Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 30, 2017
Old game from what my memory serves, sci-fi in senario, crash on a planet with a few buddies, pretty goofy game I think, guns and shooting, helping the locals, I remember playing 3 characters, a shooter guy in armour, a blue lady with a sword and this giant monster that eats stuff to get bigger, cant remember the name at all and it's KILLING ME. Pls and Thx and all that


New member
Aug 24, 2017
eagle85 said:
I'll try my luck.
I remember playing a game. The presentation style was similar to Conqueror AD 1086, but it had no strategy and competition parts (as far as I remember), you were always alone, during a fight your character was visible from right-behind and the enemy appropriately as digitized sprites for visual feedback on the fight. The maps were not random, it was basically just a castle with multiple towers. You could talk to NPC's (there were bars etc) and you also could find chests (due to maps not being random, always in the same spots :D)
Looking for it for quite a while now xD
I still have hope, been bugging me for years now but as they say: hope dies last xD

What I also remember, it had a year in the name (maybe even the year was similar to 1086 - it's maybe even just a light ripoff of Conqueror lol as the models are basically the same)

Also what I remember that fights weren't necessary. You could just bribe the guards or avoid them alltogether. Fighting them was pretty hard though (no magic, just sword skills basically, you can swing the sword depending on your mouse movement or parry their hits)

Still hopeful as I imagine there aren't too many games like this ^^


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2014
michaelatlam said:
Hey just joined this community and so happy to find others who love the classics :D This I have searched countless days for with no luck until I came across this site :D so I am looking for this game I am pretty sure it was either on Windows 95 or 98, Now all I remember from this game is being RTS alien based and one of the units looked like a toaster with a disc blade as a head ( lol Can't describe it better sorry :) ) which is used as a weapon as well ( I remember this being the enemy, I believe they were blue/purple and some yellow?. Also the resources where flower like which require to be harvested. There were also other alien type units with long arms which were cream-ish coloured but I am nots ure if I am mixing these with the Frythans on Seven Kingdoms :D Which btw is my all time favourite classic :DDD.

Anyone ever played this game?

I really hope anyone did...Need to play this game before the end of world tomorrow :pPPP

Maybe it's "WarBreeds" https://youtu.be/oMTSRyA3nDA?t=103

Renae M. Gullo

New member
Aug 30, 2017
I am looking for a game I used to play online back in 2003 and 2004 that had a black background and you had to try and trap all the bats or birds that were yellow and all you could use where the arrows to make boxes to trap them in and you had to get them all. I can not for the life of me find or remember the name of it. Any help would be great!


New member
Aug 30, 2017
There are two games I remember from when I was little and I'm dying to know what they were called. One was a kid game where you played a girl and there was this fuzzy purple creature that would do bad things and try to get you to lie. I think the goal of the game was to teach kids that lying is bad.

The other game was one I saw my uncle play when I was young and it scared me. It was a horror game where you walked around this building and you had a phone with you and this creepy girl kept calling you. I remember that you find a torso of a man's body in a bathtub at one point, and I specifically remember the creepy girl calling you and saying "hehe, I'm gonna kill you" like 3 or 4 times back to back.

Both games are probably from the 90s. The kid game was a computer game and the other one was a console game. I would guess it was for the ps1 or ps2.


New member
Aug 26, 2017
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
ArielFultz16 said:
The other game was one I saw my uncle play when I was young and it scared me. It was a horror game where you walked around this building and you had a phone with you and this creepy girl kept calling you. I remember that you find a torso of a man's body in a bathtub at one point, and I specifically remember the creepy girl calling you and saying "hehe, I'm gonna kill you" like 3 or 4 times back to back.

Probably Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGD4dVnmsls]. Skip to 32:35 to hear the girl say "Hehe, I'm going to kill you," but the player in that video never answered the phone so you only get the in-person version. The torso is around 6:00.


New member
Aug 30, 2017
Midwoka said:
ArielFultz16 said:
The other game was one I saw my uncle play when I was young and it scared me. It was a horror game where you walked around this building and you had a phone with you and this creepy girl kept calling you. I remember that you find a torso of a man's body in a bathtub at one point, and I specifically remember the creepy girl calling you and saying "hehe, I'm gonna kill you" like 3 or 4 times back to back.

Probably Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGD4dVnmsls]. Skip to 32:35 to hear the girl say "Hehe, I'm going to kill you," but the player in that video never answered the phone so you only get the in-person version. The torso is around 6:00.
Midwoka said:
ArielFultz16 said:
The other game was one I saw my uncle play when I was young and it scared me. It was a horror game where you walked around this building and you had a phone with you and this creepy girl kept calling you. I remember that you find a torso of a man's body in a bathtub at one point, and I specifically remember the creepy girl calling you and saying "hehe, I'm gonna kill you" like 3 or 4 times back to back.

Probably Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGD4dVnmsls]. Skip to 32:35 to hear the girl say "Hehe, I'm going to kill you," but the player in that video never answered the phone so you only get the in-person version. The torso is around 6:00.
I think that's it. It looks really familiar. Thank you so much!


Aug 30, 2017
Hello everyone!

I looking for 2 games. I was child when I played with them, it was at least 10 years ago. I have some accurate memory pieces but i couldn't find the games with keywords. Os was win98. So the 1st one:
It was a kinda 3d ball game. In the main menu you could choose among some ball textures. In the main-menu's right side there were 3 "stage". First with 12 levels, second idk, third with 4 levels this 4 were extra levels, you couldn't play with them before complete stage 1-2.
Gameplay: Top of screen was black thick line, and white time counter maybe you have to complete the level to time. Control: left and right (maybe little slow down with down) Sometimes you had to bypass some barriers cause when you hit it, it stopped you. And sometimes was accelerator field on the "field". The last levels (of 1st 12) had moving barriers, which came from the ground and it moved frequently up and down even at the whole width of field (which was 6 or 8 unit)
I think that the terrain was a bole on the 6th level. The terrain was never the same, each map had a different terrain and skybox, but it was just design.

The second: I have less memories about it. The object was that, you have to reach a rocket. But it was also a kinda ball game. You had a little ball, you had to hit planks or going threw bubbles to remove it. When you cleaned the map you launched the rocket. I could play only with the demo but, I could see the levels in menu. It has around 5-8 stages. Six levels in each stage, here the structure was an inner hexagon the stage label, and around the inner there were 6 outer hexagons which were the maps.
Oh one more thing: on some maps there were a thin semi-transparent line and when the ball went threw the line (it was inevitable) you couldn't control the ball until it bounced from the opposite wall.

I didn't even remember these games for a long time, but since the memories "came to the surface" thence the thought isn't resting me.

Thanks: Simon

Robert Madsen

New member
Aug 30, 2017
Help guys There is a old point and click puzzle type game I cannot remember the name of

- You start out in your apartment, then when you leave you end up at a dig site looks egyption.

I remember there been a round table that was a puzzle you had to solve it was for macintosh in the 90's

If anyone cannnn help that would be great


New member
Oct 8, 2007
dinkebergthethird said:
Old game from what my memory serves, sci-fi in senario, crash on a planet with a few buddies, pretty goofy game I think, guns and shooting, helping the locals, I remember playing 3 characters, a shooter guy in armour, a blue lady with a sword and this giant monster that eats stuff to get bigger, cant remember the name at all and it's KILLING ME. Pls and Thx and all that
sounds like citizen kabuto?


New member
Oct 8, 2007
dinkebergthethird said:
Old game from what my memory serves, sci-fi in senario, crash on a planet with a few buddies, pretty goofy game I think, guns and shooting, helping the locals, I remember playing 3 characters, a shooter guy in armour, a blue lady with a sword and this giant monster that eats stuff to get bigger, cant remember the name at all and it's KILLING ME. Pls and Thx and all that
sounds like citizen kabuto?

Anton Girdu

New member
Aug 30, 2017
Hi all just stumbled onto this forum while in search high and low for a game i played as a child.
so the platform will be either on an amiga 500 or what ever the high end pentium with dos was at the time.

The game was some sort of isometric RPG where you primarily played as a floating robot that was silver/gray with blue highlights that had weapons like machine guns and a laser sword that you could use if you did not have enough credits to get more ammo at the vendors.
pretty sure you could upgrade your weapons and it played like a dungeon crawler like diablo or something. the second part was you had to get into a vehicle to gather your credit resources but this was what made it so different it turned into an old 3d simulator with you driving around and shooting things. i remember you had to swap disks when you had to go to the out side.
the enemy's where all robots, one enemy looked like you but was silver with pine green trim.

the art style while inside/isometric view was cartoony sprite almost anime like.16bit at least, would look like an ios game today.
then switch to 1990's 3d tie fighter kinda of thing with an fps view point. when out side. the 3d was not great but played smoothly and was pretty fun. the game had a more mature feeling to it and although you where not killing people i would say was fairly violent.

It is a possibility that im mixing 2 games in 1, the isometric robots and cartoon rich colors what really stand out to me in my memory.

thanks guys and gals.

Anton Girdu

New member
Aug 30, 2017
Hi all just stumbled onto this forum while in search high and low for a game i played as a child.
so the platform will be either on an amiga 500 or what ever the high end pentium with dos was at the time.

The game was some sort of isometric RPG where you primarily played as a floating robot that was silver/gray with blue highlights that had weapons like machine guns and a laser sword that you could use if you did not have enough credits to get more ammo at the vendors.
pretty sure you could upgrade your weapons and it played like a dungeon crawler like diablo or something. the second part was you had to get into a vehicle to gather your credit resources but this was what made it so different it turned into an old 3d simulator with you driving around and shooting things. i remember you had to swap disks when you had to go to the out side.
the enemy's where all robots, one enemy looked like you but was silver with pine green trim.

the art style while inside/isometric view was cartoony sprite almost anime like.16bit at least, would look like an ios game today.
then switch to 1990's 3d tie fighter kinda of thing with an fps view point. when out side. the 3d was not great but played smoothly and was pretty fun. the game had a more mature feeling to it and although you where not killing people i would say was fairly violent.

It is a possibility that im mixing 2 games in 1, the isometric robots and cartoon rich colors what really stand out to me in my memory.

thanks guys and gals.


New member
Aug 24, 2017
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Sounds a bit like Descent.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Robert Madsen said:
Help guys There is a old point and click puzzle type game I cannot remember the name of

- You start out in your apartment, then when you leave you end up at a dig site looks egyption.

I remember there been a round table that was a puzzle you had to solve it was for macintosh in the 90's

If anyone cannnn help that would be great
Maybe Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis?


New member
Aug 31, 2017
Hello there I am locking for a game that's ~10 years old at least and it's in 2d. You are a space ship thats orbits the earth (with a mouse) and shooting down enemies / alians that are coming from all directions after each rownd you can upgrade the earth that effects game play . I remember that a lot of things going on and a lot of explosions and chaine reactions that killed most enemies. It's a type of game that have a demo version and a full version


New member
Aug 26, 2017
eagle85 said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Sounds a bit like Descent.
It wasn't 3D, it was 2D but kinda 3D. And it wasn't FPS, it was third-person.


New member
Aug 31, 2017
WEll...here goes nothing: I remember a game me and my brother used to play. I don't know the exact year of it's release, but it was the early 2000's(possibly 1995/6 or more) since me and my brother played it around 2005/6 on an old computer that's still in the house I live in to this day! The game was about a drill that you play as while dodging eneies. Pc game, by the way. I don't remember anything else, exept for the fact that it's not, but is still very similar to the 1995 arcade game "Digger". Many people probably remember digger.
If you know what game I'm talking about, please let me know!
Thanks in advance!:)

Marjolein Duiverman

New member
Aug 31, 2017
I wanted to read everything to see if someone had already asked, but then I saw this thread has 811 posts, so nevermind lol.

I remember playing this free online game, probably around 8 years ago, it really felt like the story of the mist. I don't remember if it was first person or what gender you were, but this mist was coming so you went into a store and I think it was point and click? I remember something was up with the tv at one point (with snow), and you went into the basement later, and (SPOILER) I remember a flashback of your little kid being ran over with a car because she tried to pick up a ball. At that point I got so scared and sad I stopped playing (I was like 12), but I never forgot about that game.