"Oh, okay...wait, WHAT!?" moments in gaming


New member
Feb 26, 2011
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
But...you didnt know...


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I was playing FireRed, when I come across this wild Nidorino, and it appeared to have been poisoned. This was odd, and made me double-take, because I literally just got in battle with it and I had always seen wild creatures to be perfectly healthy. Well, whatever, I one-KO'd, and noticed my Charizard was poisoned, but as I rode my bike to the Pokemon Center. . . his health didn't slowly dwindle down as it always does. That was double-take number two. I get to the Pokemon Center and the ***** there is like "Oh, your Pokemon has Pokerus" and I'm like "uhhuh. . . wait wtf?!?" *insert double-take number three*

Anyway, I've learned what it is since, and I am VERY glad I got it, but it seriously rocked my world the first time I encountered it.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
This is more of something that happened, not something I heard.

Fallout 3. I have located a ghoul shantytown that isn't on the map. They're hostile. I'm behind a bus with a shotgun, waiting for Ghoul #1, and he does not disappoint me. He's there at point-blank and I VATS-fire the shotgun.

The world goes WHITE from an explosion in the night.

What the hell happened? Well, everything clears and I'm standing by a detonated bus, which is apparently what went up, killing most of the ghouls. The oddest thing? I'm not even HARMED.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Saelune said:
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
But...you didnt know...
That's still something that should come up during the Joining: you'll get hungry, hear the archdemon and have nightmares of darkspawn, and you'll die in 30 yrs. I consider that kinda data is something that should be mentioned, like a soldier's chance of dying somewhere like in Iraq.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Hectix777 said:
Saelune said:
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
But...you didnt know...
That's still something that should come up during the Joining: you'll get hungry, hear the archdemon and have nightmares of darkspawn, and you'll die in 30 yrs. I consider that kinda data is something that should be mentioned, like a soldier's chance of dying somewhere like in Iraq.
You did not listen to Duncen then. The joining was a secret, and once you knew, you had to do it, or die. SO even IF they told you, the alternative at that point would just be death.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I had a similar moment at the same part you did. Oh and the "If you are a female...you might turn into a broodmother" ...

The only comfort I had was that I was pretty positive even then that I'd had to sacrifice myself so hey, no worries. I'll be dead.


God Damn Sorcerer
Dec 25, 2010
FalloutJack said:
This is more of something that happened, not something I heard.

Fallout 3. I have located a ghoul shantytown that isn't on the map.
Do you remember where it was? I'd really like to see this.


a Taffer
Jun 19, 2010
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously.
Not many, sadly. But to use your Dragon Age example... The fact alone that the Joining was a secret hinted enough to me that something bad was in store for my Warden; and considering that chances were good that surviving the battle against the Blight was an arguable outcome at best, I could only feel a slight pang of regret for her when the news was broken to her.

Dragon Age 2 on the other hand... I believe I can honestly say that this is the first game that has made me do a double take on the consequences of Hawkes (or her/his companions) actions.

*narrows her eyes* I am going to wrap this in spoiler tags now. So do NOT read it. You know who you are. Do. Not. Read. This. Or I swear I will--I don't know, probably laugh.

Isabelas' involvement in sparking the uprising of the Qunari... what a selfish, irresponsible woman. Cannot really blame her for wanting to save her own hide, even if she might have known what was at stake.. but still. Lots of folks died because of you, woman.

Hawkes' mother meeting her end. I swear I was flabbergasted. I mean, I knew there lose ends to be tied with that certain someone, but THIS? BioWare, I like how you have brought the character I played into the centre of the plot, instead of making her the "solution". God knows I am growing tired of playing the world saving hero that has no fault to him/her.







You bloody idiot. You god damn bloody idiot! I swear if I could get my hands on you I would strangle you and grind my fist into your face. I saw something bad coming, I saw something very bad coming, but this?!

Gnnnnnh! *pummels Anders, then drags him off to do some other unspeakable things to him in private*



New member
Aug 3, 2010


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
Well, they HAVE to do it to be able to defeat the archdemon, that's why it's considered a SACRIFICE to become a Grey Warden.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Hectix777 said:
Saelune said:
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
But...you didnt know...
That's still something that should come up during the Joining: you'll get hungry, hear the archdemon and have nightmares of darkspawn, and you'll die in 30 yrs. I consider that kinda data is something that should be mentioned, like a soldier's chance of dying somewhere like in Iraq.
They don't tell you because then no one would want to join and they have to drink the darkspawn blood to kill the archdemon. Thats why the ritual is a secret. By the time you know its too late to back out so you might as well just deal with it.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
when i first heard that you could kill Kruaser from RE4 with just the knife... the KNIFE. i mean i hit this guy point blank in the face with a shotgun and just kept coming, but one hit from a knife and he doubles over.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
It was in a dungeon in Makai Kingdom. I was fighting these odd mushroom monsters. They died in a hit or two, they weren't exactly tough. There were a lot of them and I couldn't kill them all before my turn was over. "No big deal" I thought. When it was their turn they naturally attacked me. They did very little damage, but when they hit one of my characters it made a "dah-dah" level up sound effect. I looked to see if them hitting me gave me experience somehow and thus leveled me up, but I saw that they leveled me down. "Oh, well that sucks" I thought, soon followed by "Wait, you've got to be kidding me!!!!!!!" I was confused, sad, and annoyed.


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Saelune said:
Hectix777 said:
Saelune said:
Hectix777 said:
You ever get to a part in a videogame where you hear something really important and go,"okay," than you go back and process the data and begin to freak out subconciously. A vital piece of information, whether it relates to the character after the game or the world he is on, that just make you take a doubletake at it. For me it was in Dragon Age: Origins (Bioware makes best RPGs in the world) and than I talked to Alistair in camp. He says," Yeah, I forgot to tell you... Well good news, you won't die of old age! You have 30 years to live." I was thinking,"oh..." than,"WTF?!". You think a solution would be found by now that would stop the whole 30 years to live thing. It kinda baffles me that people will drink darkspawn blood if they know that they'll live for 30 yrs and that they have never-ending nightmares. So what was yours?
But...you didnt know...
That's still something that should come up during the Joining: you'll get hungry, hear the archdemon and have nightmares of darkspawn, and you'll die in 30 yrs. I consider that kinda data is something that should be mentioned, like a soldier's chance of dying somewhere like in Iraq.
You did not listen to Duncan then. The joining was a secret, and once you knew, you had to do it, or die. SO even IF they told you, the alternative at that point would just be death.
(Misspelled Duncan, fixed it) So, your damned if you do and damned if you don't? huh. Still I'm kind of curious why no cure or at least a better darkspawn formula (or whatever it should be called) that leads to a longer life. I mean, the whole,' Spend the last moments of your life in the Deep Roads slaying as many darkspawn as you can before you die," is both noble and makes sense on some levels, but still. I mean, mages were part of the Wardens, one of them must have freaked out when they found out he had 30 yrs. to live and maybe started doing research in his lab.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Aylaine said:
Surviving a direct rocket in Hard Mode on Killing Floor. Once I heard "One in the Pipe" I was pretty positive I would be dead. But no, Demolitions at 6 rocks, and I survived long enough to nadespam the Patty into a bloody mess. GIMME ACHIEVEMENT FOO. :p
Pffft, that's nothing. We all had plans to swarm the Patriarch with chainsaws (very good tactic, the huge amounts of damage stuns the Patriarch, so he can't attack or heal). So, we were having the usual 'where the fuck is he' time, so three out of the total of six of us decide to attempt to cut down a tree with the chainsaws.

One rocket killed all three of them xD


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
QuadFish said:
FalloutJack said:
This is more of something that happened, not something I heard.

Fallout 3. I have located a ghoul shantytown that isn't on the map.
Do you remember where it was? I'd really like to see this.
Okay, having looked into things, I believe it was this place. [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Wasteland_Gypsy_village] The bus is mentioned.