Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 8, 2017
There is a game I used to play in which there was a little guy that would run around between islands, he would fly through these balloons to get points and he was looking for a culprit and sometimes he would make a baby cry

Claudiu Lucaci

New member
Oct 8, 2017
There is a game i use to play,and its like with dinosaurs and someone would ride them,and fight,like sword and sandals type,and you could upgrade swords or your dinosaur,and when someone would win,the one who lose would fall off they dinosaur


New member
Jun 3, 2013
ady_arcade said:
Hello everyone,

For quite a long time I have searched on Internet an arcade game, until I have found your website :). I hope someone can help if he can. I have played the game somewhere in '96-'97 on an arcade machine in a bar in my town.

In this 2D game you must pilot a small ship who moves everywhere the screen and also fires. The action is taking place in one screen (is not moving like in other space ship shooters) and if you are moving in extreme right of the screen you will appear in the extreme left, also this works on vertical direction.

This space ship when is moving has the ability of "eating" background revealing parts of nude girls; you have the complete picture when the level is finished.

Also many things come to attack you when you try to complete the level. I remember at first level some skeletons will attack you and when fires they will split in other parts trying to kill you again. If you manage not to die you will collect different items who give various things (shields, bigger fire power, points, extra lives)

Was a very hard game to play, I remember after a couple levels you are fight with a boss, a big monster who fly and spit fire...

I try o search similar games but it seems is quite different from what I have found:

1) Miss world 96
2) Gal's panic
3) Volfied

But in these games where you have to cut off parts of screen, you are somehow protected if you stay on the edge and you do not cut off. In my game there is not such a protection.

Unfortunately this is all the description I can offer. Was a long time ago...like in Star Wars :D.

Thank you !

In order to find the above game, I found this app on android called "What Arcade Game ?".

It has 15 levels each level has 12 games.

The problem is I am blocked and I can't move forward.

To pass at the next level I need 300 points and I have only 160. For a good answer I get 30 points.

Any help is highly appreciate ;).






























Thank you.


New member
Oct 8, 2017
I'm looking for a series of old educational games. Both games featured a ton of little aliens shaped like balls with giant eyes and a mouth that had different weights and physics properties.

The first game had the aliens crash land behind someone's house and get stuck in the basement. You had to build physics dependent pathways that would move the aliens around the basement by attaching junk like garden hoses and strings to the walls. Since the different aliens were various sizes, they weighed different amounts, so you had to figure out what ratio of big/medium/little alien balls to put around the level.

The second game had the aliens visiting a theme park where each section of the park was teaching a different physics related topic. The only one I remember at the moment is buoyancy. If your aliens messed up or touched certain things in the level, they would get sucked out to a creepy pitch black cave outside the park with a monster inside.

If anyone remembers the name of these games, that would be awesome.

Unrelated / less important, but does anyone remember a music theory education game that had you exploring a castle and learning lessons from different people around the castle?

I'm also looking for an educational game that had a fantastic old western adventure hidden inside it. The main game is about "exploring" the USA. Very boring as it was mostly just pictures/info. However, you could go to an old west ghost town which consisted of point and click navigating Myst style through actual pictures of a real world ghost town. After exploring for a bit, you find a jail where a haunted wanted poster starts talking to you about how his gang is going to blow up the bridge that a train is about to go over. You have to drag and drop the pieces of the bridge to put it back together. Later on you visit an old native american village and play some sort of board game with stones against a trickster coyote spirit. If you win that, you end up getting to explore a mine. Some sort of first person dungeon crawler maze thingy in the style of wolfenstein (except you have to navigate by clicking on buttons on the screen instead of arrow keys...). Spiders and bats attack with projectiles, and you can heal by eating cans of beans.

EDIT: Found the music game. It's Juilliard Music Adventure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CM3gNnUldco


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Sep 13, 2016
ady_arcade said:


These ones are Pac-Mania, Spy Hunter, and Paperboy. =)


New member
Oct 8, 2017
Looking for an old Dinosaur shooting game. The game was 3d with very pixelated graphics on pc. I don't remember a lot about the game but it had a few different locations to hunt dinos and there was a bow that shot exploding arrows.


New member
Oct 8, 2017
almosteasy said:
Looking for an old Dinosaur shooting game. The game was 3d with very pixelated graphics on pc. I don't remember a lot about the game but it had a few different locations to hunt dinos and there was a bow that shot exploding arrows.
I suspect you're talking about Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Is this the weapon you were talking about? http://turok.wikia.com/wiki/Tek_Bow


New member
Oct 8, 2017
Skyclimber said:
almosteasy said:
Looking for an old Dinosaur shooting game. The game was 3d with very pixelated graphics on pc. I don't remember a lot about the game but it had a few different locations to hunt dinos and there was a bow that shot exploding arrows.
I suspect you're talking about Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Is this the weapon you were talking about? http://turok.wikia.com/wiki/Tek_Bow
nope its not that one I dont remember the game really having much story it was just to kill dinos


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
almosteasy said:
Skyclimber said:
almosteasy said:
Looking for an old Dinosaur shooting game. The game was 3d with very pixelated graphics on pc. I don't remember a lot about the game but it had a few different locations to hunt dinos and there was a bow that shot exploding arrows.
I suspect you're talking about Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Is this the weapon you were talking about? http://turok.wikia.com/wiki/Tek_Bow
nope its not that one I dont remember the game really having much story it was just to kill dinos
Maybe one of the Carnivores games? The series was a dino hunting sim, with the exception of Carnivores: Cityscape. I've only played the first one, which didn't have exploding arrows, but did have a crossbow.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
ady_arcade said:




These are, respectively, Mappy, Xevious and Crazy Climber.

EDIT: I knew I remembered that one... the fourth is City Connection.

Ariel Nagar

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Ariel Nagar said:
hi guys i really nedd your help i searching this game for along time i dont remember verry much of but it look kind like klonoa 2 i remember that you was able to be shoot out of a cannon like in klonoa 2 and i remeber a pirate ship level and skelteon mobs pliz help it really important to me
fount it it was the adventure of lomax


New member
Oct 8, 2017
I have 3 games...

Ok, not much to go by here, but i only have a small piece of memory of this game from when i was about the age of 4.

-It might have been a 1st or 3rd person RPG, bright colored (temple?) area with a garden
-A similar inventory style to RE4
-I really dont remember much but it was on the Xbox or PS2
-had a T rating i think... might have been E10
-Fantasy setting for sure
-i dont remember if the protagonist was customizable or set but was male i think...
-it was back in the 2005s or so when i first saw it
thats all i remember...

Second game was for the DS a lot more memories with this one...
-was not fossil fighters
-started with an M i think
-you dug up pieces of things and fused them together to make monsters
-they fought
-really cant remember the monsters but you's scan little sparkles on the feild to find items
-defiantly a E - E10 rating

Third, this one has been haunting me for years
-i remember a level, it was at the gates of some place in war like trenches
-fantasy setting im pretty sure
-it was raining, it was kinda of a overhead style, but i think it zoomed in on the back of the player in some areas, or was completely 3rd person
-im almost sure you had a customizable avatar
-i only beat one level, it may have only been a demo.
-gold pickups and items on the ground\

sorry if this wasnt enough, i really dont remember much, i was a really young kid back in these days...


New member
Feb 28, 2016
blitzhilma said:
I have 3 games...
Second game was for the DS a lot more memories with this one...
-was not fossil fighters
-started with an M i think
-you dug up pieces of things and fused them together to make monsters
-they fought
-really cant remember the monsters but you's scan little sparkles on the feild to find items
-defiantly a E - E10 rating
I'm not entirely sure - I don't recall fusing pieces - but could this be a Spectrobes game?


New member
Oct 8, 2017
KaiYLowell said:
blitzhilma said:
I have 3 games...
Second game was for the DS a lot more memories with this one...
-was not fossil fighters
-started with an M i think
-you dug up pieces of things and fused them together to make monsters
-they fought
-really cant remember the monsters but you's scan little sparkles on the feild to find items
-defiantly a E - E10 rating
I'm not entirely sure - I don't recall fusing pieces - but could this be a Spectrobes game?
YES that was it! thank you! 1 down 2 to go!


New member
Jul 6, 2017
The game I am looking for,I am pretty sure was on a sega console though I am not sure which one and it might have been on ps1, this would have been late 90s maybe early 2000, but definitely before xbox came out, it was an RPG and you were a young male hero out to save a princess at the start, but then it kind of evolves into saving the kingdom after you save her, i believe the characters almost looked like super early final fantasy sprites when traveling like kinda short squat little things, and there were lots of major scenery changes as you went to like magical realms and different areas of the kingdom, there were lots of little unique items and weird powers you could get to help navigate puzzles and combat, and one as silly as it was, was a ring that would turn you into a beaver type animal.


New member
Oct 9, 2017
Alright guys, I've got an old one for you. This game was released sometime in the mid 80s - early 90s and I don't remember too much about it, but I've been trying to figure it out for the last 20 or so years. It was a PC game and you were off somewhere (I seem to remember a cave) and you used portals to travel between dimensions, times, or areas (not sure which). You were accompanied by a dog, as well, I think. It isn't Secret of Evermore or Another World. I've played both those games and they aren't it. In terms of graphics think the early Space Quest or King's Quest games at best.


New member
Oct 9, 2017
rabiddoughnuts said:
The game I am looking for,I am pretty sure was on a sega console though I am not sure which one and it might have been on ps1, this would have been late 90s maybe early 2000, but definitely before xbox came out, it was an RPG and you were a young male hero out to save a princess at the start, but then it kind of evolves into saving the kingdom after you save her, i believe the characters almost looked like super early final fantasy sprites when traveling like kinda short squat little things, and there were lots of major scenery changes as you went to like magical realms and different areas of the kingdom, there were lots of little unique items and weird powers you could get to help navigate puzzles and combat, and one as silly as it was, was a ring that would turn you into a beaver type animal.
This sounds very much like some of the Dragon Quest games. I know that Dragon Quest IV was re-released on the PS1 and I seem to recall you having to use the "mod rod" to turn into an animal at one point.


New member
Oct 8, 2017
RelativityMan said:
almosteasy said:
Skyclimber said:
almosteasy said:
Looking for an old Dinosaur shooting game. The game was 3d with very pixelated graphics on pc. I don't remember a lot about the game but it had a few different locations to hunt dinos and there was a bow that shot exploding arrows.
I suspect you're talking about Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Is this the weapon you were talking about? http://turok.wikia.com/wiki/Tek_Bow
nope its not that one I dont remember the game really having much story it was just to kill dinos
Maybe one of the Carnivores games? The series was a dino hunting sim, with the exception of Carnivores: Cityscape. I've only played the first one, which didn't have exploding arrows, but did have a crossbow.
not this one either...it was around 2000-2005 when I played it. So it probably came out in the 90's


New member
Oct 9, 2017
Hello fellow's. I have been searching for this two games since ages. I played them on PC as I was a kid 2002-2003 in Germany.
1- the first one was about robots. You could control and build them. One at the time of course. The game perspective was from up. Like the old gta games. This game was full with puzzles. I can clearly still remember 2 maps. In one of them you could play robot soccer 1 v 1. In the other one you had to make your robot explode in the entrance of a dungeon so the door would open. This was a special kind of robot with a bomb on his head.
2-the second one was really dark. You had like a ghost following you. I think he was kinda helping you. I can't remember the story but you could play games vs other ghosts and kinda win tasos? This round tasos where also ghosts if I remember good. If you lose all of them you loose the game. There was also this kinda dark precense kinds following you.

This games really touched me as a child. I would like to play them and finish them. If you have any information I would really appreciate it.