Hi guys, I'm looking for a game that I played when I was young. It was a side-scrolling CD game on PC platform in the year of 2000s may be(or 2000-2005), actually I don't know about the release date of it. I've tried my best to remember most of the game details but I cant remember the name of it.
The starting animation is talking about a man was locked in a tower in the sky, a mage(maybe?) casted magic to free him.
Although the game is side-scrolling game, it looks like 2.5D. The background is 2D picture but your character and the enemies are 3D image. It is a kind of adventure game, and you have a health bar and mana bar on the top left hand corner.
In the game you can choose 3 types of character, a young man with sword, a young girl with staff and a man using two-handed axe.
I remember some of the default button which are "Z" and "X", "Z" is using a light attack and "X" is a heavy attack.
There are several types of magic you can use, fire , ice, lightning and recovery.
Each type of magic divided into 5 levels, I only remember fire and ice.
Fire L1: Single fire ball drop on a single enemy (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Fire L2: Fire burning on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Fire L3: Lava blast at all enemies position
Fire L4: Large explosion (Area of effect)
Fire L5: Fire from the fire phoenix (Area of effect)
Ice L1: Ice Spikes appear at a single enemy's postion (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Ice L2: Ice Spikes appear at all enemies' position
Ice L3: Ice wall created on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Ice L4: Ice Storm (Area of effect)
Ice L5: Ice Age (Area of effect)
And here are the stage and the boss that I try my best to remember.
Stage 1 - Forest, boss: rock golem
Stage 2 - Floor 1
Stage 3 - Below 1, boss: ice drake
Stage 4 - Below 2, boss: 2 ghost
Stage 5 - Below 3, boss: skeleton mage(necromancer)
^And this boss I think is a main enemy of the game because my character need to talk to him before battle.
Stage 6 - Floor 2, boss: a flying, upper body, large skeleton with both scythe-shaded hand(hand bone)
Stage 7 - Floor 3, boss: fire drake
Stage 8 - Below 4
One more thing there are 5 different BGM in the game. Each of them is used for Stage1-5 respectively. And Stage 6 use the first BGM and so on.
I just only remember the stage name and the last stage that I reached is 8.
Please help me with this, it is a memory for me and I try my best to remember the details of it.