Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Hi all!

Got a challenging one for you. I remember playing a game in primary school almost twenty years ago, so likely on an acorn or early Apple PC.

It involved getting to an incubator at the end of the game, high you had to activate. On the way through the different areas, you needed to collect eggs (or maybe they were keys) of certain colours. I remember one of the areas being a lake divided into a grid. THe only way you could get your boat across was to have found a chart showing where all the hidden currents we?re, because they?d could move your boat into different grid squares and into the rocks.

There was a lot more, but that?s all I can remember! Anyone think they could solve this?


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Hello guys i need some help... i played this game around 2001-3 but it looked like from the 90s...it was a 2d pc game where you had this hero and you started in your village. you had a sword and at first you went to the east and then to open the way to the west you had to kill some brown bugs on a field...in the west there was a town where you could buy stuff and on the north there was a cave or dungeon where the stronger monsters were (i think some dragons too)


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Hey, guys :)
I can't remember the title of a game I used to play as a child. It's a game from the 90s or early 2000s. I remember playing the game on my PC. It was a sidescroller, where you are playing a man, who is fighting against enemies, like humans and machines. You also had to collect or save pink ? haired girls. There was also an level, where you had to shoot at your enemies, while riding a train. At the end of each level there was a boss fight. The game was pretty much like Contra or Metal Slug. It was in pixel art and maybe japanese styled, but there was no japanese text. The game title is also not "Tombi".
Does anyone know the game? Thanks in advance!


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Hi guys,
I want to find a game it was like this
i played it in 2009 - 2010 - 2011 i think
you when you start the game you spawn in a basement (undergorund) you are in a room blocked by a wall there are 2 holes where you can go, you have to poison or kill a dragon or a creature idk what it was but i think a red dragon to poison his food or something, when the dragon dies you escape from the basement and you are in a house in a village , like some wizards or idk i also remember the village was big and when you go out of the village there are types of worlds like, a haunted house with a bad weather, lava world (idk how to spell it) and creatures that can kill you - (this is all i remember)
so please can someone find the game :D ! :)


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Mantichore said:
skreature said:
Hi there, found this thread and had to ask a couple questions that have been bugging me for years.

The first game i am trying to find is an adventure game, probably i played it around 2000-2002, u start of in your house and if i am not mistaken u have to get out but it relatively easy, i managed this part then i think there is rain and u move to a different screen where there is a shop? i guess and there are stairs both sides which lead to above the store but still same screeen, u had to get an umbrella from a thief who would always run away from u he goes up if u go one side etc, he would always find a way and he was much faster, i could never catch him. Also you could move to different parts, there was i think a cave but i wandered off so much and i died to an enemy i reckon maybe a bat.

Another game i am looking for same time 2000-2002 i think it was an FPS and the setting is aztec like, i couldnt get far in the game but i remember walking up on a pyramid and there were enemies too, monsters i reckon.

And my last and most sought after is a tron like game, top down, grey background, redish edge maybe lava, your line u were drawing was 2 tone, u had the red car so it was red and orange i think, and if i remember correctly the intro of Alphaville - Big in Japan was playing as background music. Played it on windows98 around 2000.

Also i remember having a demo cd or something, there were a bunch of games on there in one of them u were playing as santa you had a shotgun i think and there was a house with fence around in a sqaure shape, u had shoot gnomes or goblins or similar some green things i think, u could get on top of the house too but after some point u killed everything and there was nothing else to do, we couldnt progress with my brother like to get in to the house or something but it was still hella fun.

Thats all i can think of now hope u will know one of em. Thanks guys
The first one you mentioned is Little Big Adventure 2, what you describe is quite in the beginning of the game.

Second game could be a Turoc game?

Third game I don't know, probably a Tron clone, maybe GLTron?

The last game is Santa Slayer, actually not that good of a game, it was actually more a test for a game engine. I think we might have had the same cd because I remember playing this and onther free games/demos. Edit: I actually saw a 5 minute review of it last week on youtube (https://youtu.be/lVakUjkvGFc)
Sick man, thx first and last seem to check out, crazy how i remember these to have much smoother graphics, its stupid. Second one i doubt its Turok, i definitely remember the color yellow, brownish for the eviroment, i actually had a moment of clarity and thought its serious sam but that gets action intense way too fast, i had this 'gf' in elementary and sometimes we would have like 10-20mins to play it and by this time not much happened u just progress thru areas sorta.
The tron game i had was proper 2D, it didnt allow for that pricise turning, the line u were drawing definitely had some width to it, like on a square grid paper one unit is the car and as it goes fills up units. Also it was more a car then a bike.


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Hello everyone! so here is my game that I cannot find no matter what I do...

- it was like 15 maybe even 20 years ago on a computer
- it was like a fantasy medieval 3d adventure game where you could be a wizard or a barbar or something like that
-you were killing monsters in villages.. I think those were little orcs or something, and collecting these bottles of potion
- there was a part where you were inside a castle (?) it was white and there was this airship (medieval type) that could take you to a different place
- at one point you were fighting a dragon .. I think inside a castle

god bless you for eternity if you can help me find this game!
Thank you!!


New member
Feb 20, 2018
Hi all, I'm hoping that someone can help me find a game from the mid to late 80s (or possibly very very early 90s, no later that 91)

All I can remember about the game is that it was a shareware game, and that it was either a top down shooter game with some puzzle elements, or that it was a top down puzzle game with some shooter elements. It had an overworld type map, and you entered different levels. The levels themselves were sort of unique in that at the top of the screen a word was displayed (such as Hardy, Tough, Brave ect) and I think this word determined if the level was more difficult or altered the layout of the map; I vaguely remember having to collect keys or destroy monsters to advance to a different level. The levels had several themes varying from cemeteries to UFOs, and I think the main character might have been some sort of monster hunter.

I can't really remember much else about the game, for some reason I think it was a late 80s basic game because I remember having to load it from a 5 1/2 inch floppy drive. If it isn't a basic game, it might possibly be a Commodore 64 game. I kick myself because I remember the game, just not clear enough to find it today on the internet.


New member
Feb 20, 2018
can't remember much it was a third person/over the shoulder shooter you could only hold two weapons at a time you were either a robot or some one in full space marine armor with a back pack in a generic future city fighting red gorilla robots you had no health bar when you got hit parts of you would break off till you were a frame with a back pack one more hit would knock it off then you lost what ever weapon was in it and could not switch weapons and was one hit from death it was 3d i think it came out in the time frame after 1996 but before 2012 it had a lot of vehicle segments closest thing i could find was Metal Arms: Glitch in the System but it doesn't have the health mechanic

Edmond Lam

New member
Oct 26, 2017
Hi guys, I'm looking for a game that I played when I was young. It was a side-scrolling CD game on PC platform in the year of 2000s may be(or 2000-2005), actually I don't know about the release date of it. I've tried my best to remember most of the game details but I cant remember the name of it.

The starting animation is talking about a man was locked in a tower in the sky, a mage(maybe?) casted magic to free him.
Although the game is side-scrolling game, it looks like 2.5D. The background is 2D picture but your character and the enemies are 3D image. It is a kind of adventure game, and you have a health bar and mana bar on the top left hand corner.
In the game you can choose 3 types of character, a young man with sword, a young girl with staff and a man using two-handed axe.
I remember some of the default button which are "Z" and "X", "Z" is using a light attack and "X" is a heavy attack.

There are several types of magic you can use, fire , ice, lightning and recovery.
Each type of magic divided into 5 levels, I only remember fire and ice.
Fire L1: Single fire ball drop on a single enemy (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Fire L2: Fire burning on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Fire L3: Lava blast at all enemies position
Fire L4: Large explosion (Area of effect)
Fire L5: Fire from the fire phoenix (Area of effect)
Ice L1: Ice Spikes appear at a single enemy's postion (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Ice L2: Ice Spikes appear at all enemies' position
Ice L3: Ice wall created on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Ice L4: Ice Storm (Area of effect)
Ice L5: Ice Age (Area of effect)

And here are the stage and the boss that I try my best to remember.
Stage 1 - Forest, boss: rock golem
Stage 2 - Floor 1
Stage 3 - Below 1, boss: ice drake
Stage 4 - Below 2, boss: 2 ghost
Stage 5 - Below 3, boss: skeleton mage(necromancer)
^And this boss I think is a main enemy of the game because my character need to talk to him before battle.
Stage 6 - Floor 2, boss: a flying, upper body, large skeleton with both scythe-shaded hand(hand bone)
Stage 7 - Floor 3, boss: fire drake
Stage 8 - Below 4

One more thing there are 5 different BGM in the game. Each of them is used for Stage1-5 respectively. And Stage 6 use the first BGM and so on.

I just only remember the stage name and the last stage that I reached is 8.
Please help me with this, it is a memory for me and I try my best to remember the details of it.

Holvr YT

New member
Oct 25, 2017
Foreword: Just in case you, dear reader, know any of those games below, I'd be most grateful if you'd send me a private message, instead (or in addition to) replying in this thread. The reason is: I simply don't visit this thread very often and your reply could get buried somewhere within 40 new pages I won't have time to go through. Thank you.

Now to the meat: I'm looking for 2 games I've played at my friend's PC long, long time ago (almost 20 years ago).


- The game was definitely released in late 90' or very early 2000'.
- It was isometric, somewhat "point'n'click adventure" game mixed with RPG.
- Player could choose 1 of 4 characters to play with. There was a man, a woman, some kind of a beast-man (all I can remember about him is that when selected, he'd say "Igor... MAD!" or something) and either a short dude in duck-like helmet or actually a duck-man (it was too long ago for me to actually remember).
- 1st stage was in prison. The player escaped their cell by getting a key from a bread loaf. Later they had to talk to some guy that helped remove a slave collar they have been wearing.
- 2nd stage was in some docks. I vaguely remember the player had to buy a beer at a tavern for some drunk guy in exchange for something (I don't recall what it was... either a key or a potion).
- 3rd stage was on a ship full of zombies. I remember a moment in which the player had to use an invisibility potion in the right time to pass through a zombie-crowded area of the ship.



First of all: Due to the game being about toys, let me say what I'm NOT looking for:
1) Toy Story based games.
2) Army-men (the lil' plastic soldiers) games.

Now to what I do remember about the game:

- 3rd person perspective. Perhaps there was an option to switch to 1st person, but unsure.
- The game was about toys, most/all of which were animal-like in shape, although many were bipedal.
- The toys have used guns to shoot each other.
- The game was happening in a living room (huge from the player's perspective, as you were playing as a tiny toy).
- The games mechanics revolved around switching characters by picking up special tokens with the character icon/portrait. Each character had an unique ability, for example a Cat could climb furniture and a Dragon could glide by pressing jump button repeatedly.
- As far as my friend told me, this game came pre-installed when he got his computer (Windows, probably 98 or 2000).

Thank you all in advance, and just as a reminder: I'd be grateful for sending me a PM if you know any of those games. Otherwise I might miss your answer.


New member
Feb 19, 2018
Edmond Lam said:
Hi guys, I'm looking for a game that I played when I was young. It was a side-scrolling CD game on PC platform in the year of 2000s may be(or 2000-2005), actually I don't know about the release date of it. I've tried my best to remember most of the game details but I cant remember the name of it.

The starting animation is talking about a man was locked in a tower in the sky, a mage(maybe?) casted magic to free him.
Although the game is side-scrolling game, it looks like 2.5D. The background is 2D picture but your character and the enemies are 3D image. It is a kind of adventure game, and you have a health bar and mana bar on the top left hand corner.
In the game you can choose 3 types of character, a young man with sword, a young girl with staff and a man using two-handed axe.
I remember some of the default button which are "Z" and "X", "Z" is using a light attack and "X" is a heavy attack.

There are several types of magic you can use, fire , ice, lightning and recovery.
Each type of magic divided into 5 levels, I only remember fire and ice.
Fire L1: Single fire ball drop on a single enemy (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Fire L2: Fire burning on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Fire L3: Lava blast at all enemies position
Fire L4: Large explosion (Area of effect)
Fire L5: Fire from the fire phoenix (Area of effect)
Ice L1: Ice Spikes appear at a single enemy's postion (Auto targeting to nearby enemy)
Ice L2: Ice Spikes appear at all enemies' position
Ice L3: Ice wall created on the left side of right side (depends on character facing direction)
Ice L4: Ice Storm (Area of effect)
Ice L5: Ice Age (Area of effect)

And here are the stage and the boss that I try my best to remember.
Stage 1 - Forest, boss: rock golem
Stage 2 - Floor 1
Stage 3 - Below 1, boss: ice drake
Stage 4 - Below 2, boss: 2 ghost
Stage 5 - Below 3, boss: skeleton mage(necromancer)
^And this boss I think is a main enemy of the game because my character need to talk to him before battle.
Stage 6 - Floor 2, boss: a flying, upper body, large skeleton with both scythe-shaded hand(hand bone)
Stage 7 - Floor 3, boss: fire drake
Stage 8 - Below 4

One more thing there are 5 different BGM in the game. Each of them is used for Stage1-5 respectively. And Stage 6 use the first BGM and so on.

I just only remember the stage name and the last stage that I reached is 8.
Please help me with this, it is a memory for me and I try my best to remember the details of it.
Maybe an old Dungeons & Dragons game


New member
Feb 20, 2018
I have a very vague memory of this game but I had it for Gameboy Advance SP. The game was kind of dark, but maybe that's just cause I was a kid. But anyways I just remembered having to fight bosses & then I could use their powers myself to transform afterwards in certain situations. I remember having to fight a boss in a desert/possibly Egypt? And I remember having to fight these fat worm like things in a cave. This is all I can manage to remember, this game was my childhood. 2d sprite graphics.


New member
Feb 20, 2018
Hi - I remember paying a game on an emulator - I think SNES, but could have been Genesis - and it was top down - you moved three or soldiers around and they shot automatically upon being within range. Was more of a tactics game than an action game. Anyone have an idea?


New member
Feb 21, 2018
Well i hope somone can help me because this is gonna be hard
This game is an jrpg and it may be for snes or somthing around that
There are two main characters one is a kid and the other one is some kind of bull
The first scenario is like a little town i dont remeber if you go to a house or you fall on it but thats how it begins and so you fight some guys there

In this game you can also find partners to join your party

Another scenario is like an invisible dimension or something like that? And you fight ghosts
I hope you guys can help me


New member
Feb 21, 2018
HI guys I honestly don't know if anyone will be able to understand or even comprehend a certain game I'm thinking about because I was like 7 or 8 when I played it but its either an early or mid 2000's video game, and it was most likely ps2 or PC other than that I'm not sure. it was a 2-D cartoonish vibrantly colored game that consisted of cartoon animals and the main character was a dog, I'm not sure if you could play as anything else, but I do remember you could change the color of the cartoon dog mine was a vibrant blue and green for example. You had a pretty big map where you visited other animals from different regions and did side quests for them and helped them find things and such. I vividly remember many quests involved digging for something and you could dig up pretty much anywhere and it left a little hole and sometimes you could find something other times not. there were vivid flowers and overall the game was very vivid. it was my favorite game growing up but the Internet as of yet has no idea what I'm talking about I hope you can help me!!!!

Corey Croft

New member
Feb 21, 2018
im trying to find an iphone game i played around the end of 2016 early 2017 where you ran around and killed skeletons where you collected powerups for guns you had a certain amount of time to beat the level.


New member
Jan 21, 2018
Alright, this is all I remember.

There's this mystery/detective PC game from the 90's. There are 4 discs in the series, with the colours purple, blue, green and yellow/orange. For the purple game, you are somewhat guided through the game, receiving clues from minigames. I can't remember what happens at the end of it though. For the blue one, you have to use objects to put a ball in the hole and that would somehow help you in a way, but like the purple disc, I can't remember what happens in the end. The green and orange/yellow discs I have completely lost memory of. And the protagonists were either a frog or a mouse. I can't remember the antagonist.

Like I said, this is all I remember. If anyone could help, that would be amazing.


New member
Feb 21, 2018
So please be patient with me as I'm sorry but I was young at this age. From what I can remember it's an old PlayStation 2 game. The basic concept was you're some sort of human that can absorb abilities from creatures he's killed. Basically the part I remember playing was after killing a Crocodile like creature I gained the ability to swim underwater for long amounts of time which was needed to proceed into a dungeon where you fight a spider if I'm not mistaken. The cover was green and had a large eye on it (No not resident evil).
I'm sorry I can't provide more but that's all I remember. Thanks for the help.


New member
Feb 21, 2018
Oh and another one for PC, Horror, also from the 90s, you are playing as this woman who just moved into a mansion with her husband. Turns out bunch of demon worshipping and such had gone on involving bunch of horrific stuff where as you explore you have the visions of it. Spanned across about 7 discs, and in the end the husband was possessed.

Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.
Not sure about the first game, but this one is Phantasmagoria. It was Sierra's attempt at a horror game.