Oh shit they picked......

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Kanji and Tager in Persona 4 Arena and BlazBlue respectively. They're grapple characters and I just hate them all with a fiery passion. Tager especially, I at least can hold my own vs a good Kanji as Labrys. Tager just ruins me with any character because bullshit damage, a load of command grabs and he decides where your character is going to be. Not you. Ever.

Also Kassadin in League. I play a load of Twisted Fate, he's pretty much my only consistent mid but I can deal with pretty much all of his other hard counters except fucking Darth Vader. It's not even the matchup, I get destroyed by him when I play Talon vs him even though apparently Talon counters him. Just his entire moveset confuses me, I know what it all is but I cannot get my head around how to beat it.

At least against TF's other counters I take the time honoured strat of sitting back and farming with Wild Cards from the other side of the lane and most of them are melee range so you can poke them down forever, preventing any proper all-ins on you.

Oh and probably Jayce because Jayce is like the best thing in the game right now? Though my very last game was me winning Singed vs Jayce top hard. Ok our Vi got first blood on him because her lvl 2 ganks are good and a good Singed always takes Fling at level 1. I guess he was once of those people who sees me pick Singed, opens Lolcounter and instalocks the highest rated one regardless of if he can even play Jayce. He wasn't abusing his ranged advantage over me ALTHOUGH that level 2 gank by Vi got me level 3 while he was still 1 so it almost fully eliminated Singed's really tough early game.

I was pushing the top inhib tower for the entire game, ran away when they came to kill me, waited for them to leave then walked up to their minions and kept pushing. Then we went all mid, our Thresh landed a grab and I thought "fuck it" popped Insanity Potion and Ghost and just ran into their team. My team spammed so many fall back pings until they noticed I was not getting instagibbed and followed through. Thresh landed a grab. We go in hard.

I don't care about the enemy team picking Blitz anymore honestly, I go Alistair and just combo him straight back walking out no problem. Seriously, Alistair has probably the best protection for carries in existence. 'cept maybe the Thresh box. knock up, knock back, a spammy heal and his ult gives him a deceptively high amount of damage himself.

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Bonk4licious said:
As a longtime Battlefield player, my bane is any sort of lock on weapon that takes any fun/actual ability away from support roles in the game, and the people on the receiving end. Funny all this stuff only comes in recent installments...
I loathe and despise the auto-spotter scope attachment from Bad Company 2, fucking no skill asshats spamming the fucking thing just cuz they can't use their own god damn eyees to find prey.

OT: Fucking Metakinight in Smash. Far from invincible but irritating as hell none the less, I also hate Kratos in PSABR for his bloody ranged lunges that are nigh impossible to avoid..

Tekken. Any shit like christie is n instant pissed-off.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Friggin Outworld Devourer in dota 2. He is simply the strongest mid and in pub no one would give a shit that you are losing your lane horribly. In competetive it is not that bad since he has no escape and is easily gankable.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Dark Souls PvP/Invadions

Everytime I see another player with the sunlight blade/dorkmoon blade + falchion/washing pole combo using ninja flips I sigh to myself.
I just dislike that specific combo...


New member
Nov 4, 2010
I'd say either the Gargoyle or Shredder in One Must Fall 2097. If I end up doing badly against the AI it's usually when it's using one of those two robots.


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Civ 5 multiplayer playing against someone who picks the Huns, Spain or maya. Those civs are so stupidly overpowered.

The Floating Nose

Senior Member
Dec 5, 2010
In MVC2 pretty much anyone who picks Sentinel, Storm and Magneto is a cheap motherufkcer in my book. Because all they do is Tornado, tornado, tornado, rocket punch orcket punch, assist assist assist. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST that's why i stopped playing this game online.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
daveman247 said:
alphamalet said:
Oddjob from Goldeneye. I don't think I need to go into too much detail here. You can't shoot that short little fuck!
Or elvis, or the monkey.

Basically anyone short. Screw them XD
While we're at it, screw Robofish! If they pick him, I hate them.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Meh, i could also talk about LoL i guess, but for everyone playing the game long enough knows just to pick the currently OP champs.
Which at the moment would be Jayce & Draven foremost.

And someone said Jayce is balanced before^^ No he's not, and that why he's getting nerfed again. His poke is way to good on a champ that can insta-gib any non-bruiser from 75% to 0% in a 1 second combo.
It's always the same problem with champs with no ults, they're incredible hard to balance and are usually really strong, because their abilties are usually stronger to compensate the lack of an ultimate.

In other games: Oddjob definitly was one of my most hated chars. And usually the one who picked it got punched by the 3 other dudes next to him :p
C17 + C18 in Dragonball Budokai. That lame-ass super shield which can block anymove paired with unlimited energy is just idiotic^10.
If you've a decent opponent you've to rely on your hand-to-hand combat only because all the other nukes will get dodged/blocked - blergh.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
What is wrong with zoning? It is a legitimate strategy, just because you can't counter it doesn't mean it is cheap.

I will say vega(claw) from ST, because he has a legitimately cheap move in 50/50 guess which way I will hit you with dives on wakeup.

In DotA, probably ursa because pubs, or Abbadon because he is annoying.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
MrRaggaedeman said:
Dark Souls PvP/Invasions

Everytime I see another player with the sunlight blade/darkmoon blade + falchion/washing pole combo using ninja flips I sigh to myself.
I just dislike that specific combo...
Giantmoms and Haveldads. Giantmoms and Haveldads everywhere.

Seriously, when I'm in Undead Burg and see someone in full Smough's with a chaos drake sword, it just... what are you even getting out of it? I was wearing old dish towels, of course you killed me.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
Well I've been playing 'duels of champions' lately, a trading card game based on the 'heroes of might & magic' universe. Mechanically it's pretty awesome: like a mix of 'magic the gathering' and mojang's new 'scrolls' and it involves hero units.

It was my first TCG and I was really digging it, until I ranked up enough to get matched with serious opponents and I started to suspect some balance problems... So out of morbid curiousity I entered a few small tournaments. My theory being that if certain decks, cards or heroes show up unnaturally often in tournaments, they're probably overpowered.

Lo and behold: out of about 30 opponents I faced only two were not playing either a necropolis or an inferno deck. In case you're wondering: necropolis decks are basically black decks from magic the gathering and ditto for inferno decks and red decks.
Furthermore, with the exception of some newbies, all their decks were filled to the rim with the exact cards I suspected to be overpowered. And finally, 14 out of 17 necropolis decks I faced were using the "whatshisface, lord of pestilence" hero.

I haven't played since.

So yeah, that would be my entry: whatshisface, lord of pestilence from duels of champions.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
master yi. the fucking asshole master yi. yeah he is squishy. yeah stun him and he dies. ik ik.

but for some reason anytime a master yi is in my opponents he gets fed no matter how fucked up the player is. even when they are 3/12 they still have +300 ad. the guy is impossible to run from. impossible to get unless you have hard cc( which many dont) and so fucking annoying. (also being able to heal +1300 hp in 3 secs with +300 armor and magic resist then doing +800 damage with one alpha strike and still having +300 ad doesnt help )


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Meta knight in smash bros is ridiculously strong once you get with good players and I hate it. I mean, it's a brawling maelstrom of chaos in SSB anyways so I usually just play for fun, but the one time I tried being competitive, uuugghhh.

As for LoL, I depends on the game mode and who I picked. All-in-all everyone has a counter and seems super OP until you start playing as them, and usually ones legitimately a bit too good don't stay that way for long. So when I'm Brand and they pick Kass? Fuck, fighting to just not feed assuming he's competent. But otherwise nah, don't really have any "shit, they picked..." moments.


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Eddie, Christie or Tiger in Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I fucking hate them with all my being!

Also, Alchemist in Dota 2. That guy is freaking impossible if you don't check on him constantly. Give him 5 minutes of free or jungle farm and BAM! he comes out with battlefury, mjolnir and Assault Cuirass and crushes your whole team.
Oh yeah, and when someone deliberately picks Warlock. You know he knows what he's doing when he DELIBERATELY picks Warlock.


New member
Apr 30, 2008
League of Legends. Someone not me getting Yi in ARAM. They get Master Yi? AP Yi alpha strike time. Someone on our team other than me who gets Yi? Leeroy AD Yi Failtrain.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Never got into the MOBA genre so I can't speak to it.

On the other hand I know I'm always in for an ass kicking whenever I play Darkstalkers and my opponent chooses Felicia.
Her rolling dash into fury swipes combo is a pain in the ass and I hate dealing with it.

The only other thing I regularly hate dealing with is in tabletop games of Warhammer 40K.
My Orks can almost always hold their own in a fight but the Tyranids always steamroll right over me.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
IllumInaTIma said:
Also, Alchemist in Dota 2. That guy is freaking impossible if you don't check on him constantly. Give him 5 minutes of free or jungle farm and BAM! he comes out with battlefury, mjolnir and Assault Cuirass and crushes your whole team.
Oh yeah, and when someone deliberately picks Warlock. You know he knows what he's doing when he DELIBERATELY picks Warlock.
I hate Alchemist only when he picks shadowblade. That sound of concoction bubbling not knowing where it will come from.... argh.

And mine pick would be Clinkz from Dota 1/2. He's annoying to fight against, and even though he's not that hard to kill if you bring detection, I don't like laning against him.

from LoL, I hate going against Lux and Ezreal, even though I can play against them pretty good. But I don't like fighting them for some reason. Them, and RYZE- he weirds me out and I don't like him.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Nemusus said:
Politoed in competitive Pokemon.

90% of teams that run Politoed just go ahead and spam the biggest attackers in the game. Which then leads to everyone else picking out 6 counters to those guys and calling it a day. And the next thing you know, everyone has one of two freaking teams, and every match is exactly the same as one of the two before it.

I hate Politoed.
Politioed? Is there some awsome politoed strategy i am unaware of?


Innocence proves nothing
Sep 26, 2008
Ares in Smite.

This one god wrecks my shit. "Chains? Check. Sword? Check. Body bags? CHECK." His ultimate is a low mana cost aoe pull, every enemy in the circle aoe when he activates the ability gets hooked by a chain, about 2 seconds later if they haven't cleansed the chain they get pulled in and stunned. Combine that ability with a lane partner who has a skillshot, hard to line up, imba damage when it hits ability and you and your entire team are dead son.

It's balanced by the fact you can buy beads that cleanse CC but that's gold you aren't spending on items and if Ares buys cooldown reduction he actually has his ultimate ready again before your beads are.

Even without that ability his 1 fires a chain out in a line, if he hits a god he can fire another (up to 3) for free mana. It does moderate damage over time and cripples (cant use jump/dash escapes), his 2 is a defensive buff for himself and everyone around him (including minions), his 3 is a continual (for duration) cone of flame that does damage+ a percentage of your maximum health.

Then there's the fact he can buy an item that adds a short slow to every ability he uses so you are now crippled and moving at a snails pace to get away. Also he can buy blink, good luck dodging that aoe ultimate now.

It's a carry's worst nightmare. A god that can grab you, hold you and wreck any tank trying to help you.

He's fun to play though, he wrecks solo laners. Also fun in arena.