Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 11, 2017
Okey,no one answered my question so I guess I didnt give too many clues, so here I go again. The game is like megaman zero/metal slug from 2000/06 2d you can chose from 2 characters(dont remember if you can choose them or was player 1 and 2 like mario bros) you have diferent weapons like metal slug, you have as well lifes like sonic(with life tokens/coins) and the final boss was an UFO(flying disk), and in the final stage you could break he ceilling to get a life coin(and something else that I dont remember).
Please help me!


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2014
Tacticalseph said:
Hey, I am looking for a game from the late 90s

I don't remember much. The game had a injury and treatment system. You fought in battle, received cuts, bruises, broken bones. You had to bandage and treat wounds to prevent infection and death. You could get sick at night, or from dirty water.

The game was 1st person, you start the game falling from the sky or parachuting. First weapons you can find are primitive like knives and spears. Then later it advances to guns and I believe there was even a walking Mech. I don't remember the point of the game but you did have some bounties, and advanced hud that gave you detailed information on the targets.

Graphics wise the game was similar to Lost Eden (1995) but 1st person, your walking around the area normally, no point and click. Like Elder scrolls Skyrim
Hey Tacticalseph,

The name of the game is "Deus" check this: https://youtu.be/LyNIcM2Gqpc?t=171


New member
Aug 18, 2017
Offering a $500 award to whoever can get the name of this game!

- I played this game about 10-15 years ago.

- CD ROM inserted which had a variety of miscellaneous games available

- One of the games involved choosing an NFL/Football routine where you could select as many team players and cheerleaders you wanted to be on the field, and select a movement routine for each character. For example, the cheerleaders had the option of waving their pompoms or doing flips in the air. Once you were happy with the way the routine looked, you would press the Play button and the characters would act according to the moves you gave them.
This game was a pixelated animation that included music and sound effects.

- Another game from the CD was a board that was set up, with a variety of tools down the side of the screen (on the right). The tools included a paint brush, eraser, mop (to make the board "greasy/ slippery"), etc. You could edit the board using these tools. There would be a marble looking ball that would drop onto the screen and move around the board depending on how you edited it.

I know the way I've described the games sound really random but if you've ever played this cd you'll know exactly what games I'm talking about!

Looking forward to some peace of mind!

Aug 28, 2017
i'm searching for a game in that you had to fight aganist a computervirus... in your own pc-filesystem.
its kind of a 3d shooter like Descent, i think (?) and in your files, you see the pics on the "wall" of the file and hear the musikfiles from your pc ^^


New member
Aug 28, 2017
Hello there! Been trying to find 2 games for like a decade with no success.

1. The first one is an old online flash platformer game. You played as a blonde-haired princess. Your main weapon was her hair. It started out short but you could pick up potions which grew it, i think one braid for every potion you took. You fought with your hair kinda like a whip, the strategy was to jump in circles to spin it around you. It was set in a medieval setting, you wore a (maybe pink) dress and you were in a castle fighting with bats, and i remember a huge Oz type witch too. I remember a sleeping prince too but never got so far to wake him up.The game was not linear you encountered crossroads, but i don't think it was metroidvania-like but maybe it was i am not exactly sure.

2. The second game i played about 10-15 years ago on a big arcade machine. It was a platformer too, but with more beat em up elements. You played as a blonde character (maybe in a blue dress), but you could play 2 player, the other player being a red dressed dude with a red turban on its head. You started the game in some kind of a warehouse, where you fought henchmen. At the end of the first level, you fought an evil professor like dude, he was only walking around until you beat him, then he escaped on a plane. After that it was like turtles in time, you were going around in different time periods fighting off enemies from that fantasy or age. At the end of the level there was always this professor dude as a boss, and he was from that peiod of time. I remember one level, where he was a snake-charmer playing a flute, and then dragons attacked you. The game had power-ups, i remember i alway beat the first level, with some kind of icicle projectile.


New member
Aug 27, 2017
Auner said:
Hello there! Been trying to find 2 games for like a decade with no success.

1. The first one is an old online flash platformer game. You played as a blonde-haired princess. Your main weapon was her hair. It started out short but you could pick up potions which grew it, i think one braid for every potion you took. You fought with your hair kinda like a whip, the strategy was to jump in circles to spin it around you. It was set in a medieval setting, you wore a (maybe pink) dress and you were in a castle fighting with bats, and i remember a huge Oz type witch too. I remember a sleeping prince too but never got so far to wake him up.The game was not linear you encountered crossroads, but i don't think it was metroidvania-like but maybe it was i am not exactly sure.
Did you search games section from this article http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrehensileHair ?


New member
Aug 28, 2017
There are two PC games I can't remember. I'm thinking about it for days now, but I just can't remember. If someone know it, please help me!

1. It's just like frogger, but with cats. I think 4 or 5 cats are protagonists, and there were areas, like a town, a forest, a construction area, and a lot more.

2. It was kinda like Mario, but the protagonist was an egg, or a boy who looked like an egg, I don't know. You had collect coins, kill monsters, sort of like that. There were multiplayer also.

I don't know a lot abouzt these games, but I really want to know, what games are these. PLEASE HELP ME! Thank you


New member
Aug 28, 2017
TesloStep said:
Auner said:
Hello there! Been trying to find 2 games for like a decade with no success.

1. The first one is an old online flash platformer game. You played as a blonde-haired princess. Your main weapon was her hair. It started out short but you could pick up potions which grew it, i think one braid for every potion you took. You fought with your hair kinda like a whip, the strategy was to jump in circles to spin it around you. It was set in a medieval setting, you wore a (maybe pink) dress and you were in a castle fighting with bats, and i remember a huge Oz type witch too. I remember a sleeping prince too but never got so far to wake him up.The game was not linear you encountered crossroads, but i don't think it was metroidvania-like but maybe it was i am not exactly sure.
Did you search games section from this article http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrehensileHair ?
Thanks for the link but i have not found the game there. It was a little flash game of sorts, don't think it would be mentioned here, but i browsed all the games in the article.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
CH48 said:
There are two PC games I can't remember. I'm thinking about it for days now, but I just can't remember. If someone know it, please help me!

1. It's just like frogger, but with cats. I think 4 or 5 cats are protagonists, and there were areas, like a town, a forest, a construction area, and a lot more.

2. It was kinda like Mario, but the protagonist was an egg, or a boy who looked like an egg, I don't know. You had collect coins, kill monsters, sort of like that. There were multiplayer also.

I don't know a lot abouzt these games, but I really want to know, what games are these. PLEASE HELP ME! Thank you
Not sure about the first one, but could the second one be Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg?


New member
Aug 28, 2017
hey there!!, i'm looking for a game that I played on the commodore 64, I can remember it being a side scroller with lots of jumping, i think each level was a letter so 26 in all, think you had to get a key in each level, think the colours were dark greens browns etc, any help would be much appreciated!!


New member
Aug 28, 2017
hey there!!, i'm looking for a game that I played on the commodore 64, I can remember it being a side scroller with lots of jumping, i think each level was a letter so 26 in all, think you had to get a key in each level, think the colours were dark greens browns etc, any help would be much appreciated!!


New member
Aug 28, 2017
guys there a game tha idont remember tha have you can buy like hoplite troops and archer and mage tha fight skeletons and undead
every time your troop kill the can be upgraded in game there fog of war you need to fight your way trough till you find the boss to complete the mission any help would be much appreciated.


New member
Aug 28, 2017
Hey i am looking for a PC game that i played on a website like 8-6 year's ago and it was like this
you had 3 roles/lanes eatch lane had 1 hero and at the right you had like a "puzzle" like candy crush's puzzle and whenever you make 4 combination or 5 he gives you a ability so you can use for your heroes or a tower that you can put behind the hero so it helps him defend the castle or a fortness (i dont remember well) but depends on the color, there were 3 colors eatch color is for eatch hero i just remenber that two of them is green(green i i know it has very well) and pink i tink, and while you keep going with the missions the puzzle gets bigger and when you end the level you can equip your heroes with items or sell them for gold( i dont remember very well like everyone else here -.-') oh and the heroes were the pink a witch the green an archer i tink, and the other i dont remenber proboably a red knight. and in its name it has the word "Heroes" i think
Lets see iff anyone can find it ;-; or this is just 1 more of 810 pages ;-;
and in its name it has the word "Heroes"


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
Strohsack said:
Somewhere in the late 90s my brother and I played a game on our parents computer which ran windows 95 or 98 (not sure which one). It must have been a DOS game. I was pretty sure the game was called "Pioneer" cuz I remember reading the title specificly to remember it later but since I can't find any game called like this I may be wrong. Or maybe it's just part of the title.
I would say it was a 2D side scroller space shooter. You played as a blue/grey spaceship (or something like it) and could fly in any direction on the screen. There was a life bar and the goal of the game was to shoot the other player (the game has local co-op. If there was anything else I am not able to remember it since we only playd local co-op). You could take damage by getting shot or by flying into walls and other obstacles. You may had to refuel your vehicle but Iam not sure. I also think it was possible to leave your spaceship and then you were able to run around as a tiny man(but not sure of this one either).
I am also not so sure if it was a "space" shooter. Because, yes, you flew a spaceship but you were like in room that was surrounded by walls which looked like they were made with those bricks from breakout but only in blue and grey. Shooting those walls would destroy them. It's possible that the map wrapped around itself if there were no walls. I also think you had diffrent weapons (shooting straight and shooting downwards).

The reason we played that game was because we had a lot of fun building tunnels trough walls and "building" rooms. We weren't really interested in shooting each other.

I have no idea were my brother got that game from or if it came with windows (I checked that but it's unlikely). I really hope someone can help me with that. I never found anything anywhere. It's like it never existed. It's so weird.
Never heard of a game called Pioneer (although that does sound like the subtitle to an Elite game), but it sounds like you're looking for a multiplayer cave-flyer with Worms-style destructible environments, of which there were quite a few, mostly clones of Thrust with triangular ships. Try AUTS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBie3zA6Znw], V-Wing [https://www.classicgames.me/v-wing.html], Assault Wing [https://classicreload.com/dosx-assault-wing.html], or Rocket Chase [https://www.classicgames.me/rocket-chase.html] to start. Hope that helps with your search!
Aug 29, 2017
Hi if you could help me find this game that would be much appreciated.

It was a tower defence game on my android tablet in the 2000s in which you control a bow and arrow using your finger. There wasnt a person behind it ingame, it was mounted. There would be hordes of enemies coming at you one wave at a time and if you lost the wave you would be sent back to the start of said wave. You could use spells, some of which i think were a fireball and an ice spell. You couldnt go back to previous waves and every time you completed one, you would get gold and sometimes gems. There was an upgrade tree which you could upgrade you walls, your bow and arrow and your spells using the gold and gems.

Its been bugging me for months so if you know this game please let me know

Jassy Rahal

New member
Aug 29, 2017
Hi everyone, i am searching for a game i used to play in my early teen years. sorry if i didn't say something right but i will list all the things i remember from this game if u came to know the game then big thanks because as i remember this was very cool and fun game.

1. The platform it may have been on is PS1, PS2 or an Nintendo but that's unlikely.

2. The time frame is between 2000-2007. it could be a bit more or less.

3. The things i remember about this game was that it was on an island as it was green everywhere and i remember bridges and there were 1-4 players maybe less. The goal of the game i think was to shoot a rocket launcher or a missile from where you were standing and to hit other players wherever they were on the island. that's it.

if anyone please remember this game reply on this post. Thank You so much.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Deydrihm von Glencoe said:
i'm searching for a game in that you had to fight aganist a computervirus... in your own pc-filesystem.
its kind of a 3d shooter like Descent, i think (?) and in your files, you see the pics on the "wall" of the file and hear the musikfiles from your pc ^^
A-HA! Maybe *you* are looking for "Virus: The Game" (1997). :-D