Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 9, 2017
hello guys,, im looking for old game that i cant remembered the name, the game play was theres a bunch of thief that randomly coming that want to steal our diamond or gold,and when wee seen the thief coming. we can slap the thief, or burn the thief with torch or pumped the thief to a baloon. we can find item when we burn the trees around org explode the trees or something


New member
Mar 28, 2016
StatusNil said:
l00ptruy said:
Hi there! A tough one to the forum, let's see if someone remembers.

This game is either a late NES or an early SNES. I think it's a NES one.

It's very simlar to Faxanadu, even I have in my mind that it has a simmilar name, but after watching faxanadu in youtube, it's not that one. Even I remember the first few minutes having a brownish/orangish color all over.

I remember it being very similar and difficult to play.

I take it it's not one of the Castlevanias? If that's the case, how about Legacy of the Wizard? Looks like there are some brownish/orangish dungeon walls and such around:

Thanks for the answer. You are right, it's not the castlevanias but it's also not the one you sent me. The "hero" was bigger than the one in the video, much bigger,short of ghost and ghauls size in the screen....


New member
Sep 9, 2017
Hey guys, So I cant remember the game i used to play,
So the things i do remember is that there were tv show characters you could meet while you weren't fighting monsters.
I remember that there was a giant tree and the kids from the show Codename: Kids next door were there and you could talk to them

Im pretty sure you fought monsters and ran around but the tv show characters is the main thing i remember.

Please help! thanks


Procrastinating Lurker
Nov 25, 2009
emblight said:
Hey guys, So I cant remember the game i used to play,
So the things i do remember is that there were tv show characters you could meet while you weren't fighting monsters.
I remember that there was a giant tree and the kids from the show Codename: Kids next door were there and you could talk to them

Im pretty sure you fought monsters and ran around but the tv show characters is the main thing i remember.

Please help! thanks
Unfamiliar with the game in question but this is probably a good place to start


I'm gonna guess you're looking for the FusionFall game


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Peytonmac said:
Hey everyone, I'm new to this website but I am looking for a game I used to play maybe 10 years ago. I believe it was on PlayStation 2 but it may have been 1 or even Xbox as I only played it at a friends house. In the game you have these little monster things that you can evolve and train. Similar to Pok?mon almost but with very different graphics. Also I distictly remember a tree with a face that could talk. I do hope someone knows what I'm talking about because I have been looking for the game for years it always was so much fun when I was a kid. Thanks!
Could it have been the PS3 game Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch? It's not shown in the Moby Games screenshots, but there is a talking tree early on.


New member
Sep 9, 2017
Hi everyone,

I've been searching this old game for a very long time. Its an action adventure game where the character use fist, leg, or sword to fight. You can change character during gameplay & recruit people. I remember the game start at jungle where you can jump on tree branch. Sometime there is a tiger jump out from the bush. I remember the character is topless and wear blue pants. Another clue is when the character almost die there is a candle light represent the character life where it become dimmer till it gone off if the character dead. It's kinda old game from 90's I guess and I don remember from which platform.

Please help!!
Thanks in advance.

Ilyas Asilgaly

New member
Sep 9, 2017
Hi, guys!

Having a hard time searhing for a game. I remember that in a first level(in an urban environment, had bums, civilians, cops in it) you receive a sniper rifle (from a guy with an orange coat, I think), kill a sniper who was located in a bridge, get arrested, escape from a prison (coudn't remember anything after that). It was most likely first-person, had mostly open-ended levels (kinda like in Hitman series) and was released before 2005.


New member
Sep 9, 2017
Hi there! Just found this thread so I HAVE to throw this game out there. It's been bugging me forever!

Only saw it played once when I was over a friend's house. Pretty sure it was for the NES, but I could be wrong.

It was a side-scrolling platformer with a choice of characters, somewhat similar to Mario 2 (Doku-Doku Panic or whatever).

Each character had a different balance of speed, jump height, and health, from what I recall. They may have had other abilities, but I don't remember. For sure I can remember 3 characters. A little boy, a little girl, and a blob. The blob was super slow, couldn't jump, but had a ton of health.

I want to say I remember my friend called it "The Wacky Wizard of Oz" or something. But we were little and he could have been making that up, since a search for that yielded nothing helpful for me.

Kayla McCaffrey

New member
Sep 9, 2017
kiri2tsubasa said:
Memory is pretty spotty but this was a PC game in I think the early 90's. Takes place in a mental hospital. You get possessed every now and again by your ghost father, grandfather, uncle or something. Such instance include injecting yourself with one of 4 syringes, one includes the bubonic plague. You try and help ghost, one that was convinced that she had a child when she never did. One of the puzzles include getting out of an iron lung type device that generates a large amount of heat and the only way to escape is by using a lighter near a temperature control device. That is all I remember of it.
in case there wasnt a reply, it was called Blackstone Chronicles: an adventure in terror based on the books by John Saul


New member
Sep 9, 2017
I am SO glad I found this page! I've been on a computer since we had to program pong ourselves into our pic's using binary code if we wanted to play...so this game I'm looking for is really old. Having add and OCD made it the perfect game for me. It was simply a box of cookies that you had to tilt to the right or left to be able to get rid of them. A prequel to tetras type games I think. Does anyone remember? I was on a Mac and I think it was in the 80's. Thanks ☺


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Tsaabit said:
hello guys,, im looking for old game that i cant remembered the name, the game play was theres a bunch of thief that randomly coming that want to steal our diamond or gold,and when wee seen the thief coming. we can slap the thief, or burn the thief with torch or pumped the thief to a baloon. we can find item when we burn the trees around org explode the trees or something
There's this little German "The Settlers" minigame "Hiebe f?r Diebe" (2000), alternatively search for "Hiebe fuer Diebe" if you have problems with the umlauts. Normally I'd provide a link but there's no official download at BlueByte's.
But it's freeware anyways and pretty easy to find once you know what to look for.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Peytonmac said:
Hey everyone, I'm new to this website but I am looking for a game I used to play maybe 10 years ago. I believe it was on PlayStation 2 but it may have been 1 or even Xbox as I only played it at a friends house. In the game you have these little monster things that you can evolve and train. Similar to Pok?mon almost but with very different graphics. Also I distictly remember a tree with a face that could talk. I do hope someone knows what I'm talking about because I have been looking for the game for years it always was so much fun when I was a kid. Thanks!
all i can think of when it comes to monster training are digimon and monster rancher


New member
Sep 10, 2017
Melih Caan said:
Guys please help me :( I was played this game on PC..this game's goal is capture the areas by painting the wall..This game have chapters and waves..Platform game I think..


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Melih Caan said:
Guys please help me :( I was played this game on PC..this game's goal is capture the areas by painting the wall..This game have chapters and waves..Platform game I think..
Mmh, I think we had a similar request a while back. Search for the game "Building Panic" (2001).
It's freeware, so it's easy to get.

Dat Truong Quoc

New member
Sep 10, 2017
Guy please help me ! i was played this game on Pc. what i can remember is it's a space game, the main character come to a space station to meet his brother and his girlfriend. Then it being attacked by alien and it come to a time that u have to choose between saving your brother or your girlfriend and the one you don't save become your final boss. After that with the help of another good alien he come to their place to learn abilities power like sonic wave , shield ,... and also it's a third person game . i think this game was very old, i played it about like 10 years ago. i love this game very much so guys please help me. i will be grateful so much.


New member
Aug 26, 2017
StatusNil said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Wow, still no help.
Come on now. This thread works in the following way: some people check it now and then to see if there's something they can either answer right away or something that they could possibly find out. Sometimes it turns out they can't. And they do it just to help out a fellow game enthusiast, not because that's their job. They're the same as you, how many people have you helped with their questions?

So if you don't get a satisfactory reply (I see someone already tried, but got it wrong), it doesn't mean you're being discriminated against, it means that the people who look into this thread to see if they can help anyone find something don't know the answer to your question, and don't really know where to look or what exactly to look for. Sometimes it helps to post a more detailed description of the game you are looking for, and obviously the platform and the time frame are very useful. The one thing that doesn't help is to get rude with anyone who might want to help you.

Hope you find this helpful.
The reason I'm like this is that I'm never able to find whatever I'm looking for.
Also, if I knew it any further, MAYBE I would know it already. But sadly, I played this game when I was around 7-8 or so.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Epicskunk said:
StatusNil said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Epicskunk said:
Hello everyone!

I used to play this pc game, where it was a space shoot'em up.
You would be in a big space location. You could pick up abilities as you fought creatures. After some time (or after killing enough enemies) a worm hole would appear, and you would need to reach it. One of the abilities included some kind of a flail that you can use with the momentum of your space ship.

Please do help me on this!
Still no help? I understand; no one wants to help me, anyway.
Wow, still no help.
Come on now. This thread works in the following way: some people check it now and then to see if there's something they can either answer right away or something that they could possibly find out. Sometimes it turns out they can't. And they do it just to help out a fellow game enthusiast, not because that's their job. They're the same as you, how many people have you helped with their questions?

So if you don't get a satisfactory reply (I see someone already tried, but got it wrong), it doesn't mean you're being discriminated against, it means that the people who look into this thread to see if they can help anyone find something don't know the answer to your question, and don't really know where to look or what exactly to look for. Sometimes it helps to post a more detailed description of the game you are looking for, and obviously the platform and the time frame are very useful. The one thing that doesn't help is to get rude with anyone who might want to help you.

Hope you find this helpful.
The reason I'm like this is that I'm never able to find whatever I'm looking for.
Also, if I knew it any further, MAYBE I would know it already. But sadly, I played this game when I was around 7-8 or so.
Well, we don't personally know you. Heh, how are we supposed to know when you were seven-ish years old?
Anyways, as you know these dates better, why not start by going through this extensive list of possible candidates.
Obiously you'll want to check out either Windows or DOS games if you're looking for a PC game.
Still, if the game happened to be some freeware/indie game it will be a bit harder to track it down.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Dat Truong Quoc said:
Guy please help me ! i was played this game on Pc. what i can remember is it's a space game, the main character come to a space station to meet his brother and his girlfriend. Then it being attacked by alien and it come to a time that u have to choose between saving your brother or your girlfriend and the one you don't save become your final boss. After that with the help of another good alien he come to their place to learn abilities power like sonic wave , shield ,... and also it's a third person game . i think this game was very old, i played it about like 10 years ago. i love this game very much so guys please help me. i will be grateful so much.
I bet you're looking for Advent Rising [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzOk0wpe2JA]. I loved that game! =D


New member
Nov 12, 2016
Hey guys, hope you could help identify the games from my descriptions.

From what I recall, Game A was a game about pirates, supposedly.It had a Red Team and Blue Team, one side was invading the other's fortress thing of sorts, and every match starts out with the invading team coming in on a ship, the other on their fort, and an RTS style battle would take place to determine a winner. There's apparently a hero for each side, I believe they were similar, but I could be wrong.

This game was from the PC, played it at a friend's place who has sadly moved from the neighborhood,so chances to find that title are lost now. That was all I could recall from the brief encounter I had with the game, it definitely had a sea-setup going for it.

Game B, this one was a medieval themed RTS of sorts, which I never really understood how it worked. From my experience with what I believe to be the game's Campaign/Story mode, the game starts off with some prince chap and his uncle evacuating themselves on a boat away from a castle. They then settle down on some village thing, and the uncle leaves the prince to run the place...or something. That's where the gameplay starts. From what I recall, it wasn't your typical 'Macro this, spam that' kind of RTS, rather it was...weird, so weird I never really understood how the hell do we play it. There were these people sitting by a bonfire, like they were supposed to be assigned work or something. There was like access to like a footman of sorts, as though the game was some kind of WarCraft RPG hybrid, taking itself way too realistically.

At first I thought this game was Stronghold, but after looking into it I can honestly say it isn't, though I could be wrong.

-1v1 Pirate themed RTS, with red/blue teams, a solo hero, one side attacks with a ship, other defends from a fort, it was definitely single player since at the time we were taking turns getting our assess kicked or trying to hand the opposing team the whopping they deserve. (Game A)

-Medieval RTS with some really really weird ass start for its story mode. (Game B)

Thanks in advance!