Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 3, 2017
Hello guys!!
I'm here because of the title of the forum hahahah
So, my question is: I used to play a game very like mario in gameplay, when to kill an enemy you step on its head haha
Kinda like hocus pocus in design, I played in my Win98 back in mid 2000 (That was my first computer, was what I could afford)
The boy had metal boots, like HI-Jump boots from Metroid.
Very good level design, where the first stage was in a forest, then you play in a desert, a frozen spaceship, and so on.
You had to rescue a princess or just a girl, I can't rebember her role in the game... It was a demo version so I only could play to lv 20 then I had to buy the game...
Please help me <3
My best regards


New member
Oct 4, 2017
TheYeIIowDucK said:
This is a long shot, but here goes.

It's an old point-and-click adventure game, released probably in the 90's, or the early 2000's at the latest.
The game starts with the main character being kidnapped or sucked into a magic mirror.
The first few levels of the game are about fixing/rebuilding a broken-down vehicle.
Most of the game takes place in a desert of some sort.
The ending of the game involves reaching a Statue of Liberty and talking to it (or maybe a character next to it?). It then explains how to leave this magical world, or simply teleports you back out of the mirror.
The entire game has a very lonely feeling to it.
The artstyle is very cartoony and extremely bizarre.
Some or all of the details provided by me are wrong and misremembered.
I remember this game too! I don't remember the title, but I've been searching frantically for it.
To add some details:
- There was a dragon that asked questions in exchange for trinkets, and he gave you eggs in return.
- The eggs were used in a maze to talk to the Statue of Liberty.
- The vehicle you were trying to rebuild was a flying car.
- I would describe the setting as almost post-apocalyptic. Everything was decrepit and destroyed.

I would be so happy if someone knew the title to this game because it's been bothering me a lot not knowing.


New member
Oct 4, 2017
Hi! I would like to know the name of the game where it's like a puzzle RPG kinda side-scroller game. Bookworm adventure is very similar except I'm looking for the one without words and all that stuff. It's just matching where blue gives mana or magic power or some sort and red makes the character attack. There would be like a big orb on the lower right I believe. There was the gear system too where each gear gives stats and you start off with crappy items and you can put them to sell those like those RPG slot shop system. The inventory system is simlar to Resident Evil where one item takes certain amount of boxes and you have to arrange them to make all fit into the inventory. The game started off at a village and you make your way out. Thank you!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
jumber_85 said:
hello guys i want to ask about an old game may be in the ninth a dos game that u have a plane and fighting in space i think , i remember that u can change ur weapons when u kill planes the weapons fly from destroyed plan and i think (not sure) that the weapons u get have names as characters (m, s etc) and every level have a monster .its not the game called NEBULA i think my game older than it. a very useful hint:when o start the game u have pumps and its limited amount and sure its amount increases through game progress , if i press alt in keyboard i use one of it and all the screen color be red and planes die and if u fight monster its health decrease . nothing more i can tell thanks 4 ur time
Possibly Air Buster?

Stefan Roneklindt

New member
Oct 4, 2017

In the 90s i remember a game where you have to smash some coloured blocks with a bouncing ball. The ball had to be the same colour as the block to smash it.
The theme music was classic music "the entertainer" etc.


New member
Oct 4, 2017

I have some games in mind that i cant remember the name of. Hope i will find inner peace here at last.

1- first one i wanna talk about was a WW2 aircraft game. One could choose between german and british in the menu. Also we could choose which type of plane we wanted to play. Fighters, big ass bombers etc. And ofc, where would we wanna start. In air, on ground etc. These options were all in same menu which had a start button below. And for cd cover, also game menu background, i remember a british fighter firing its turret in a cinematic pose.

2-second was a medieval themed, kind of(?), game. There was a knight which our hero. And there were these boar-men kinda enemies. But i suppose we could choose our character at the menu. Between this knight guy, boarman and maybe a bug-man.(black, long legged, kinda mantis guy).
Game started in some kind of a cave and there was a boarman who'd attack us in sight. After that, there was a platform puzzle(maybe?) Two platforms.. between them, there was lava.. we needed to go up pulling a lever and making platforms escalate i guess..
Also, game had a deathmatch mode i think. There was a "+" shaped platform floating in the middle of nowhere. And in each corner, one competitor was spawned.
Game was a demo and 3d

3- There was a guy with leather pants and naked top. Had a black hairs and elvish ears. Also had a staff that extends when he holds it in hand. This was his weapon of course and he could throw fireballs from his hand.
This was also a 3d.

4- this one was a platform game from "reflexive games"(?). There was a yellow guy that we control. Game could be played two players too. Second player's character was red version of the yellow one.

That's all friends. I played these games on win98. Some time around 2000s. Hope you can help me find these games, thank you '3'


New member
Oct 4, 2017
Avianis said:
Going to try this one again...

This was a kid's game for the PC, probably either late 90s or very early 2000s.

The gameplay took place as a series of different games and activities that had a connecting map (that might have been in a book?). You went from activity to activity, and had to complete each before you could get to the next. I am probably wrong, but I feel that finished activities might have been marked with gems.

My best memory is of playing this minigame that was set in Ancient Egypt. It was a fairly static top down view of a field, and I believe you had to solve a puzzle that involved numbers and counting with crops.
If it started with symmetry and also involved juice at one point it's Interactive Math Journey which unfortunately I haven't been able to find anywhere :(


New member
Oct 4, 2017
RW22Falcon said:
Hey all, hope you'll be able to help me.
I'm trying to find a game, I think it's from the 90s. It's a racing game with a character (might be the main one) that looks like a fox. I vaguely remember a name that sounds like squnick / skunick. I dont remember if its the name of the game or the character.
any one?
Crash Team Racing?


New member
Oct 4, 2017
Hey! I am also looking for a game. I cant remember the aim of the game or if it was exactly ps1 or PS2, more likely to be Ps2, but anyway...

The main character is either a boy or girl, it is the players choice, blue long shirt for boy and pink for the girl. The character is like a baby or something, idk, and there are different things you gotta do. For example broom racing with a witch or going through this maze like thing where there are green planks and you have to not fall down.

Thats about all i remember i cant remember the gameplay. Lemme know if you find it!


New member
Oct 2, 2017
RelativityMan said:
jumber_85 said:
hello guys i want to ask about an old game may be in the ninth a dos game that u have a plane and fighting in space i think , i remember that u can change ur weapons when u kill planes the weapons fly from destroyed plan and i think (not sure) that the weapons u get have names as characters (m, s etc) and every level have a monster .its not the game called NEBULA i think my game older than it. a very useful hint:when o start the game u have pumps and its limited amount and sure its amount increases through game progress , if i press alt in keyboard i use one of it and all the screen color be red and planes die and if u fight monster its health decrease . nothing more i can tell thanks 4 ur time
Possibly Air Buster?
unfortunately its not it my game is more modern than this in resolution


New member
Mar 1, 2017
Shksha said:
Trying to remember an old space missile trajectory game.

Your ship, and an enemy ship would spawn on the map, fixed in place, with many obstacles in the way like planets and suns and black holes that would affect the trajectory of the missile.

it was top down with crappy graphics. I think when you destroyed the enemy ship it would blow up and the effect looked like someone was holding down the ms paint spray paint tool.

I think the only thing you had to do was enter an angle 1-360 and it would shoot your missile at that angle. The goal was to take turn shooting and you had to adjust it depending on the gravity of the surrounding obstacles.
Perhaps Gravity Wars?


New member
Oct 4, 2017

Anyone remembers a game where your character somehow got into a city which was on the back of a turtle under a big bubble?
I just cannot find anything useful with google searches &#128546;


New member
Sep 15, 2017
risatronic said:
Avianis said:
Going to try this one again...

This was a kid's game for the PC, probably either late 90s or very early 2000s.

The gameplay took place as a series of different games and activities that had a connecting map (that might have been in a book?). You went from activity to activity, and had to complete each before you could get to the next. I am probably wrong, but I feel that finished activities might have been marked with gems.

My best memory is of playing this minigame that was set in Ancient Egypt. It was a fairly static top down view of a field, and I believe you had to solve a puzzle that involved numbers and counting with crops.
If it started with symmetry and also involved juice at one point it's Interactive Math Journey which unfortunately I haven't been able to find anywhere :(
Oh my god that's it! You're amazing, thank you!


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Im searching a game for a long while and I really cant remember the name.

It's a GBA game and it was like Pokemon type? The things I can remember was the inicial animation before you start playing: It was a girl running along side with a green griffin (I'm not sure if it was a griffin but surely was a green monster and it could fly). They were escaping through a dark corridor. So after that, you are kid and someone made you choose between a red/pinkish chicken, a green parrot and a blue canine (Not sure with the colors but the red/pinkish chicken and the parrot is true).

Anyone knows? Its a GBA game x_x


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Im searching a game for a long while and I really cant remember the name.

It's a GBA game and it was like Pokemon type? The things I can remember was the inicial animation before you start playing: It was a girl running along side with a green griffin (I'm not sure if it was a griffin but surely was a green monster and it could fly). They were escaping through a dark corridor. So after that, you are kid and someone made you choose between a red/pinkish chicken, a green parrot and a blue canine (Not sure with the colors but the red/pinkish chicken and the parrot is true).

Anyone knows? Its a GBA game x_x


New member
Oct 5, 2017
So i've been searching for a couple of years for my childhood game. It's a 2d shooter platformer on windows , pretty pixelated as well. You start outside near a car I think and you go straight inside a house. There I am not sure if you shoot monsters or zombies but I'm pretty sure it was with zombies. I remember a part (migth be near the final of the game) where you kinda climb some big stairs and there are monsters/zombies everywhere around and you need to shoot them. I think you only have a shotgun.
I know it's not a good description but that's all i can remember. It was around 2000 but I think the game is way older than that. Hope someone can help me, thanks!


New member
Oct 5, 2017
So i've been searching for a couple of years for my childhood game. It's a 2d shooter platformer on windows , pretty pixelated as well. You start outside near a car I think and you go straight inside a house. There I am not sure if you shoot monsters or zombies but I'm pretty sure it was with zombies. I remember a part (migth be near the final of the game) where you kinda climb some big stairs and there are monsters/zombies everywhere around and you need to shoot them. I think you only have a shotgun.
I know it's not a good description but that's all i can remember. It was around 2000 but I think the game is way older than that. Hope someone can help me, thanks!


New member
Dec 13, 2013
Ive been searching for this game on and off since 2013 i remember its about a guy thats trying to escape a house or mansion and its filled with traps the main thing i remember is that you use the d-pad to navigate and which direction you press is where he goes if you chose the wrong direction an animation starts and you die so its one big trial and error game i do remember it was like mid 90s i do remember this long hall outside the mansion where you have to press left and right constantly i remember how many times i died in one section of the house i remember a chandelier falls and crushes you also a spider gets you in another area unfortunately thats all i can remember oh and it was a 90s game the look was very cartoonish and was colorful the graphics were nice so i think it might have been on the sega saturn ive gone through the list of horror games released but i cant seem to find it ive also checked on all platforms except sega genesis i know the consoles i had were nes sega genesis saturn and playstation in that order i doubt it was on the dreamcast after that i remember all of my games i really need some help its driving me up the walls thanks to anyone who can help


New member
Oct 2, 2017
OxymoronBoi said:
So i've been searching for a couple of years for my childhood game. It's a 2d shooter platformer on windows , pretty pixelated as well. You start outside near a car I think and you go straight inside a house. There I am not sure if you shoot monsters or zombies but I'm pretty sure it was with zombies. I remember a part (migth be near the final of the game) where you kinda climb some big stairs and there are monsters/zombies everywhere around and you need to shoot them. I think you only have a shotgun.
I know it's not a good description but that's all i can remember. It was around 2000 but I think the game is way older than that. Hope someone can help me, thanks!
im sure its (dave) it have three parts i think what u told about is dave2 so u search for all 3 parts and play and have fun :)


New member
Oct 2, 2017
asking again to find my childhood game
hello guys i want to ask about an old game may be in the second half of 90s a game that u have a plane and fighting in space vertically way , i remember that u can change ur weapon, when u kill planes the weapons fly from destroyed plan and i think (not sure) that the weapons u get have names as characters (m, n,s etc.) and every level have a monster .its not the game that called NEBULA i think my game is older than it. a very useful hint:when u start the game u have pumps and its limited amount and sure its amount increases through game progress , if i press alt in keyboard i use one of these pumps and all the screen color be red and planes die and if u fight monster its health decrease . nothing more i can tell thanks 4 ur time