind her physical design. Scantily clad hotty in a tightsuit with a big gun, it's pretty typical for gaming to do so. I don't really care if a character is sexualized. What I do care is that her reason for killing, is so cliche. I mean, when she's directly asked about it. She just does that "ooh, I'm such an evil vixen" laugh, and then says "It makes me feel alive." It's a rush thing, and pretty much every time this character is presented, it's conveyed as a sexual thing. Or at the very least, that's how they react to it, expressing body language like they are getting off on it. It's pretty much the only trope they use when they have a professional killer female in movies/tv/games. I've lost count of the number of Female Lancer characters to a Big Bad Guy, who fit this bill. People like it, fine, knock yourself out enjoying it. I find it fairly dull, and would like to see some reason aside from "it gives me a rush/thrill/orgasm" for why a woman is a killer.

MarsAtlas said:
I didn't see it as sexual satisfcation, more like general accomplishment satisfaction, but fair enough, I can see that.
True, they might not stick in sexual innuendos and double entendres in her kill comments in game, I suppose that's possible. But I seriously doubt it. They've hit all the other tropes for that archetype. Tight bodysuit, stunning looks, sultry voice, speaks all the time as if she's trying to seduce you. Besides, they show us a Black Widow when she's talking about the spider story. And BW's are infamous for sex/killing, so I think it's more than fair to say they are blurring the line between her lust for the kill, and just general lust. Which again, is nothing new, this is hardly the first time this trope has been used, but then, that's my issue. I'm just...tired of seeing this one.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Corey Schaff said:
Redryhno said:
Not the same bot though. Eyes give it away. But exactly how do those relationships work anyways? We talking machine-sexual gear-head types only going for them or what? Or just weirdly close roomates?
One of today's articles on the escapist seems to give the answer to that <.<

The title link in the URL is all I needed to see. Not in the mood right now to read something and come to grips with the fact that humans are also robosexuals.