Ok.. please end my agony.
This might be a tough one, I am almost positive this game is from the 90s, def. DOS days.
I am just gonna list the things I remember.
1. It was "3d", and was the first game I have seen like this, in terms of 3d. Everything was fuzzy, like, it was using small spheres maybe to build 3d objects. Not unlike ellipsoids, but not exactly the same?
2. I don't remember ANY story, I was totally lost in the game, and I remember badly wanting to figure out how to play it.
3. Fantasy world setting (open world too)
4. There was a map of the world, and you had multiple characters on the map, traveling. Clicking on the character would show you them in a 3d space, walking around. I believe you could control them.
5. Very medieval like, I remember there being sigils and such.
6. Going further on #4, I believe the game used frames, so the 3d view would not be the entire screen, it would be a box with the overall map, but my memory is fuzzy on this one.
That is all I really remember. At the time, I was blown away by the graphics, as I don't think I had seen a 3d game at the time, like this. I just can't remember what other games I was playing at the time, to try to narrow down a year. I just know it was pirated and put on my PC from the guy my family knew who built PCs back then. It was really complicated for me at the age I was, and I remember just getting frustrated trying to figure out what the hell I was doing. I remember there were multiple characters I could control, but there wasn't a clear goal on where they should go. I remember, if one of them died, they would stay dead till you started over.
Hopefully someone can help me here.