Hi! (sorry for my english)
This is a hard one:
- It's an board PC game and I remember playing it in the end of the 90s, but it might have been early 2000 or something.
- I played the demo version witch it was included in a pc magazine (PC Mania, Hot Shareware, CD Shareware, etc.)
- I played it in window mode, so the game runs in Windows 95/98.
- The game it's like a board game, you select a player (remember a player in a airplane) and (maybe) roll the dice and you walked X squares.
- I played it with my brother, so I think that we can select 2 players
- Good graphics (windows 95/98)
- Current/Present-day setting
- (unsure) Each player with a different conveyance (airplane, train, car, etc.)
- (unsure) Is not a pc version of an classic board game (monopoly, game of life, etc.)
- (unsure) Side/lateral perspective
- (unsure) the board was like world map (or similar), with the seas (I remember a lot of blue color, so I think it was the seas).
I've searched on google for a long time and... nothing.