eerielunarose said:Vendor-Lazarus said:I solved mine finally, because I found out from talking with my dad that I was working off false parameters- we actually had an Apple II when I was super little, not a DOS PC, and it was on that and not a cartridge game like I thought. The game is Space Ark for Applie II. XDeerielunarose said:Gameplay: Your screen is always the control room/cockpit of your spaceship, with a viewscreen either showing space, or the alien planet that you have landed on. You go around to different worlds and discover different creatures you can see on your view screen some look friendly and others look mean, and you pick up specimens of these creatures and the number of creatures you have in your ship goes up (it's just a number on one of your panels) but if you pick up the wrong ones I guess it eats all the other ones and you go back to zero. I never figured out what the point of this game was or how to complete it but now that I'm an adult and not a wee child I'd like to find it and figure out what the point was and how you progress/'win'. Some of the creatures were interesting looking. They moved slightly on the screen so you could tell what was a living creature and what was just part of the planet backdrop.
Anyone have any clue what I'm talking about?
Anyone tried posting their queries on r/tipofmyjoystick? They have some gurus on there.