Ok, so this is my tough one.
RPG Game for PC, in the early 90s, very similar to games like Ultima or Anvil of Dawn, but really poorish quality.
The first phase/mission you had to "walk" and kill people, etc. IT was like an open land/dessert/terrain.
It's in my brain, I played it when I was early teenagrs and would love to see in youtube videos of how the game would have continued.I think it was the second in a series (ie, my brain tells me the game's title included a 2 or a II)
I have spent about 2 hours googling and I can confirm it is NOT the following games:
Baldur Gate 1-2
Ultima 1,2,3,4...9
Anvil of Dawn
wizardry 8
eye of the beholder
might magic
Any help will be more than appreciated!!!