So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?