Hey guys, I need some help finding a game. I've been searching for it for years so I will try to give my best description. This was a rpg fighting game I played on the ps2, the view was 3rd person. The first thing i remember is that you are able to choose a character. There were maybe four character to choose from and they were not customizable from my memory. They were set character models you just had to choose which one was your favorite. They each had unique fighting moves and were dressed in leather I believe. Also, I think they had different fighting attributes but that detail I'm not so sure about. At the beginning, I think you started off in a warehouse or like a construction site, something like that. You had to fight your way out of that warehouse or construction site and jump a metal fence. The next part of the game I remember was that after you jump the fence the screen loaded you into a gas station. I forgot what you had to do at that gas station but that's what I remember. Then the next place you end up is a town i believe or a small city. I vividly remember going into a bar in the city and I think thats where you were able to do upgrades and save your progress. I hope one of you know what game I'm talking about, I would be so excited. Oh yeah, and I think the game started out during the night time, it may have always been night time but I didn't get very far in the game because it was difficult and I was young. Lastly, I think the characters were vampires for some reason... not sure, that may be wrong. Thanks for the help in advance!
PS. The game is not vampire the masquerade, I looked that up already.