Hi there, found this thread and had to ask a couple questions that have been bugging me for years.
The first game i am trying to find is an adventure game, probably i played it around 2000-2002, u start of in your house and if i am not mistaken u have to get out but it relatively easy, i managed this part then i think there is rain and u move to a different screen where there is a shop? i guess and there are stairs both sides which lead to above the store but still same screeen, u had to get an umbrella from a thief who would always run away from u he goes up if u go one side etc, he would always find a way and he was much faster, i could never catch him. Also you could move to different parts, there was i think a cave but i wandered off so much and i died to an enemy i reckon maybe a bat.
Another game i am looking for same time 2000-2002 i think it was an FPS and the setting is aztec like, i couldnt get far in the game but i remember walking up on a pyramid and there were enemies too, monsters i reckon.
And my last and most sought after is a tron like game, top down, grey background, redish edge maybe lava, your line u were drawing was 2 tone, u had the red car so it was red and orange i think, and if i remember correctly the intro of Alphaville - Big in Japan was playing as background music. Played it on windows98 around 2000.
Also i remember having a demo cd or something, there were a bunch of games on there in one of them u were playing as santa you had a shotgun i think and there was a house with fence around in a sqaure shape, u had shoot gnomes or goblins or similar some green things i think, u could get on top of the house too but after some point u killed everything and there was nothing else to do, we couldnt progress with my brother like to get in to the house or something but it was still hella fun.
Thats all i can think of now hope u will know one of em. Thanks guys