Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


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Mar 12, 2018
Dakiana said:
This is a rather recent game (between 10 and 5 years ago). There are a few characters you can play as at one time and it is rather gory and as I remember it somewhat demonic? The game is a first person shooter, and is single player only.
I specifically remember one of the characters has the ability to slow time and guide a sniper bullet, but each other character has a special ability.
Maybe Clive Barker's Jericho?


New member
Mar 12, 2018
I'm looking for a old game for many years but I cant remember the name
Can you guys help me? Thanks

Here's some summary:
It's a story mode about a boy (tanned skin & maybe brown short hair&wearing yellow tee) want to saves her girl
It's a 2D adventure games (etc running, jumping...)
There are many checkpoint at every different places
In sequence, the places include garden, desert( beat snake, scorpion and more), mechanical place( beat robot, machine and need to cross and jump through something like infrared ray)


New member
Mar 2, 2018
HELP! I?ve been trying to find this game for over 14 years and I?m starting to think it?s impossible

I'm trying to find this old computer game (around 1995-2005) where you play as an ant and try to kill spiders. You also collected these oval/round shaped things that were on the ground. Atleast at some point we played on the green mountains that had tall grass there too. It?s not SimAnt.

It was on a CD that had like other minigames in it.

It was a first-person game. You had a gun or at most two to kill the spiders.

Meredith Tobin

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Mar 12, 2018
devanst said:
Does anyone know the name, of this old pc game. It's a first person fighter. Where a bad guy steals the kings daughter(princess) in the middle of the night. And takes her into some dungeon/labyrinth. So you as knight or something has to go into said dungeon and find her. But its kind of a survival game. Walls move, and there are different levels.
I can see the opening movie. Driving me crazy.
Devan, about 85% sure you're talking about Ultima: Underworld. It's available on classicreload.com, see if this is it!


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Dec 30, 2017
Meredith Tobin said:
devanst said:
Does anyone know the name, of this old pc game. It's a first person fighter. Where a bad guy steals the kings daughter(princess) in the middle of the night. And takes her into some dungeon/labyrinth. So you as knight or something has to go into said dungeon and find her. But its kind of a survival game. Walls move, and there are different levels.
I can see the opening movie. Driving me crazy.
Devan, about 85% sure you're talking about Ultima: Underworld. It's available on classicreload.com, see if this is it!



New member
Mar 12, 2018
SammyShort80 said:
Dakiana said:
This is a rather recent game (between 10 and 5 years ago). There are a few characters you can play as at one time and it is rather gory and as I remember it somewhat demonic? The game is a first person shooter, and is single player only.
I specifically remember one of the characters has the ability to slow time and guide a sniper bullet, but each other character has a special ability.
Maybe Clive Barker's Jericho?
That is it! Thank you so much


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Mar 1, 2018
Pixelhunter said:
Jencl said:
I am looking for a turn-based RPG 3rd person shooter from 2000-2005 I guess.

- isometric
- fighting werewolves-like creatures who jumped behind your back after few attacks
- woman hero with a ponytail
- postapocalyptic/sci-fi/futuristic

I would be very grateful if you can help me find it.
"Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator"(1999).
Funny, how relatively many people remember that game.
Thank you very much! I have been trying to search something about it several times and FINALLY! :D

Echo Games

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Dec 4, 2017
There was this game I used to play for mobile I played the on the original iPad
you were this virus like thing that was purple pink
and it was a stealth game
You had to kill soldiers
And you could kinda upgrade your virus thingy
I played it around 2013 or 14

Ivan Yanakiev

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Mar 12, 2018
There was a pc game i used to play around 2007-2009(im not sure) and it was a demo. It's a race and kill game, you have cars with different weapons and you must kill everyone with your car, e.g there was a convertible car with spikes on the doors driven by a man and woman on his side i think they were married, a car with 2 guys and a hammer and a small round car that can fire huge laser. The game looks like Carmageddon, there was also a mode or something which was to fight on arena with few opponents.


New member
Mar 13, 2018
This one is tricky... back in the old "101 Games For Windows" cd days...

I remember the disc being a yellow smiley face... but not Microsoft Bob. This was just a game disc around the Windows 95 time.

The game I'm looking for was kind of an action RTS thing in space. You took a ship and flew around a galaxy setup in 4 quadrants and visited different planets (neutral were in grey) and tried to convert them over to your side (that'd be green) and keep them out of your enemies clutches (that'd be red).

You could pick up colonists from any of your planets and drop em off on other planets that were uninhabited or maybe neutral.

You had lasers, missiles, nukes, bioweapons... but then you also had weapons that could clean up any plagues and what not.

I remember there were about 8 (maybe), ships to pick from. They all acted the exact same way... one of them was a smiley face.

Been looking forever. Anyone have any ideas of either this game or the disc? I know they were a dime a dozen back then.


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Mar 4, 2018
3vangel said:
Hello! I hope someone can help, I?ve looked thru old posts but no one seems to be trying to find the same game. It was an old point and click pc game that came on a CD-rom, between the years of 1995-2000 is my best guess. The game itself is hard to explain into key words, more so parts of the game are what me and my brother can recall.

You play as a young boy moving thru a big house/mansion, collecting items, helping your weird family by doing weird activities all for the purpose of serving everyone a supper in the end. Everything was also pretty colourful and cartoonish.

A few activities we remember.
One involved seperating a pizza accordingly amongst certain members of the family. Self explanatory, but to win you had to make sure every one had a decent ?cut? of pizza based on clues. I also remember it including the angles themselves, possibly for harder difficulties?

Another involved you playing an odd navigation game in your bathtub, with you being on a rubber floatation device? It was on a grid like setting, involving one move at a time or something similar. Again at higher difficulties, was based on directions on a compass.

One that we partially remember but can?t remember to the reason why you would, is a game based in a fridge with a cow asking you to convert measurements of milk between cups/liters/quarts/gallons. I can somewhat remember it being used in a recipe, to make a cake? For the supper?

We can also somewhat remember the last of the game being as followed: All your family that you?ve helped are sitting around a dinner table, you have to pick placements/food, according to what they want based on clues provided?

I really hope we could provide enough information, and we?ve ran out of ideas on how to search for all the criteria. I?m really hoping someone could help us uncover this years long search.
Thanks again for your time and help.
Anyone have any ideas?


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Mar 13, 2018
Rwitika Chatterjee said:
fairy said:
Hello, i'm looking for and old computer game i used to play on windows 98.
You were a green dragon and you had to do all kind of things, you were collecting diamonds or crystals and you could go into a mine and find some. There were also these little men. One time you had to compete against them in some sort of watercar in the river. do you know which game i am talking about?
Hi! I've been looking for this exact same game, since ages!!
I type in all sorts of things that I vaguely remember about it in Google, but nothing meaningful turns up.
omg I'm so happy that there's at least one human on this planet who knows this game.
please please please let me know if you've found the game?! It's driving me crazy!!
I used to play that ALL THE TIME when I was a child.
Thanking you in advance. :)

Pretty sure it's Croc, likely Croc 2.


New member
Mar 13, 2018
Bennykaal said:

I've been looking for this game for quite some time.
It's a underground "build and discover game" from around 2000. It reminds me of the lemmings cuz it looked like that 2d, if I remind correctly. You had to dig and build buildings so u could make resources for bridges and ladders so they don't fall to death. And furthermore u just had to discover new things in the world like some kind of dungeon if I remember correctly.

I hope it's enough for you guys, would appreciate it.

It's a long shot but maybe Creatures 2?


New member
Mar 13, 2018
Holy crap. This is the exact thing I need.

There's a game I remember playing on my old family PC. I think it was somewhere between Windows 95 and 2000. It was a 2D platformer where you played as a (possibly yellow colored) character with a grappling hook. You had to swing through the level using buildings without being seen or heard by the guards that were patrolling the level. I remember that whenever you landed on the ground, there was a visual shock wave to let you know how far the sound traveled (just like in Mark of the Ninja). You could only be seen a certain number of times per level or you would lose.

I've looked around online but can't find anything. If someone knows what game I'm talking about, it would make my fucking day!


New member
Mar 13, 2018
I need Your help finding the game. This memory was tormenting me for 6 years now and won't let go unless I remember it. Here are all the facts that I could muster:
- It was a cart racing game with power ups (similiar to Mario Cart)
- It definatelly had a word "Championship" in the title and probably at the very end
- It was released in the early 2000s either on Win 2000 or Win XP
- I think one level was set on a different planet with dark purple rocks all over the place, but this might not be accurate memory so I wouldn't rely on it
- It had weird and creative characters
- The only character I remember well is very angry santa (I think he was on the cover of the box or on CD or something) but it wasn't a "christmas game".

I know it's not much but please help me find this game. Should I remember some more facts I'll edit this post.


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Mar 13, 2018
kiri2tsubasa said:
Memory is pretty spotty but this was a PC game in I think the early 90's. Takes place in a mental hospital. You get possessed every now and again by your ghost father, grandfather, uncle or something. Such instance include injecting yourself with one of 4 syringes, one includes the bubonic plague. You try and help ghost, one that was convinced that she had a child when she never did. One of the puzzles include getting out of an iron lung type device that generates a large amount of heat and the only way to escape is by using a lighter near a temperature control device. That is all I remember of it.
I've been looking for this too, it's John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles.


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Mar 26, 2011
Ibuuyk said:
I remember playing a game ages ago, but I can't remember its name for the life of me. It's this old business tycoon from the 90s where you started in the 30s and had to fill a town's street with shops, except in other streets some shops would perform better than others (jewelry sold more in rich neighborhoods, per example). Over time you'd advance in years (60s, 70s, 80s up to I think "futuristic" 2000s) and as you did, you'd unlock new kinds of shops, upgrades for 'em, some shops would lose popularity and you could even spread your empire to other streets of town. It had a pretty good depth for such an old game, and I'd like to play it again sometimes.


New member
Mar 13, 2018
Looking for an old point and click adventure game. Something with a guy in a hotel room, first thing you had to do was use a straw to get the key out of a lock.. There was also something with a lava lamp and an old trailer outside the hotel..? Probably a 00's game..


Mar 13, 2018
I got one for you all. It was an Egypt themed, flat shaded, first or third person shooter (can't remember), all pvp, against the AI. Your selectable characters were all egyptian gods, like Horus with a jetpack, and Sekhmet, but appearance-wise, were very mech-style. The levels included pyramids and (all flat shaded polygons) were based in locations like Karnak etc. The controls were a ***** because it was verrrry old and early days pvp.