Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jan 3, 2018
Hey guys!
I really need help to find a game i remember i was playing when i was like.. 7-8 years old and i would like to play it again so bad!
i remember there were two teams, not sure if it was multiplayer or singleplayer against computer, but the teams were red and blue. I was playing with some robots. It is a FPS game and u have got some futuristic rifles etc. Last thing i know is that there were some kinda "reactors" one red and one blue and you could like.. steal it or turn of, i dont remember... and if you did this your team won, something like that.
thanks much for your help!


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
cr4zydexter said:
Hey, I've been searching for a couple of old games with no success. Maybe you can help me.
#1 Old game where the character was either a bunny or a frog, I know it had the same mechanics like frogger, crossing the road etc. I think it was a 2D perspecive and the second level was a maze with water 'walls' in which you could drop and a timer. When it ran out an anvil would squash your character.
#2 Old game platformer, shooter, aiming with the mouse, in the sewers or something similar with the most basic enemies turrets hung on the ceiling and walls.
#3 Old game similar to starcraft, in which you had to build you colony, develop and you could buy bazooka ants or bugs or something similar.

I don't think I made myself very clear in my explanations so if there's any trouble understanding I'll try to clarify.
Thanks in advance.

EDIT: If relevant they could be played on a 286 PC.
Could #2 have been Abuse?
And #3 might have been either Battle Bugs or Swarm Assault.
Not sure about #1.


New member
Dec 29, 2017
fady10 said:
Hello everyone. I've been searching for this game for days but found absolutely nothing at all.

It's a pc game that had pretty good graphics for that time. I remember playing it like 9-10 years ago, it's 3D 3rd person but more of a plane view (the camera was more above the head rather than behind it, so the characters looked smaller than usual), where a guy kills I would say pirates or ghosts (I really can't remember, maybe neither) with direct combat (not shooting), located on an island with weird places (some weird locations I really can't describe), and eventually you take a ship and sail through dark and scary tunnels with lots of ghosts that you have to get through while sailing, then you land on another weird island and continue the process.

From the gameplay, I remember you can summon like 3 ghosts to aid you, and another really cool thing where when you have the capability as a character you can hit the ground with the hammer or summon thunder-like powers to take down multiple enemies as once.

I hope someone can help me. Thank you.


New member
Jan 3, 2018
Hello, i remember some little things about a 3d rpg game that i played back in 2010 or something
So at first you were in a pretty small village and u were feeding the pigs, then a guard wouldn t let you pass if you didn t help your neighbour catch his duck or something, then you go on an expedition to kill some slimes from a farm
and when u come back your house and mom burns and after that i vaguely remember fighting lots of creatues. It was also a big mountain at the top of the map and a wizzard hiding in a cave that was covered by a rock, you also had skills like fireball and magic dmg, attack dmg, hp to upgrade at every lvl, i also remember someone you should pay to let you pass a bridge. I think that the name of the caracther was rick or dick and that could be also the name of the game, also, in the name there was "something"Wind or "something"Wood ,but i'm not 100% sure. Thanks a lot :D
I don't remember a lot but i think you were seeing yourself from a 3rd person view, in the skies like in diablo
It may also been a very unpopular game.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
imstrik3r said:
Hello, i remember some little things about a 3d rpg game that i played back in 2010 or something
So at first you were in a pretty small village and u were feeding the pigs, then a guard wouldn t let you pass if you didn t help your neighbour catch his duck or something, then you go on an expedition to kill some slimes from a farm
and when u come back your house and mom burns and after that i vaguely remember fighting lots of creatues. It was also a big mountain at the top of the map and a wizzard hiding in a cave that was covered by a rock, you also had skills like fireball and magic dmg, attack dmg, hp to upgrade at every lvl, i also remember someone you should pay to let you pass a bridge. I think that the name of the caracther was rick or dick and that could be also the name of the game, also, in the name there was "something"Wind or "something"Wood ,but i'm not 100% sure. Thanks a lot :D
I don't remember a lot but i think you were seeing yourself from a 3rd person view, in the skies like in diablo
It may also been a very unpopular game.


New member
Jan 3, 2018
I'm trying to remember the name of an older '92 - '96 era cocktail table arcade game that was like Arkanoid, but it had a 2-player vs. mode. You could battle the other player that was sitting on the other side of the table and break the bricks in-between. You were also able to put some spin, or "English" on the ball if you were moving the paddle quickly to one side when your paddle hit it, causing the path of the ball to curve. The ball had one small white pixel on it so you could tell if it was spinning and in what direction.

You could collect power-ups like split into multi balls, slow the ball speed down, grow (or shrink) your paddle, sticky paddle, etc.

The controls were a spinner with one "Fire" button for when you got the laser power-up.

We used to frequent the Applebee's restaurant in the Burnsville Center where they had this game. We would always grab a beer and play a couple of vs. games before going to our table.


New member
Jan 2, 2018
RelativityMan said:
TayAmKay said:
I'm desperate,it's been stuck in my head for a year now and I've done everything I could to find it but I never did.
It's a PS2 game I used to play and I would do anything to just even watch a gameplay of it I miss the feeling of playing it so much:

It's a PS2 Game where you play as a boy who has little followers who fight along you,as far as I remember they were small,orange and white in color but didn't look human or anything,they were these ancient creatures or whatever that the more you have around you the stronger they become,they use these combined attacks where they can fuse into a stronger creature.I also remember puzzles and stuff that you had to solve using them and you would of course fight enemies with these little creatures.
-Little orange/white creatures that you can combine to get special powers-That's what I remember best.
(edit:I created an account on this site just to ask this question)
Please help me on this one,be the hero in need x)
And thank you
Could that have been Tokobot Plus: Mysteries of the Karakuri?
You're a lifesaver,what do you want?Money?Elo Boosting in League of Legends?Anything,thank you so so much it's been bothering me for so long.
To my hero,The RelativityMan


New member
Jan 3, 2018
Hi im trying to think of the name of a game I played around 94 96 it was a top down view over a guy in like a little desert town and you have to rob places like a little diner and so forth building up your level till you can get better equipment to do bigger jobs

found out the name its called Heist but it was in 2000


New member
Jun 22, 2017
WashclothRepairman said:
Reposting this:

Mid '90s DOS game, got a shareware version on a PCGamer CD back when a single CD had like 20 demos on it. I'm going to guess the demo was '96 or possibly '97.

Gulf war themed (it is NOT Desert Strike, that's what I thought at first too). Top down view (I think), not isometric. You can play as a helicopter or a tank and can spend money to buy weapons or upgrade your vehicle. Action shoot 'em up. You need to land your helicopter and pick up POWs and bring them back to safety.

Please to be naming the game I'm thinking of, por favor. Been driving me crazy.
<link=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_Fire>Return Fire?[/quote]

No, it was definitely released on Widnows, it may have been Windows exclusive, I don't remember.


New member
Jun 22, 2017
Vendor-Lazarus said:
WashclothRepairman said:
Reposting this:

Mid '90s DOS game, got a shareware version on a PCGamer CD back when a single CD had like 20 demos on it. I'm going to guess the demo was '96 or possibly '97.

Gulf war themed (it is NOT Desert Strike, that's what I thought at first too). Top down view (I think), not isometric. You can play as a helicopter or a tank and can spend money to buy weapons or upgrade your vehicle. Action shoot 'em up. You need to land your helicopter and pick up POWs and bring them back to safety.

Please to be naming the game I'm thinking of, por favor. Been driving me crazy.
Are you sure it was top-down. If it was side-ways on it could be Cobra Gunship?
yeah, I'm sure it was either top down or isometric.


New member
Jan 3, 2018
zbam said:
zbam said:
Hello everyone,

I remember a PC game from my childhood(14-19 years ago), you were controlling a character from third person view and trying to find cars with guns on them, some cars had pretty cool guns on them some of them were able to drop oil from bottom so that the chasing cars would slip, you were just fighting with other people in cars with guns. I do not remember more but I remember how cool it felt :D Could anyone help me about the name of it ?
Please, this is haunting my dreams! :D Help.
Spy Hunter 2?


New member
Jan 4, 2018
So I've been trying to find this game for literally decades; I played it in the mid 80s on a school BBC or BBC master system. It was an oil spill management sim (possibly based on an actual incident in, I want to say, Scotland) with a top down view of the area. You had a limited budget to purchase various spill fighting options, that had to be deployed. Keeping an eye on wind and ocean currents was involved iirc.

I've searched online with no success.


New member
Jan 4, 2018
It is killing me that I cannot figure out the name of this game! Please help!!!

I'm pretty sure it was jut a game demo that came on my family's Windows computer back in the early 2000's. Here's my best description of what I remember:

You were in control of this small spaceship-like vehicle that you maneuvered with the arrow keys from the 3rd person point of view, which hovered just above the ground. It was a kind of dark and very rocky terrain, and there was a small map of the terrain up in top left/right corner of the screen which showed a small dot for where you currently were and the paths you could take. I think the objective of the game was to move through the rocky maze to collect some sort of power-ups, which I remember looking like little glowing objects or pieces of space rock. You would just hover over it and you would kind of soak up the power. I think you might even have had to make your way back to the main base every once in a while to unload the power. The tricky part of the game was to watch out for these creepy space creatures that would attack your ship if you got too close. I remember that they made this really loud creepy screeching noise, and when they'd attack you you would have to try and get away because I don't remember being able to shoot them...
And I believe that it you collected enough of the special power-ups you would move on to new levels. And I remember that the graphics were very cool for the time, it looked very 3D.

I hope this description is detailed enough that someone might know what I'm talking about!!! Please, if you think you know this game I'd love to know! It's driving me crazy!!

Sharon Rekanat

New member
Jan 4, 2018
Hi I looking for a geme that you start with an army group of scientist and soldiers and you get out of a bunker after biohazard, and you see civilians being kidnaped and help them, If I remeber it was turn based game, you can get vehicles like hammer SUV tanks, and you need also ammunition.
later on you will find out that there is a cult, and some bio company that caused the hazard

Pleas help me


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Sharon Rekanat said:
Hi I looking for a geme that you start with an army group of scientist and soldiers and you get out of a bunker after biohazard, and you see civilians being kidnaped and help them, If I remeber it was turn based game, you can get vehicles like hammer SUV tanks, and you need also ammunition.
later on you will find out that there is a cult, and some bio company that caused the hazard

Pleas help me
That might be Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BOr4VWx7Ns&list=PLC16B06D485732046] (known as "Dark Conflict" in Europe; the two versions have different dialogue and character names). =)


New member
Dec 23, 2017
I'm looking for three pc games. Early 90s? I played this game around the same time I played jewel chase, also a favorite that I just found 5 months ago!

Both my sister remember this game but say it's the same game, I think it's two different games.

Character is a little girl wearing a dress and she's pushing around gifts, red circular and square gifts that are warped in an orange or yellow ribbons. You have to push around these presents to make a path or even steps to reach the next level. The circle gifts will keep roing unless there's something that blocks it.

The other game is an bird view game play. You're looking down at a fixed scene. Also a little girl character wearing a bathing suit. This one, you push around chairs and I think I remember beach balls too that you have to push around. It's the same concept of the first game. So parts in the game you have to pass pools. She can't swim so she has to find a life floate ring(donuts floate) to get passed the water.

I'm pretty sure i played put-put around the same time too.

Third game had a bunch of animal characters. I think your buddy is a bear or something and there's this big talent show everyone is going to be in. You have to do a bunch of little puzzles with each animal to help them prep for the show. There's a mean porcupine or a beaver I think that wants to sabotage the show, i think because he felt he wasn't invited to join the show. I'm not sure.

Sharon Rekanat

New member
Jan 4, 2018
Midwoka said:
Sharon Rekanat said:
Hi I looking for a geme that you start with an army group of scientist and soldiers and you get out of a bunker after biohazard, and you see civilians being kidnaped and help them, If I remeber it was turn based game, you can get vehicles like hammer SUV tanks, and you need also ammunition.
later on you will find out that there is a cult, and some bio company that caused the hazard

Pleas help me
That might be Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BOr4VWx7Ns&list=PLC16B06D485732046] (known as "Dark Conflict" in Europe; the two versions have different dialogue and character names). =)

Not this one It is too cartoonish mine looks like jagged alliance
but thanks


New member
Jan 4, 2018
im looking for a game that came out before 1999, played on a windows computer. i think it was a DOS game, but not necessarily.
it was a platformer, where you control some kind of small monster character, you move around the level and you can attack some enemies i think. the levels were not large, i think only 1 or 2 screens wide. the thing i remember most from this game is that on the second (?) level, the background is a chain link fence, and there is a hole in it at some point.
i think you were supposed to enter through the hole somehow, maybe to rescue a fellow monster. i remember this level because i was stuck on it, couldnt find a way to progress from it. i played this at some point between 1996-1999. i think it was maybe a game on one of those compilation CDs with "100 games!" on them.
i checked the "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters" video game, but i dont think thats it.

please help :)


New member
Dec 26, 2017
gyamar said:
machtwerk said:
There was this game I played as a kid, probably early to mid 90s on Windows or DOS. It was a platformer and you played as an animal of some sorts, collecting stuff. What really stuck with me was that after every level you had a certain amount of time where you could fly back and fourth through the level, crushing its building blocks and getting bonus points for doing so. Any idea?
There were probably dozens of those games... Maybe Jazz Jackrabbit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_Jackrabbit_(1994_video_game)]?
I definitely played Jazz Jackrabbit at that time, but that wasn?t what I was looking for. The guys over at r/tipofmyjoystick finally solved it: I was looking for Skunny: Back to the Forrest.

Lazar Lalicic

New member
Aug 5, 2014
Hi everyone,
'm looking for an old game I used to play on my PC back when I was a kid. I hope I will be able to refresh your memory because even I have very faded memories about this game.

I remember that the game starts at the old house where the main character (a young man) wakes up in a room and has a problem remembering what happened. Like he had some sort of amnesia. There is also his mother inside the house and they talk something for a while until he goes outside. He was in a certain village full with grass, trees and stuff like that. All I remember from that village was: first, there was a woman with a bucket of apples walking around and she wanted us to do something for her. Second, there was also house where the character's uncle was supposed to live in, however, you had to wait until 5pm so that you can enter that house because uncle wasn't there, nor was he there once we entered the house. Third thing I remember was having to leave the village but I wasn't allowed to do it so I had to wait for a nighttime to fall so I can sneak through the guards to leave the village (I remember there was a village-leaving cutscene where I sneak through the guard - the cutscenes were movielike). The second village wasn't like the first one. It was dirty, muddy and had pigs at the entrance. Also, there was a mission in the mines somewhere where I was attacked by some ghost. (Atleast I think it was the ghost).

Game is played from like a bird-view and I can't certanly say how the graphics looked because I don't really remember that. All I know is that the main character had some sort of a cape and his steps could be heard when he walked.