Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 14, 2017
DopeyMetalBud said:
I'm having a tough time remembering the name of this game. It was either for the NES, Sega Genesis, or early PC. It was kind of like a side scroller, but not exactly. You would play as this guy who had to get through like a jungle. You would jump over pits, where if you fell into it you died immediately. You would run into these like leech looking things that were on the ground that you had to jump over, and if you didn't, it would cut to this scene of the leech thing which had a spike where it's mouth would be, and it would like cut your leg. The game was extremely difficult, and I never made it past the first like minute without dying. I thought it was pitfall, but it's not, so please don't say pitfall lol, although it looks very similar to the Atari version of pitfall, but I never owned nor played Atari so it couldn't possibly have been pitfall. It had better graphics than Atari, but they weren't good graphics by any stretch of the imagination. I wish I could remember more. Please help!!
This my friend was called 'Another World' in the UK and 'Out Of This World' in America. It was on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis and is very hard!


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Aug 14, 2017
Amka0603 said:
I don't remember the name of this PSP go game. It is a game where you have to escape a killer. You start in the killer's cabin in the woods your legs and hands tied together and he goes out to get his axe. And then your character breaks a glass that is on the table with his foot and cut himself free. And you go outside and the killer is outside and he starts to chase you. Then when you escape into the woods you choose to go left or right and i don't remember more than that. Can you guys help me please?
P.S. The game poster had a axe on a cut tree stump.
This is Hysteria Project my bro :)


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Aug 14, 2017
soapywind said:
I am looking for a game that my ex played. It was on his PC and it was a war game. You would control your army and fight. It was based in the middle ages/medieval times I think, it was definitely not modern. And there was a map and you had to take it over. It was made no later than 2015. And if i had to guess it was closer to 2015 than 2005. The game title is also only one word. PLEASE HELP I REALLY WANNA PLAY IT BUT I CANT REMEMBER THE NAME

Edit: The graphics and how its set up seems to look fairly similar to Medieval: Total War 2
It's a bit old but sounds a lot like Praetorians or even Cossacks?


New member
Aug 14, 2017
Hi everyone! I have 2 games I used to play when I was a kid that have been looming on my mind for quite some time now.

The first one is a point and click game that I remember starting on a plane, the character (male) had like a hawaiian look and I think he was going on a vacation. We had to grab a parachute on the plane and jump off, landing on an island. After that I remember we had to go to the hotel. I don't remember much else but I remember some parts of the map including a river with a fisherman and the other one had a beach with a bar on the right side.

The second game, the only thing I remember at all is that it looked a lot like a Disney game because I think the character looked like Christopher Robin (from winnie the pooh) and one of the parts of the game we needed to get by a bear to get it's honey.

Hopefully someone can help me remember the name of both games! n_n

Kaiden Larenzo

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Aug 15, 2017
Hey guys, i've been racking my brain for a while but i just can't make figure out this game, so heres the rundown

Year: 90's. i believe.
Platform: PC/DOS
Genre: It had RTS segments and segments where you flew/drove vehicles fighting against spaceships/UFOs

I remember it's disk i believe being black with a radar-esque style design on it. i believe i either got it bundled with a graphics card or off my buddy, all i can remember is the disk.

The game involved defending bases in various ways, from commanding AA tanks in an RTS, top down view. you flew planes, drove tanks/APC's/AA's. there was also attacking sections and such. basically a war over earth if i remember. (It's hard to remember to be honest, i'm surprised i remember this much.

If anyone can tell me the name of this game, i will love you forever <3

Edit: Disk was Black and Green!

Theodore F. Sharpe

New member
Aug 15, 2017
Platform: PC, possibly XP/Vista
Year: Early-mid 2000s

I'm looking for some kind of overhead car game where you solved puzzles and had some kind of combat system in a separate setting, I think. I don't think you took damage from anything unless you fell off the map, and the background was always some kind of sky...no ground other than the track at hand. I believe there were things like sticky platforms, homing missiles, and "sky" may have been in the name somewhere. I remember playing this and Test Drive 5 around the 2006-2009 era when I was a young child, so my memory may not be the best.

I'd appreciate any help!

Best regards, Ted

Gabrielle LeBlanc

New member
Aug 15, 2017
Does anyone know what that game is called that's a point and click, 2D, puzzle, flash game, and you play as a ghost??? It's single player and i used to play it in the early 2000's. I remember a puzzle with colours on a organ (piano) or something like that; I don't know exactly.


New member
Aug 15, 2017
There's a game that we used to have on the PS3. (I think) I don't remember much about it except you were a girl with I think red or orange looking hair and you pretty much went on an adventure. I think it started with a P.
Btw, how do you change your profile picture?


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Kaiden Larenzo said:
Hey guys, i've been racking my brain for a while but i just can't make figure out this game, so heres the rundown

Year: 90's. i believe.
Platform: PC/DOS
Genre: It had RTS segments and segments where you flew/drove vehicles fighting against spaceships/UFOs

I remember it's disk i believe being black with a radar-esque style design on it. i believe i either got it bundled with a graphics card or off my buddy, all i can remember is the disk.

The game involved defending bases in various ways, from commanding AA tanks in an RTS, top down view. you flew planes, drove tanks/APC's/AA's. there was also attacking sections and such. basically a war over earth if i remember. (It's hard to remember to be honest, i'm surprised i remember this much.

If anyone can tell me the name of this game, i will love you forever <3

Edit: Disk was Black and Green!
That is probably Incoming: The Final Conflict. AKA Incoming in Europe.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
plrsfpyn said:
Hi, I've been trying to find the name of a computer game, click and point style, from the late 90s early 2000s. it was a children's mystery game set in what i believe was a museum, the museum had a dinosaur section that had tar pits. i believe there was an egypt themed room as well as some sort of lab. the music/feel of the game was a little "creepy" for a child between 8-10 years old. there were different characters that corresponded to each room that were possible suspects. i don't remember what the crime itself was. it's not a scooby doo game or a nancy drew game... I remember the tar pits most vividly.
Probably either Museum Madness or Mystery at the Museums.


New member
Aug 15, 2017
So, I had a group of games for the PC a while back, like Duke Nukem and Dune. And there was this one game that was where you had to build a castle, and it took a long time to build, as in the entire game is just building the castle. But the point is to get the conditions just right so that people will want to join your kingdom or something.
It had storms, diseases, and bandits as obstacles and you moved through the levels by gaining population.



New member
Oct 5, 2014
Cruces321 said:
There's a game that we used to have on the PS3. (I think) I don't remember much about it except you were a girl with I think red or orange looking hair and you pretty much went on an adventure. I think it started with a P.
Btw, how do you change your profile picture?
Eh, that's not a lot to go on... Can't think of one starting with a P, but there's Heavenly Sword (2007). Was it a brutal adventure like this, or something different?


Arseny Shiyan

New member
Jan 21, 2016
Arseny Shiyan said:
Hi, again!

I can't read 800 pages for now, but i can ask to help me find a game. I think, from the 90s.

I can remember only this things:

- It is adventure like Cyberia (real-time, poor 3d a. o.)

- Starting level was a race on a speeder (like from Star Wars) through woods and shooting enemies. Then after that, you will enter a bunker, where you can observe different rooms.

- Camera is cinematic, not 3-d or 1-st view, like in Cyberia

- Healing process was to use some spheres (pink, yellow) that you can find in a walls.

Next game maybe between 85-95s

Also adventure or combat adventure.
You are a men or a young man, who goes into a castle in the clouds.

- Very simple 3D graphic with about 20 polygons on a creature\human.

- You can find some weapons or other stuff in chests a. o. things.

- If I remember correct: one of enemy creature type is goblins.

- Maybe the main goal was to save your Princess, but it is not accurate.

- Controls only on a keyboard.

These both games I played on a PC. Correct me, if I was wrong.
Hey just to highlight this post:)


New member
Jul 31, 2017
Yamakuzu said:
Help me, tell me the game name
I used to complete this game
It's a japanese arcade game
- The main character is bald and the other one i forgot

- The system controller is using like a knuckles

- It's a third person

- It's using sort of punching motions(jab,uppercut,blocking,etc.)

- The bosses are : big guy, a japanese lady using katana, an army using knife, and the final boss is robot

- The stage on final boss are timed

I forgot, maybe the main character is sorta police or something
There's a stage that not punching but driving a car
Maybe this game is 2000s and up

Thank you
just try to highlight this

Bree Joseph

New member
Aug 15, 2017
There's this game I use to play everyday as a kid but i can't remember the name of it
it's a pc, online, single player game where your character (has a circle for their head didn't really have any limbs kinda had a rayman thing going on) that was placed in front of a cave as a trespasser with a guard wearing a tunic blocking the way, usually they look like they're just floating tunics until they see you,then they start to rush towards you and the inside of the tunic will glow a certain color.
but in order to hide from them you can phase into the background (always found it funny since you can see his feet) and when it's time to attack you either grab them and throw them or if the enemy and carrying a wand you can use their own wand against them (once you've grabbed the enemy their wand falls to the floor where you are able then to pick it up) depending on the wand you can have the power of fire,thunder, and wind (i think)

One thing i do remember is that the game's name started with a w


New member
Mar 1, 2017
Yamakuzu said:
Yamakuzu said:
Help me, tell me the game name
I used to complete this game
It's a japanese arcade game
- The main character is bald and the other one i forgot

- The system controller is using like a knuckles

- It's a third person

- It's using sort of punching motions(jab,uppercut,blocking,etc.)

- The bosses are : big guy, a japanese lady using katana, an army using knife, and the final boss is robot

- The stage on final boss are timed

I forgot, maybe the main character is sorta police or something
There's a stage that not punching but driving a car
Maybe this game is 2000s and up

Thank you
just try to highlight this
I think this might be Action Deka, by konami. Everything seems to fit.
Edit, Found videos:
1st Boss [https://youtu.be/q6IluqpGcJo?t=415] Big guy.
2nd Boss [https://youtu.be/0b040OBUPWs?t=293] Japanese Woman with katana(s)
3rd Boss [https://youtu.be/mn4TSPuMiDc?t=294] Army Man with knife.
4th Boss [https://youtu.be/A3m95F5MLNY?t=52] Robot.


New member
Apr 17, 2014
My memory of this game is very vague but this is what I remember:

mid to late 90s pc puzzle game
you could create and dissolve blocks but only directly next to you or diagonally down next to you
i believe the goal was to get to the portal to advance to the next level
i seem to remember the character wearing a purplish color robe but that could be incorrect
background may have been black with stars
the character cannot jump, just move left or right or drop off ledges
I think the title of thegame is one word but I could be incorrect

Its not Lode Runner, Solomon's Key or Wizard


New member
Sep 13, 2016
HerbinLegend said:
My memory of this game is very vague but this is what I remember:

mid to late 90s pc puzzle game
you could create and dissolve blocks but only directly next to you or diagonally down next to you
i believe the goal was to get to the portal to advance to the next level
i seem to remember the character wearing a purplish color robe but that could be incorrect
background may have been black with stars
the character cannot jump, just move left or right or drop off ledges
I think the title of thegame is one word but I could be incorrect

Its not Lode Runner, Solomon's Key or Wizard
It doesn't fit your whole description (late 80's, NES game, can jump...), but Phoenix - Karma: Gao's Adventure [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4usfBOmzlBE] fits all the rest way too well to not suggest it. =)