Technically mine's an MMO, but a level 20 Recon in Global Agenda? Cloaking, giant sword, sniper rifle? I don't think I know of a word to adequately describe how utterly beyond hope I would be.
Sounds like you gots one extreme case of domestic violence on your hands. God help you.ZeroMachine said:First I marry Noble Six in a thread earlier, and now he attacks me? What. The hell.
Either way, I'm royally fucked.
Hug him so he can't move.Detective Prince said:Chibiterasu attacked me? AWESOME HE'S ADORABLE. I am probably screwed though, he has a magic brush and a giant-ass sword...
same for me. i made him an unstoppable badass, and just completed the game. i am totally boned...bleachigo10 said:Cole Mcgrath from Infamous. Oh shit, I need to get as much rubber clothing as possible.
I got Lux... Not even worth trying to run.Judgement101 said:Oh shit....Shen from leauge of legends.....well, I'm not entirely screwed, he doesn't deal THAT much damage.
solid snake never threw animals that was big boss/naked snake.Irriduccibilli said:Solid Snake probably wont kill me, only knock me out, so i'm good. Maybe he'll throw live snakes or spiders at me at worst, but i'm fine with that