Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Heiko Fischer

New member
Sep 2, 2017
Ogoid said:
Heiko Fischer said:
Hey, i am losing my mind trying to remember the name of a side-scrolling shooter i played in an arcade sometime between 1980 and 1990. it was a silver robot hovering above the floor, left to right shooting all sorts of enemies and avoid changing terrain. It wasn't in space, more on a planet, a lot of green surfaces below. It sported some pretty epic music in some sort of silver armor...not much to go on, but it was mega-addictive...any help would be appreciated.
Maybe Atomic Robo-Kid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiaUQLFhXig]?
Thanks for that, but this is not it. It was only scrolling left to right, you couldn't stop it either, it just kept moving.
Sep 5, 2017
Hello I really want to know if anyone heard of this game. I remember there were bugs moving all over the screen and you had to cut and cut from the screen so you make the place where the bugs would move smaller. You played with your up, down, left, right keys and it was 2d with really old graphic ... I played it in the 90' but it could of been older much older.
Thank you in advance.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Heiko Fischer said:
Thanks for that, but this is not it. It was only scrolling left to right, you couldn't stop it either, it just kept moving.
Hmm. Perhaps Magmax [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_kdVE5reBU] then, or (probably a long shot) Atomic Runner Chelnov [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr6C5vX5YxM]?


New member
Sep 5, 2017
Kids insist they played this game but I have no memory of it whatsoever.

Player 1 was a blue ball with arms and legs. Player 2 (if present) was a pink ball with arms and legs. If you got a "power up" during the game, your character turned green. They also said you won the game by reaching the end and battling something that looked like a giant brain.

Nightwish Trayan

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Apr 30, 2012
Guys I can't remember the name of the game it was AWESOME . First person game , with magic powers . I remember the guy wielding the sword pretty hard : I remember telekinesis , Fire spells , I character had a sword and I guess you had to kill some kind of monsters , maybe ORCS ( definetly not people ) or idk . Maybe you could scavage the corpse for better swords / armors can't remember . And you had shortcut from 1 to 6 if I remember corectly. It was somehow like Skyrim .


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Diaconescu Alexandru said:
Hello I really want to know if anyone heard of this game. I remember there were bugs moving all over the screen and you had to cut and cut from the screen so you make the place where the bugs would move smaller. You played with your up, down, left, right keys and it was 2d with really old graphic ... I played it in the 90' but it could of been older much older.
Thank you in advance.
This sounds very similar to JezzBall. You probably want to start with looking for games similar to that; there's a ton of them.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
DTxAg said:
Kids insist they played this game but I have no memory of it whatsoever.

Player 1 was a blue ball with arms and legs. Player 2 (if present) was a pink ball with arms and legs. If you got a "power up" during the game, your character turned green. They also said you won the game by reaching the end and battling something that looked like a giant brain.
That'd be Detana!! TwinBee [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmsBZyinUY] (also known as 'Bells & Whistles'). The power-up actually makes GwinBee (a third, green version of the heroes) fly uncomfortably close to your character, because he has no concept of 'personal space.' >.>


New member
Sep 5, 2017
Midwoka said:
DTxAg said:
Kids insist they played this game but I have no memory of it whatsoever.

Player 1 was a blue ball with arms and legs. Player 2 (if present) was a pink ball with arms and legs. If you got a "power up" during the game, your character turned green. They also said you won the game by reaching the end and battling something that looked like a giant brain.
That'd be Detana!! TwinBee [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmsBZyinUY] (also known as 'Bells & Whistles'). The power-up actually makes GwinBee (a third, green version of the heroes) fly uncomfortably close to your character, because he has no concept of 'personal space.' >.>
That's it, thanks!

Vijay Uchiha

New member
Sep 5, 2017
Would anyone please help a kid out lol. It was my childhood game, it was a game about farming and theres many plants but i just remember the tomato and this girl which you play was the main character. I forgot but i think you can sell stuff in the game.

Edit It was on a wildtangent game, that crap was my game inventing skills


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
sequela7 said:
If someone can help me, I remember two games from my childhood that my friends and I used to play in at the school's computer lab.

One game had a mascot or something that it was a farmer worm, if I'm not mistaken, and he had many animal friends living in this town where you could help them out with fires and a lot of puzzles. My teacher used to say the worm's name was Bob, but I looked for it and couldn't find anything. The game was very fun because you had a lot of puzzles to do around the town with different characters. Minutes would go by and we wouldn't even notice. This game also had a cartoon on TV, I think.

The other game I remember more vaguely. It was in an ice mountain, I think. And you had to collect snowballs or something like that in order to progress to the other levels.

The first one sounds like it was based on Richard Scarry's Busytown. There were three games for Mac and Windows computers.

The second is probably Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain!
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Quickdraw0 said:
okay so there's a game that has itched in the back of my head for years.
I believe it was on Dreamcast and I never got to see it through to the end.

It was a live action game with scenes that played based on your decisions. And you were sort of an outside force. A father had a computer chip in his head or something and you controlled him by just making a choice out of 2-4 options (up down left and right). Sometimes it would simply be "go left or go right", other times the choices would be a little more interesting (for example, a bear approaches you at one point, you choose to go left or right and you die, however, you choose the "down" option and the man drops to the floor and plays dead). another option i remember is a choice between two cars to take, one was a yellow rail buggy i believe. i don't remember the other car...

If anyone could help me with this and allow me to see it to the end i would be so thankful
While it's for SEGA CD and not Dreamcast, that is definitely Wirehead developed by The Code Monkeys, Ltd.

Side note: I now know what I'm watching on YouTube later...

Jordyn Ewing

New member
Sep 6, 2017
I've been trying to find a game for years now, and all I can remember is as follows:

The style as I recall it, was VERY similar to the platform "Jelly escape", though I could be wrong and my imagination could be that of a wild small child...
You played as a blob or a jelly, or a puddle or SOMETHING along those lines
You were meant to complete puzzles or tests?
It was a platform game
The most distinct thing I remember was that there was a scientist in the background... interactive almost? It was a live background. A mad scientist who took notes, poked the glass tank you resided in, etc.

I've been desperate to find this game and REALLY want any help I can get! Thank you so much!!!

Jordyn Ewing

New member
Sep 6, 2017
I've been trying to find a game for years now, and all I can remember is as follows:

The style as I recall it, was VERY similar to the platform "Jelly escape", though I could be wrong and my imagination could be that of a wild small child...
You played as a blob or a jelly, or a puddle or SOMETHING along those lines
You were meant to complete puzzles or tests?
It was a platform game
The most distinct thing I remember was that there was a scientist in the background... interactive almost? It was a live background. A mad scientist who took notes, poked the glass tank you resided in, etc.

I've been desperate to find this game and REALLY want any help I can get! Thank you so much!!!

Jordyn Ewing

New member
Sep 6, 2017
I've been trying to find a game for years now, and all I can remember is as follows:

The style as I recall it, was VERY similar to the platform "Jelly escape", though I could be wrong and my imagination could be that of a wild small child...
You played as a blob or a jelly, or a puddle or SOMETHING along those lines
You were meant to complete puzzles or tests?
It was a platform game
The most distinct thing I remember was that there was a scientist in the background... interactive almost? It was a live background. A mad scientist who took notes, poked the glass tank you resided in, etc.

I've been desperate to find this game and REALLY want any help I can get! Thank you so much!!!

Matthew David Rozzi

New member
Sep 6, 2017
This is either a Windows 95 or 98 game, can't remember which. I also don't know for sure, but I seem to remember this game being part of the OS, like I didn't have to install it. I may be wrong about that, I was less than 10. It was an army game that had 3 or 4 different games bundled into one. I remember 3 of them. They were all side-view 2-D games. In the first you were some bomber plane and had to bomb specific targets; this one I don't remember as well. In the second you were a tank in a desert, the screen was constantly side-scrolling like super mario and you had to shoot these trucks that would come and try to shoot you. The graphics were bad (90s), I remember the bullets just being little white squares. In the third game, it was basically a shooting gallery, you had a static view of some buildings, enemy soldiers would appear in the windows and shoot at you, and you had to shoot them. I remember when you shot them there was a considerable amount of blood, at least for a 90s game.

I can't remember the name, and can't find it online when I try to describe it. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


New member
Feb 9, 2014
ok so there is this game i have been looking for for a while now.... ok make that 2 games. both are defence games and are PC games. with one you are incharge of defending a base from an alien attack and they come from up to 4 different directions depending on the mission, you are able to hire engineers,marines,tanks,and medics at each corner of the base you can build one of 4 kinds of turrets. ive been looking for this game for about 5 or 6 years please if you can tell me what the name is. now for the second game this one may be harder to find. the second game is a medieval defence game where you defend a castle. (like most all medieval games) however this game you rarely click on anything. when a mission starts the game is a point only game. meaning you point the mouse on something and it starts doing it.(for example: there are trees spread out on the battle field and when you hover the mouse over a tree it starts gathering wood from the tree. no clicking is needed to do this.) when at the main menu it is like other game you click on something to continue same with the mission map but not after the battle starts, then it is a point only game.if anyone can find this game it would help me alot i've been looking for this for 1 year more than i have the first game i asked about. if my descriptions were bad i am sorry i am doing the best i can seeing as it has been literally years. ty to anyone who can help.


New member
Aug 26, 2017
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Wow, still no help.


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Wow, still no help.
Come on now. This thread works in the following way: some people check it now and then to see if there's something they can either answer right away or something that they could possibly find out. Sometimes it turns out they can't. And they do it just to help out a fellow game enthusiast, not because that's their job. They're the same as you, how many people have you helped with their questions?

So if you don't get a satisfactory reply (I see someone already tried, but got it wrong), it doesn't mean you're being discriminated against, it means that the people who look into this thread to see if they can help anyone find something don't know the answer to your question, and don't really know where to look or what exactly to look for. Sometimes it helps to post a more detailed description of the game you are looking for, and obviously the platform and the time frame are very useful. The one thing that doesn't help is to get rude with anyone who might want to help you.

Hope you find this helpful.