Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Emily Ann

New member
Mar 31, 2018
So I played this game a few years ago, I was a pretty old game. Its a top down, open world PvP game for windows, and you start off with nothing and have to explore the area around you to find items to build stuff, like you had to build a boat to be able to cross the water otherwise you'd drown if you tried to swim. There were bears that would kill you if you weren't strong enough or didn't have the right weapons, there were other players and if they killed you, basically everything you did in the game was gone, you started over from level 1 basically, there was mining, forging stuff. when you stole something from someone, they could hunt you down because a trail would appear and go to your location, and you could be killed offline if you stole something. so generally you wouldn't steal something unless you have a good fortress around your area and your high enough level. you could fish, and most of the time you got around by boat. you could overeat which made you really slow, and you could grow crops, and raise animals once you learned that skill. It was in real time, so certain crops took a few days to be able to harvest, and some took a few hours. There weren't any guns, it was more medieval. You could also make cheese in the game! Sorry I don't have that much to go on!! I'd love to find and play this game again.


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Emily Ann said:
So I played this game a few years ago, I was a pretty old game. Its a top down, open world PvP game for windows, and you start off with nothing and have to explore the area around you to find items to build stuff, like you had to build a boat to be able to cross the water otherwise you'd drown if you tried to swim. There were bears that would kill you if you weren't strong enough or didn't have the right weapons, there were other players and if they killed you, basically everything you did in the game was gone, you started over from level 1 basically, there was mining, forging stuff. when you stole something from someone, they could hunt you down because a trail would appear and go to your location, and you could be killed offline if you stole something. so generally you wouldn't steal something unless you have a good fortress around your area and your high enough level. you could fish, and most of the time you got around by boat. you could overeat which made you really slow, and you could grow crops, and raise animals once you learned that skill. It was in real time, so certain crops took a few days to be able to harvest, and some took a few hours. There weren't any guns, it was more medieval. You could also make cheese in the game! Sorry I don't have that much to go on!! I'd love to find and play this game again.
Haven & Hearth [http://www.havenandhearth.com/portal/], maybe? =)


New member
Apr 1, 2018
Hey guys!

I am trying to find this game for months!

It's a Ps1 game, and I remember some parts of it.

It's a side-scroller game, and in a level you climb a mountain and battle a giant mammoth. In another level you are in the sky of a city killing a dragon.

I don't know the name, if you know pls I would love to know.

Many thanks!

Bruno Fiss

New member
Apr 1, 2018
I've been trying to find this game for months and can't for the life of me.

This PC game is most likely from 1996-2003. I believe it's classified as a Western RPG, or perhaps RPG/Adventure. When in a mission, you see the characters from a birds-eye view. You control mages and warriors, and you can see what kind of armor/robe they are wearing. The opening is nice, kinda of long, and it revolves for a bit around a tower (probably where the bad things started happening(. I believe you are the apprentice of a great magician, and he is killed, so you head off with the mission of finding more about what's happening and putting an end to it. There's a lot of bad activity, goblins, orcs and trolls are more active than usual.

A BIG SPOILER, so please ignore this if you don't want a spoiler, is that, in the end, everything is happening because someone opened a portal to another dimension, and a really powerful and evil being came through and was holding the portal open. Perhaps the person who originally opened it didn't have bad intentions. To finish things you kill off that monster and I guess the portal is sealed. END OF SPOILER

There were a lot of nice cutscenes. I remember one where you'd find a sword, I think it was inside a coffin.

Between missions, you'd go to a town. In this town you could go to the tavern to get new missions or hire mercenaries, there was a separate building where you could train your spell-casting skill, and another place to up your fighting skills, and also a shop where you could buy equipment. The equipment list would increase after every mission, and the list became huge, with super amazing and expensive items. The mercenaries you could hire in the tavern could be seen wearing the equipment, which would also upgrade with every mission, often ending up better than the one your main party had (since the newer and best equipment was so expensive).

In the town view, I believe you wouldn't see your character walking around, but you'd rather just click the building and you'd go into the building automatically. The places would be highlighted when you hovered over them.

If you tried to leave town without having found a mission, the guards next to the gate would cross their weapons and say: it's not right to leave town without a mission to complete.

There was a lot of narration in the game, at least in town, almost all your interactions would prompt shop owners/tavern folks to say something. When talking to people in the tavern, they'd often have longer stories they'd tell, and they'd be narrated (I think they were also written out so you could read them on screen as well).

When you hired mercenaries and went on a mission, I think they would just follow you and help you, but you couldn't explicitly open their inventory or make them do things like the main characters. I could be wrong, though.

Daniel Blake

New member
Apr 1, 2018
I am trying to remember this old game from the PC. I believe it was late 90's it was a game about being healthy and it had a bunch of different zonew you would work through. In egypt you had to swim the nile and the loser got eaten by a croc. as you play through you had to make choices about types of exercise and food to eat that would then impact whether or not you would win the races. each map also had a tunnel where you would interact with one of two brothers where one gives you bonus healthy things and the other gives you negative affects.


New member
Mar 31, 2018
Hey, so this may be a complete shot in the dark but whatever.
I remember this game that was a lot like star wars, it was a top down 2D space exploration game online where you could fly around and gather materials in comets and hunks of rock. you could gather them until your cargo was full, then return to empty your cargo and repeat the process. There was another part where you could build ships and fly them around battling other ships. This is all I remember about it other than it being an online free to play game, I don't remember if it was on Armour Games or Miniclip or anything. If you can help thank you so much this has been killing me forever.


New member
Apr 1, 2018
So I'm only 11 but there was this game about 4 or 5 years ago i remember playing that had the same graphics as royal offense but was a city builder where you had to fight rats, zombies, skeletons, vampires, etc. very fun and i just can't remember the name or find it


New member
Mar 31, 2018
xfiveyo said:
Hey guys really hope you can help me! I'm looking for a game for my girlfriend... her sister grew up playing it and she can not remember the name of it. We've narrowed it down to most likely the 80s but early 90s is possible. You wear a dark cloak and when you double jump you float for a little bit. There's an evil witch that will appear and float away and you keep having to fight through enemies to get back to her over and over. At the beginning she says you start at a church/castle and a guy walks out and that's your main character. The trees are crooked and everything is extremely dark themed. The only thing I can think that comes close is Castlevania, and she says it looks EXTREMELY close to that but she swears up and down it's not.

Sorry for the horribly jumbled paragraph I was writing this as she was giving me really helpful details :p

Hope you guys can help, we're all counting on you.

Edit: She thinks it was on a floppy disc, she is pretty sure.
It's not on a floppy disk, but a Castlevania look alike is "8 Eyes" for the NES


New member
Mar 31, 2018
Ridhwan Al-Debsi said:
Guys there are 3 PC Games I'm trying to remember that I played in the 00s.

The first one is similar to arkanoid but it is a ball with a face, the powerups you obtain will either make the ball become bigger or the bar you control become bigger until they both can't fit in the screen. The intro of it was the ball with a face rolling to the side and Greensleeves playing in the background.

The second game had the intro of a guy playing with his son then a clown face comes and kidnaps him while in the middle of playing fetch (with a ball). Then you the dad should go into the castle and find the clown through puzzles. The boss is the clown which you can only attack his nose. I remember that if you break the window you can go to the top floor into a jungle themed area. The game was kinda tricky. If you press Shift you absorb powers like absorbing the torch on the wall.

The third game was a racing game that was kinda dark themed? In one of the level you can jump over the ramp and reach on top of the level. It was 3rd person only and the cars were small. I know it's not much details but any suggestions for a night-themed racing game in the Windows XP era?

There was also a sega/SNES/Atari game that I used to play. We played as 2 players I guess and we collected power ups that were represented as potions. I think if you collect 3 you perform a special move, if you collect more you perform a more powerful special move. If you collect 12 you perform an even more powerful move. It was co-op I don't know how many players max. In one of the levels we start on a wagon (in the desert?) and we jump off it.
The last one reminds me of Legendary Axe, because of the potions.


New member
Mar 31, 2018
AnatageMercy said:
A few games. 1st game is a game where you are a monkey and you have to play minigames and stuff to progress and you found a note or map in a bottle in the ocean so you have to make a raft. A minigame I remember is you have to make ice cream for penguins.
2nd game. It's an alien game from a up to down view. not straight up and down. more at an angle. You start off outside of a building with only a pistol (i think) and you have to circle the fence enclosing the building and then you come across a hole in it so you have to go through and then enter the building. In the build there are green aliens, red, yellow, and you can even have explosives. and you can find armor and ammo as you go along. i dont rememeber much more.
3rd game is a game where you have a ship and you have to go from town to town on the ocean. you can upgrade your ship but when you go town to town there is a chance to run into pirates.
3rd game sounds like Port Royale or Sid Meir's Pirates. Also try Sea Legends.


New member
Mar 31, 2018
Mischa Lorenz said:
Hey there I am looking for 2 old games. Must be around the mid 90s to the end of the 90s.

1. Game: Sidescrolling Game, you played an animal, somehting like a racoon or a badger.. it was kind of violent. I remember that the animal you are playing had a big gun, something like a bazooka or a flamethrower.. I remember that it was very hard and when your didnt move your character at all, there was an animation where he pees. it was full of black humor.

2. Game: Point and Click adventure. You start in a prison cell and there was something like a wooden bench which you had to move up and down a few times.. when you escaped the prison and got captured a second time, the game was over...

hope someone can help <3
Game 2 reminds me of Lure of the Temptress


New member
Apr 1, 2018
there is a video game that i played long time ago and i cant remember it
-its a 90's game
-its a first person shooter
-you can choose one of four characters (each one has his own campaign)
-the characters unique in their primary weapon (one have claws, one have a whip, one have electrical fists, the last one i dont remeber)


New member
Apr 1, 2018
Hello guys ,plz help me find a old game , I used to play it in pc and i miss it so much, this is some details of it, Sorry first for my bad engrish:
-It is a 2d medieval platform adventure game
-The main character of the game was a blone musician human, who use a violin (maybe) as a weapon, his attack is shot music note forward, he also wear a black-white clothes and a black hat with bird feather (maybe)
-His attack can kill small enemy like snakes, but only stun big enemy
-He can also thrown object like boom, his girl friend,.. to enemy or wall to kill/destroy them
-He have a partner, a cute blone girl, she wear a pink clothes skirt, pink hat, she always follows him to everywhere but can't be controlled and attack, she is immortal. The musician can thrown her to kill big enemy, wall, she don't like that and that act can lose you some coin. You also lose coin when she is being attacked
-There is a menu fill with some big animal icons. You can switch to that menu during the level, choice a animal icon, your girl friend will transform to that animal. You will use her transform to solve some puzzle
-First that menu only have big black icons, you can't use any of them. You must collect these transform icons eventually in your way first to use them
-I remember 2 of her transform is a ostrich that can move through spikes and carry you in her back, and a golem robot that can also move through spikes but it is very slow, you can jump to her head to command her destroy wall with her elastic iron hand in this transform
-in beginning levels, enemy is some snakes and some crocodile - man use sword and round shield, there is also a shop you can visit each time you complete a level (maybe) to spent coins you collected
I tried so hard to find this game, idk if it is a dos, nes, snes.. game or something, i just remember i played it in pc and it was around 2000s. hope you guys can help me find it, Thanks!!


New member
Sep 13, 2016
phantan said:
Hello guys ,plz help me find a old game , I used to play it in pc and i miss it so much, this is some details of it, Sorry first for my bad engrish:
-It is a 2d medieval platform adventure game
-The main character of the game was a blone musician human, who use a violin (maybe) as a weapon, his attack is shot music note forward, he also wear a black-white clothes and a black hat with bird feather (maybe)
-His attack can kill small enemy like snakes, but only stun big enemy
-He can also thrown object like boom, his girl friend,.. to enemy or wall to kill/destroy them
-He have a partner, a cute blone girl, she wear a pink clothes skirt, pink hat, she always follows him to everywhere but can't be controlled and attack, she is immortal. The musician can thrown her to kill big enemy, wall, she don't like that and that act can lose you some coin. You also lose coin when she is being attacked
-There is a menu fill with some big animal icons. You can switch to that menu during the level, choice a animal icon, your girl friend will transform to that animal. You will use her transform to solve some puzzle
-First that menu only have big black icons, you can't use any of them. You must collect these transform icons eventually in your way first to use them
-I remember 2 of her transform is a ostrich that can move through spikes and carry you in her back, and a golem robot that can also move through spikes but it is very slow, you can jump to her head to command her destroy wall with her elastic iron hand in this transform
-in beginning levels, enemy is some snakes and some crocodile - man use sword and round shield, there is also a shop you can visit each time you complete a level (maybe) to spent coins you collected
I tried so hard to find this game, idk if it is a dos, nes, snes.. game or something, i just remember i played it in pc and it was around 2000s. hope you guys can help me find it, Thanks!!
It was a SNES game, called The Violinist Of Hameln [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itT98lGnYcA]. =)

Arvid Persson

New member
Apr 1, 2018
Looking for a PC game, it was some kind of strategy game. The main features i remember are boars always being jerks and killing my workers and being able to travel back in time where the difficulty was higher. Might be a hard one to find since I don't remember very much of it, I was like 7 years old.


New member
Apr 1, 2018
Midwoka said:
phantan said:
Hello guys ,plz help me find a old game , I used to play it in pc and i miss it so much, this is some details of it, Sorry first for my bad engrish:
-It is a 2d medieval platform adventure game
-The main character of the game was a blone musician human, who use a violin (maybe) as a weapon, his attack is shot music note forward, he also wear a black-white clothes and a black hat with bird feather (maybe)
-His attack can kill small enemy like snakes, but only stun big enemy
-He can also thrown object like boom, his girl friend,.. to enemy or wall to kill/destroy them
-He have a partner, a cute blone girl, she wear a pink clothes skirt, pink hat, she always follows him to everywhere but can't be controlled and attack, she is immortal. The musician can thrown her to kill big enemy, wall, she don't like that and that act can lose you some coin. You also lose coin when she is being attacked
-There is a menu fill with some big animal icons. You can switch to that menu during the level, choice a animal icon, your girl friend will transform to that animal. You will use her transform to solve some puzzle
-First that menu only have big black icons, you can't use any of them. You must collect these transform icons eventually in your way first to use them
-I remember 2 of her transform is a ostrich that can move through spikes and carry you in her back, and a golem robot that can also move through spikes but it is very slow, you can jump to her head to command her destroy wall with her elastic iron hand in this transform
-in beginning levels, enemy is some snakes and some crocodile - man use sword and round shield, there is also a shop you can visit each time you complete a level (maybe) to spent coins you collected
I tried so hard to find this game, idk if it is a dos, nes, snes.. game or something, i just remember i played it in pc and it was around 2000s. hope you guys can help me find it, Thanks!!
It was a SNES game, called The Violinist Of Hameln [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itT98lGnYcA]. =)
OMG, you found it! i nearly give up finding that fun childhood game and i thought i will never saw it again, i feel so happy right now, thank you a lot! =D

Holly Rose Uttley

New member
Apr 1, 2018
please help me find this game, it is definitely more than 7 years old. It was on online game which was part of a UK ad campaign and it involved being shrunk and you were really small and one part of the game was swimming all the way down to the bottom of a water cooler? I think it was a campaign by a food company but I'm not sure, it was definitely British though and I think the aim of the game was to unshrink yourself.


New member
Apr 1, 2018
is there anyone that could tell me more about a game where you controlled an avatar (i think a crown but not sure), and could collect other objects inside a network of pathways made by objects that could be safe to touch or mean instant death.the objects varied in type but all of the same type are identical.
some of the objects you could collect were the planets of the solar system and i remember lots of crowns.
objects could mostly be used to open pathways to a previously unreachable area.
i remember having it on a floppy disk when i was a child.
and the final hint i have left to share is that the game MIGHT have been called realm


New member
Apr 1, 2018
Hello community , i'm new here and i'm lookig for a game since 2 years, or more in depth it's a plug and play console i had being a child but i can't even remember the name, any way it was a 8 bit console i guess and there are only 10 games whose 3 games i remember, the first was little red hood wich was a mario like , another was called hunter, and you had to chase a character and the third i remember was a platformer, i just remember the ground was yellow and the background black and the enemies were spawning from the ground , well that's all the info i have, please help me to recover memory :)