Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Noldo Arrna

New member
Apr 27, 2018
Hello! I played this one game like 6-8 years ago, and I really miss it, it's like a fairy game and I know it sounds pathetic and something that a 7 year old would play, but the game meant a lot to me. In the game you first make your character, and then the story starts of you in an ice cub, then some magical power breaks that spell, you start doing quests, helping others, going into other world biomes, the graphic is extremely beautiful, if anyone does know this game, please answer as soon as you can I would really appreciate, thanks. <3


New member
Apr 27, 2018
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a game from around ~2000. I played a demo of the game. The most notable thing I remember was that you started in a castle on a floating island, and that the world was composed of floating islands and random floating rocks. You flew around the islands on a bird(?), there wasn't really a boundary to the world, if you fell to the bottom you sorta came out the top. Your character was a small boy with a sword.

I know it's really vague, I'm not sure if the game was ever released as I just played a demo
If anyone has any idea please let me know, thanks!


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Noldo Arrna said:
Hello! I played this one game like 6-8 years ago, and I really miss it, it's like a fairy game and I know it sounds pathetic and something that a 7 year old would play, but the game meant a lot to me. In the game you first make your character, and then the story starts of you in an ice cub, then some magical power breaks that spell, you start doing quests, helping others, going into other world biomes, the graphic is extremely beautiful, if anyone does know this game, please answer as soon as you can I would really appreciate, thanks. <3
That's Faery: Legends Of Avalon [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faery:_Legends_of_Avalon]. =)


New member
Apr 27, 2018
Hi guys, Im hoping sum1 can help me remember the name of a certain game i used to play back in the day. 90's to be particular.

The Game was a 3d walkaround Shoot-em-up 1st person. Like Halflife.

The Game Began Outside a Science Lab that had been partially destroyed, And the player walked down to a Door that led into the Science Lab itself... The enemy's where Soldiers/Police...
And the player was a Revolutionary.

I vaguely remember either a scientist or the daughter of a scientist being a lead of the revolution or summet....

Anyway , I cant for the life of me remember / Find the game to play it again..

I remember the Logo Was a RED CIRCLE with either n R inside it or sum-thing similar.

Im sure the game was called revolution or sum-thing, but iv not been able to find the game under that assumption..

I also remember that the gamer came with a Level editor. And this is the main reason i wish to find the game again also.

So. I know im offering little information, But if any1 can remeber this gam,e please add your input.

So to recap.

1. Red Circle Logo
2. 1st Level Begins with a Destroyed Science Lab
3. Game has a 3d Level Editor
4. Something to do with Revolutions (the name of the game)
5. The Player wore a Black jacket , Looked Young with a skin head.
5. For Pc in the 90's
6. Around the same time as halflife, the 1st game & Tomb Raider

Thanks for any input Guys.

Its not homefront revolutionery either, But it realy got me thinking it was the game, But the logo's not right and the 1st level is not the same either, Plus no editor.


New member
Apr 27, 2018
Hey all, this one has been bugging for a long long while. Back in the early 2000s I used to go round a family member's house and they had this PC ROM game that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. From what I remember, it was a point and click puzzle/mystery game, I remember it being a little creepy (though it was a kids game). I can only properly remember one of the levels, it was right at the end of the game, there was 2 rows of rocks in a pool of lava and you had to click on them to choose which one to jump too. If you chose the wrong one you'd fall in the lava and have to start the level again, I used to get so stuck on it. Other levels you were in a room and you'd have to click around to try and find the key for the next door etc.

It's killing me, all I want is that nostalgia trip!


Apr 17, 2018
mysterdee said:
Hi guys, Im hoping sum1 can help me remember the name of a certain game i used to play back in the day. 90's to be particular.

The Game was a 3d walkaround Shoot-em-up 1st person. Like Halflife.

The Game Began Outside a Science Lab that had been partially destroyed, And the player walked down to a Door that led into the Science Lab itself... The enemy's where Soldiers/Police...
And the player was a Revolutionary.

I vaguely remember either a scientist or the daughter of a scientist being a lead of the revolution or summet....

Anyway , I cant for the life of me remember / Find the game to play it again..

I remember the Logo Was a RED CIRCLE with either n R inside it or sum-thing similar.

Im sure the game was called revolution or sum-thing, but iv not been able to find the game under that assumption..

I also remember that the gamer came with a Level editor. And this is the main reason i wish to find the game again also.

So. I know im offering little information, But if any1 can remeber this gam,e please add your input.

So to recap.

1. Red Circle Logo
2. 1st Level Begins with a Destroyed Science Lab
3. Game has a 3d Level Editor
4. Something to do with Revolutions (the name of the game)
5. The Player wore a Black jacket , Looked Young with a skin head.
5. For Pc in the 90's
6. Around the same time as halflife, the 1st game & Tomb Raider

Thanks for any input Guys.

Its not homefront revolutionery either, But it realy got me thinking it was the game, But the logo's not right and the 1st level is not the same either, Plus no editor.
Devastation (a.k.a. Devastation: Resistance Breeds Revolution) checks the "red (well, kinda red) circle logo", "destroyed lad" and has a level editor:



Elite Member
May 14, 2013
United Kingdom
What game is this? There are ghosts of people, animals and feelings, each with their own powers. Each ghost has objects they can be attached to while in the mortal world.

Missions involve scaring or tricking people by working out what they fear, and how to make them go insane.


New member
Apr 21, 2018
Is it probably Ghost Master?

I also think of an old game that I knew the name of, played it even 2 years ago despite it being very old. It's a space shooter where you fly a ship from left to right, gathering power-ups and shooting enemies and avoiding asteroids. The two things that I remember most is the endboss and the music. It's in a fleshy level, kind of like inside a monster and the endboss is a brain with mechanical parts. And every time you fight a boss in every level the music shifts into rock style music. Also when you start up the game, it says in a very distorted voice "Welcome to [Insert game name here]"


New member
Apr 28, 2018
I am probably like one you, a person who has forgotten an old game they used to enjoy. I am in need of assistance.

There is a puzzle game that I cannot for the life of me find, or remember.

All I can remember is that the main character is a ghost and you must guide the ghost through a level with blocks and springs and other objects. The ghost starts the level coming in through a door and ends the level through a door as well. I distinctly remember when the ghost gets to the end of the level and enters the door there was a jingle at the end. If anyone can help or jog my memory, it would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Apr 28, 2018
Please help me find this game. me and my sister have been trying to find it for years and it's driving us insane.

All I remember is, it was a PC game we played as a kid late 90s or early 00s, pretty sure it was a point and click game but could have possibly been a side scrolling game. It had a look very similar to museum madness if I remember rightly.

I remember it was a third person game which you play as a child, I can't remember if you play as a girl or boy

I remember part of it you had to pick mushrooms and put them in a basket but you had to make sure you picked the good mushrooms which were red, and not the bad ones which had spots on them.

The other part I remember is at the end there was a brown grizzly bear which gave you a piggy back. The version we had always glitched at this point and the bear would start walking in midair.

I believe at the end you woke up and it was all a dream.

Please help me find this game or I might go insane!!!


New member
Apr 28, 2018
I just randomly rwmembered this game and it keeps bugging me. All i remember is that it might an rpg for the ps2, and in the beginning you fall into some church building and meet a girl in there. The city its in is like a slummy dark place and some kid steals something from you in a market and you have to find him by asking the other kids where he went. Thats all i remember


New member
Apr 27, 2018
JazzyP said:
Hey all, this one has been bugging for a long long while. Back in the early 2000s I used to go round a family member's house and they had this PC ROM game that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. From what I remember, it was a point and click puzzle/mystery game, I remember it being a little creepy (though it was a kids game). I can only properly remember one of the levels, it was right at the end of the game, there was 2 rows of rocks in a pool of lava and you had to click on them to choose which one to jump too. If you chose the wrong one you'd fall in the lava and have to start the level again, I used to get so stuck on it. Other levels you were in a room and you'd have to click around to try and find the key for the next door etc.

It's killing me, all I want is that nostalgia trip!
I found it! I spoke to the family members and we figured it out, it was Fuzzy & Floppy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HknDs1lfwYY


New member
Jan 19, 2011
This has been bugging me for days, and my attempts at googling key phrases has failed me, so here I am. I remember this old browser game I used to play, either free browser game or free download, kind of steampunk-ish setting, I think had a single word title with either a mis- or un- prefix? Anyway, it had rpg elements with stats, with parts of text with choices with skill checks and other sections in a 3d maze, I think randomly generated, with enemies to get through? There was a song that played most of the time in game that I can best describe as being kind of similar to the inspector gadget theme song, but slower and kind of... calmer? More whimsical? It had strong tongue-in-cheek humor.

The maze sections looked really old-school. Like the old Windows 95 maze screensaver? Ugh. I feel like the name is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't quite reach it. I probably played it around the very early 2000's.


New member
Feb 28, 2016
Vendude said:
I just randomly rwmembered this game and it keeps bugging me. All i remember is that it might an rpg for the ps2, and in the beginning you fall into some church building and meet a girl in there. The city its in is like a slummy dark place and some kid steals something from you in a market and you have to find him by asking the other kids where he went. Thats all i remember
I doubt highly this is it, but you're not talking about Final Fantasy VII, are you?


New member
May 1, 2016
Hello. I've played about 4h of a game in an internet cafe arround 2008.
- the game was for pc and i've played something in single player
- the game was a 3rd person medieval magic
- you controlled a hero and was able to hire other units: i remember an orc and something like a giant eye - it reasembles a little the Overlord game but the units were different
- the starting zone was a red desert: it looked almost as Hellfire Peninsula or Outlands in the WoW
- the starting safe-zone was something like an gate or a obleisk or a temple that was dark stone
That's all i can remember. Hope someone will be able to help.


New member
Apr 29, 2018
Hi everyone. I am going insane trying to remember an old kids PC game I used to play, from the late 90s or early 000s. I seem to remember the goal was to help a community of animals to put on a musical performance (or something similar). There were tasks involved, like sorting animals on a conveyer belt (overseen by some sort of animal with a southern accent), doing something in a french skunk/raccoon's art gallery, sorting coins in a costume shop, and playing back a piano tune in some other animal's music studio- among other things. All very vague but this is all I can remember. I am positive you played as some sort of animal character, but I've no idea what. So far have uncovered zero on the internet, so any help would be appreciated! Cheers.


New member
Apr 28, 2018
KaiYLowell said:
Vendude said:
I just randomly rwmembered this game and it keeps bugging me. All i remember is that it might an rpg for the ps2, and in the beginning you fall into some church building and meet a girl in there. The city its in is like a slummy dark place and some kid steals something from you in a market and you have to find him by asking the other kids where he went. Thats all i remember
I doubt highly this is it, but you're not talking about Final Fantasy VII, are you?
It looked better than VII but i still felt it was a FF game. Turns out it was FF crisis core.


New member
May 16, 2017

I remember playing an old game where you explored a cave system, where the main goal was to survive and find the dragon lair with a lot of treasure. You had to create settlements underground for water, housing etc. The game started of on a "movie shooting set" where you somehow ended up digging underground into a cave system, fightning creatures and even other cave people I remember. Surviving.

"The Cave" game has pretty much the same scenary and style, shot from 2D perspective, but this game is older and you had to manage your "settlements" underground to keep everyone alive and able to fight of creatures.

Year 2000-2010 i believe it was.


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
Syo said:

I remember playing an old game where you explored a cave system, where the main goal was to survive and find the dragon lair with a lot of treasure. You had to create settlements underground for water, housing etc. The game started of on a "movie shooting set" where you somehow ended up digging underground into a cave system, fightning creatures and even other cave people I remember. Surviving.

"The Cave" game has pretty much the same scenary and style, shot from 2D perspective, but this game is older and you had to manage your "settlements" underground to keep everyone alive and able to fight of creatures.

Year 2000-2010 i believe it was.
It sounded really familiar..Found this:
Is this the one?

Moby games link for screenshots!