Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Daniel Nevis said:
Hello guys!

I have this one for you, would appreciate if anyone could tell the name of it.
Excuse me in advance if it has already been guessed earlier in the thread but it's quite a hard task to read through all the 822 pages so far.

So, here's what I recall about the game basics:

- Likely, it's a 90s PC game I played on Win95 or Win98 - cannot remember.
- It's a 3D RTS futuristic game, with an ability to switch POV from 3d person to 2d and 1st person perspective.
- Graphics were not of a best quality (unless my memory twisted it).

- The action takes places at various levels/scenes, but mostly in a ruined city/megapolis or smth.
- You/your unit is a floating battle station 15-20 tall, which normally floats 10-15 meters above the ground, armed with some simple cannons/lasers/rockets. You can switch guns (FPS view) which are placed at, I guess, 4 sides of the station to have 360 angle view of the surroundings.
- You can create different ground units like tanks, helicopters that you can switch to and control or the AI will do it itself.
- The mission is to destroy your enemies station and its units, like you yourself have.
- There are several fractions you can play for/against. The ones that I remember are humans, aliens, robots and some other (one of them are some creatures that have a station looking like a prison building with a floating sound of an organ, :D).
- You can also teleport the station to different locations, but this will drain your power level, as well as creating units. If it goes to 0, you're regarded as dead. In order to re-charge, you need to teleport your self to re-charge platforms - the place where you usually meet your enemy station.
- Multiplayer, if I'm not mistaken or AI controlled stations up to ~4 on a map.

That's, probably, all I remember about it.
I hope someone will recall this one, so thanks in advance!
Should be "Urban Assault" (1998).


New member
Oct 6, 2017
Hi, I really need help finding this game that came out on the app store in 2014,2015 (before jurassic world movie came out) where you controls heros fighting bugs in various stages in 2d or 2.5 d setting(i think its more likely to be 2d, but anyway its definately not three d). The setting is balck and white in a grayish kind of way, and the charactors are kind of cartoony, with your starting charactor a sheep or goat, that had his girlfriend(or another important relation taken from him by the bugs), which he then sets off to rescue(i think?). The bugs on his journey are sphereical and have round spike sort of like bumps on their body, and their main attack should be rolling. Later on, your would unlock other charactors through currency(gold?) and level them up using something related to soul. The story(what little I had gone through includes just fighting the bugs and liberating towns, which until where i had been to, should be the only way to regain health)
The onlyother charactor unlocked I am sure(and even that is dubious) is a lion, but i do remember there being some kind of air support ( maybe an eagle?) The animals are all humanoid and wears clothes. The plot should be about some evil power, the boss of the bugs causing light to disappear from the land, thus the whole grey theme. The bugs get bigger and diversify as you progress. There was also an event that gave you 100 gold due to server issues when its was first realeased as an apology
Really hope someone could find it. Thanks a lot if you do!

Emil Wik

New member
Oct 6, 2017
Okay so I have very little hope but here goes.
I'm looking for a kind of space fighter game, probably for the ps2.
It's 3d, you have either a selection of ships, or you unlock better ones throughout the game, can't remember.
The game involves stargates, which I believe were used to go between the different missions.
You could pick up and carry tanks and other allied units which had a really good presence throughout the entire game and gave it kind of a strategic feel.

I have been looking to no avail, I believe I'd recognize footage, but also that it is a relatively unknown game.

Drew Barnett

New member
Oct 6, 2017
Itsyaboi said:
I?m trying to help my friend look for an old flash game she used to play on fudgegames.com, between 2009-2011 i think.

It was a mixture of a survival and a strategy game.

You?d start off with a blank world map and you would slowly add things (like water or trees) and every time you did it would effect something. So say if you added a person and he chopped down a tree, he could make fire but if you ran out of wood you?d be screwed

The devil on top of your screen would hit your world if you screwed up too bad and slowly hit you every time you made a mistake

You would evolve things to make them better - a camp fire could become a oven, a pillow could become a bed etc etc

Once you added a person, if you played it right you could add another (a girl) and you could have babies

The girl would look after the guy every time he got sick (made him soup) but if she couldn?t bring him back to health he?d die and you?d have to start all over

The people were white 3D figures
https://www.silvergames.com/en/grow-rpg Is this what you were talking about?

Aimee Mattingly

New member
Oct 6, 2017
I am looking for a game that was an online game in the mid-late 90's possible early 2000's.
It was a question/word/knowledge game that had to birds on the top that were the timer. They would wobble across a "wire" and when they met in the middle you would be out of time.
It also made coo-coo clock type noises.

Xavier Stidham

New member
Oct 6, 2017
um ok so my memory of this game is very low but ill attempt to describe this the best i can what i can remember is there was a part u are this guy with his partner whos a girl and you look into this console thingy that accesses a camera and just see the bottom half of a human walking by itself without a torso or head at all. Next a giant azz monster comes out grabs the woman and bites her head off leaving u left to kill then it chases u and you press these buttons in order to find a way out.....this is hard for me to describe really need help thinking ;-;

Aimee Mattingly

New member
Oct 6, 2017
Aimee Mattingly said:
I am looking for a game that was an online game in the mid-late 90's possible early 2000's.
It was a question/word/knowledge game that had to birds on the top that were the timer. They would wobble across a "wire" and when they met in the middle you would be out of time.
It also made coo-coo clock type noises.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Syun said:

Anyone remembers a game where your character somehow got into a city which was on the back of a turtle under a big bubble?
I just cannot find anything useful with google searches 😢
Could it have been Golden Axe II? Turtle village is on a giant turtle, and between each level we see the heroes progress through a crystal ball, which could be your bubble.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
qmwess said:
Ive been searching for this game on and off since 2013 i remember its about a guy thats trying to escape a house or mansion and its filled with traps the main thing i remember is that you use the d-pad to navigate and which direction you press is where he goes if you chose the wrong direction an animation starts and you die so its one big trial and error game i do remember it was like mid 90s i do remember this long hall outside the mansion where you have to press left and right constantly i remember how many times i died in one section of the house i remember a chandelier falls and crushes you also a spider gets you in another area unfortunately thats all i can remember oh and the look was very cartoonish and was colorful the graphics were nice so i think it might have been on the sega saturn ive gone through the list of horror games released but i cant seem to find it ive also checked some consoles except sega genesis i know the consoles i had were nes,sega genesis, saturn and playstation in that order i doubt it was on the dreamcast after that i remember all of my games i really need some help its driving me up the walls thanks to anyone who can help
Probably Brain Dead 13, or maybe one of the other games by ReadSoft Inc..


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
YummyMan said:
Im searching a game for a long while and I really cant remember the name.

It's a GBA game and it was like Pokemon type? The things I can remember was the inicial animation before you start playing: It was a girl running along side with a green griffin (I'm not sure if it was a griffin but surely was a green monster and it could fly). They were escaping through a dark corridor. So after that, you are kid and someone made you choose between a red/pinkish chicken, a green parrot and a blue canine (Not sure with the colors but the red/pinkish chicken and the parrot is true).

Anyone knows? Its a GBA game x_x
There are a bunch of those games (sometimes called mon games) for GBA. I don't know which one you're looking for (I don't play that much of them) but here's a list I found for GBA mon games besides Pokemon:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart
DemiKids: Dark Version

DemiKids: Light Version
Dokapon: Monster Hunter
Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2: Power Version

Keitai Denjuu Telefang 2: Speed Version
Monster Rancher Advance
Monster Rancher Advance 2

Shin Megami Tensei
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Messiah Riser
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children - Puzzle de Call

Maybe look their intros up on youtube?


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Drew Barnett said:
Ok one more and I'm done. I remember an old Star Wars game for the PC that I've never been able to find anywhere. It was a point and click game that involved you saving Jar-Jar Binks from droids attacking him. He was going on a path through the woods (probably on Endor). It is possible that this was one game on a disk with multiple games on it, I'm not sure. I specifically remember Jar-Jar causing a bunch of logs to fall down a hill on to some droids. Please help I'm desperate, I haven't found it anywhere.
Maybe Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge - Activity Center or Star Wars: Jar Jar's Journey Adventure Book? Not sure, when it comes to episode 1 I'd rather just play Star Wars: Pit Droids and try to forget the rest...


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Tried this a few years ago and nobody could help -

Looking for a game I played on PC around mid-late 90s or early 2000s. All I can remember is that it had kinda cartoony graphics, was top down and you played as a boy who could cast magic spells.

It was a pretty linear story and could be finished in a few hours, but iirc you found various items along the way that upgraded your magic in various ways (Such as new wands, hats) and I distinctly remember that one of the first hat upgrades you could find was a Felt Hat.


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Hi guys! :)
I'm looking for an old game, I remember playing on ps2 for about 10 years ago. The game is at least 1o years old.
I can't remember much from the game, but I can tell you what I can remember.
It's a kinda sad map, there are maybe some bushes and trees, but definetily not a forest. There are a lot of mud or "watered" earth that you are walking in, and it's a third person game. You are a big bald man. You are going to a cage or dungeon or something like that made of wood and stone (I think). The next I remember is that you have a metal chain or something, tied around your hands, and being pulled up while someone is turning a weel or something, and you are screaming/shouting (I would call it a torture/execution scene). I think it's how the game was, but I'm not completely sure. The graphic could be like a The Elder Scrolls game or Assasins Creed maybe. If anyone finds the game, thank you very much!

Kit Cherniausky

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Well, I'll give it a try.

It was a Flash game. Played it looong time ago. It was a night, a stranger with golden teeth approached you. What else I remember is that the "game board" consisted of little balls on his hand lying in a triangle shape. And when the game started, he said something like "Ssuddenlyyy!" You both take turns and take balls from some row, if I remember correctly - you can take as much as you want from a single row.
I don't even remember the aim of the game, either you should be the one to take the last ball or vice versa. But I found this picture with the exact guy from the game, googling gave me nothing useful, there was one site, but I guess it's not functioning properly now:

Thanks in advance!


New member
Oct 7, 2017
Guys, thanks in advance for reading this post, because this one is going to be a weird one.

A long time ago, as a kid (about maybe 10 years ago) I played an adventure game as a character (I believe) and you had to do all kind of things in order to complete te level. Some levels would start to fill with water, and then there were spikes and birds and things you had to avoid otherwise you would die. I believe that in some levels you could go through some kind of vines or some sort. And in some levels the background was purple or green. One of the hardest levels was to get as fast as you could to the top of the level. You had a certain number of hearts and air bubbels, so you could die of drowning. I believe it was an online game. Sadly, these are the only things I remember of that game.

I hope you could help me! Thanks in advance!

Ariel Nagar

New member
Oct 7, 2017
hi guys i really nedd your help i searching this game for along time i dont remember verry much of but it look kind like klonoa 2 i remember that you was able to be shoot out of a cannon like in klonoa 2 and i remeber a pirate ship level and skelteon mobs pliz help it really important to me


New member
Oct 8, 2017
Okay so we used to own this game that was a multi-game CD. Think it maybe had 12 games on it. The only ones I can remember are a typing game where you had to save what I think were the 3 little pigs by typing the correct letters. There was also a bumper-car board game kind of thing (possibly similar to the board game "Sorry"). It was targeted towards younger kids I think. There was also a ripoff chutes and ladders thing based in a jungle I think? Possibly called snakes and ladders? There was also a Chinese checkers option. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
Oct 8, 2017
My turn...

When I was a kid my cousins had this game on their IBM PC (I had an Apple II, see, so I couldn't borrow it). This would have been in the 80s. It was an investigation game; you were a journalist and would break into people's houses when they left to look for clues. There was a simple top-down house layout and you'd go room to room looking for things. If folks came back they could catch you, leading to (I think) a game over.


Chris-Tops Andrews

New member
Oct 8, 2017
there was a computer game i played years ago like 25 yrs ago or so....... There were little people civilizations and stuff....but we could send like Tornados or volcanos to destroy stuff...what was the name of this game?


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Chris-Tops Andrews said:
there was a computer game i played years ago like 25 yrs ago or so....... There were little people civilizations and stuff....but we could send like Tornados or volcanos to destroy stuff...what was the name of this game?
Probably a game out of the "Populous" series.