Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 1, 2018
Hi, I'm looking for an older (2000+ ?) game, sci-fi top-down shooter. A bit similar to let's say Crimsonland or such. Waves of enemies crashing on you, sometimes under the walls, sometimes with turrets that can be manned by you, sometimes even different items. The name itself was depressing and overpowered, something maybe like Plutonia III or Devastation III - yes, and the name had the "III" in it, but I don't think there was first and second part to the series. I don't think it was a series, I think the name was meant to be sort of ambient this way.

The game menu, story, sound, all was done in a very soldier-like and sci-fi way. Steel and crashing sounds. The missions were often impossible to beat - until you found the approach to each and every mission. Sounds like a frustrating game, but it wasn't. A] Killing often Alien-looking creatures en mass was pretty fun even when dying a lot B] back then games were often really hard, we were used to it C] once you found the approach to the mission the mission became "only pretty hard" and not impossible.

Anyone remembers this forgotten gem?


Apr 30, 2018
RelativityMan said:
Dalyor said:
Played this game around 12-13 years ago, around 2004/2005. I guess it was a jrpg, it was some sort of rpg at least. It was on an internet game site but I don't remember if it was flash or something else. I played it once at a friends house and never found it again.

You played as two men going through a castle and fighting a dragon at the end (that was the tutorial level) but after they defeat him it turns out they were only two boys playing make-believe. Their mom calls them in for dinner and afterwards the game skips a bunch of years to where they're about to graduate from some fighting academy and as a final exam they go out to clear out some bandits out of a cave. The party consisted of the two boys from earlier (now around 15-20 years of age), a girl (love interest) and a really mean brute that noone liked (but I think he still fancied the girl).

They enter the cave, encountering the bandit guard. You had the option of convincing him to leave and therefore not having to battle him but if you failed he attacked the party. They then enter the lair and meet and defeat the bandit leader (I think). The party wants to take him in alive but the brute kills him and clearly enjoys it. This makes the girl lash out at the brute, killing him in the process. The remaining three exit the cave and return, all graduating from the academy.

I sort of remember them getting some kind of mission after graduating. I think it was something about defeating an ice witch or something like that, I'm pretty sure it was some sort of evil female magic user. I didn't really get any further so I don't remember anything more.
That is probably MARDEK.
Thank you so much! You've solved a decade long mystery. Finally my mind is at a rest and I don't have to regularly be frustrated about that game I could never find, I can just play it instead (even though the art style wasn't as good as I remembered it).


New member
May 1, 2018
Can you help me remember the old top view game?
It is top view and starts after maybe some car accident - you are a man (the police I think), you have a pistol. You are in a city. I think first puzzle was to shoot some gas tank to get on.
I think you have life bars and mana bars - later in the game you will find cards - those are spells - first is light- Then you get card with some pink laser spell -weapon. But maybe the best indicator: later in the game you are in the sunny city - there is an old man, church and the graveyard -and on the graveyard you have to solve the puzzle - get down all the gravestones with women names on it. The old man say it to you as a clue - Lay down the ladies...


New member
May 2, 2018
So I found this thread by chance while searching for just such a game. I remember playing it around 2000, possibly a couple years before or after. It was for PC, and the theme was something like a death race. It was 3d, or at least what passed for 3d in that era. Between levels, there were real motion videos of a smarmy guy who was supposed to be the host/producer of the show the race was supposed to be a part of. I think I recall him going from egging you on and badgering you about how you were gonna crash to flat out demanding it and/or telling you that its what the viewers wanted.

In 2000 I would have been 10, so I may be miss-remembering some details, but the death race and the existence of the smarmy host RMVs is for sure.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Kaobel said:
So I found this thread by chance while searching for just such a game. I remember playing it around 2000, possibly a couple years before or after. It was for PC, and the theme was something like a death race. It was 3d, or at least what passed for 3d in that era. Between levels, there were real motion videos of a smarmy guy who was supposed to be the host/producer of the show the race was supposed to be a part of. I think I recall him going from egging you on and badgering you about how you were gonna crash to flat out demanding it and/or telling you that its what the viewers wanted.

In 2000 I would have been 10, so I may be miss-remembering some details, but the death race and the existence of the smarmy host RMVs is for sure.
Have a look at the Megarace series.


New member
Oct 28, 2017
So I can remember a pc game from I believe the late 90's. The few things I remember is that there are knights of all the main colours. The black knight being the final one hardest to kill. The only way to kill him is with a rune. You need to dodge blobs of green poison and jets of fire as you make your way up from the sewers to the top of a tower.


New member
May 2, 2018
OK this has been bothering me for years....

My parents and I stayed at a Delta hotel when I was little.. like age 6-10. So 1997-2001. The hotel TV had I think a PS1 where you could rent games. I rented this horror game that was incredibly difficult for myself. I couldnt get past the 1st 5 minutes of the game. I remember i controlled a person (3rd person view, i think side scrolly) and I had to open a door and something jumped out of the door and killed me everytime. Like i think it was her dad or something that killed me, or a dog. Yeah a dog i think. Anyway sorry if thats not enough info.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
I'm trying to find a game I played a while ago. I think it was ps1 or 2.

I remember it being an action/adventure game where the main character uses an axe thing with a round head. He had a crystal in his head that was the control for a bigger wish-granting crystal (the maguffin). The bad guy had the same crystal in his head, except it was dead. IIRC the game ends with him using the bigger crystal to bring someone back to life.

Bill Powers

New member
May 2, 2018
What was it?

Arcade game I played somewhere around '80 or '81. Space-based. Rocket ship flying horizontally to the right, spitting "bullets" straight ahead as well as arcing bombs for land-based enemies/structures. Had to shoot enemies while you maneuvered the various obstacles. Controls were: Control stick w/ ball on top & buttons on the panel.



New member
Jun 18, 2017
Hi there's this game I played around 2004-2006 it's RTS game you control robots and tanks and has campaign like the one in tiberian sun during the game if you destroy enemy main bulldings they become yours when you finish mission a pop up map with new missions to take " just like the one in Tiberian Sun" I think it has no infantry or any human as units just robots there's a mission where you defend 4 explosive tanks making their way through enemy ground while you start with some robots then destroy an enemy robot factory it became yours now you can build some robots to assist you the tanks are slow so you can make so progress t'll they rech enemy lines and te tanks move on their own .
in another misson you start your base in place like old ruins and you have some building already setup and some defend canons your mission to deffend your base from the waves of enemys that will attack you etch 3-5 min.
one buillding thruogh the game gives you the ability to request air strike after some time in the up lift corner and if you didn't use 3 air strikes they will develop to one huge air bombing .
there's those canons that fire yelloysh things,robots fire laser and some can fire on air units.
your team is blue or green and enemy always red.one misson you star with only 4 robots and a base to defend and there was 2 huge towers in the middle of the map and there's an enemy buildings in the bottom lift of the map with low defenses around so you can go destroy and capture,your base is in the top lift but there's a bigger high defended base and buildings in the bottom right of the map your mission is to destroy it before they destroy your main base the on top lift.
one thing when you save a game there's a female voice say "Game saved"
I'm trying to give as much details as I can remember :D
it's PC game I played on windows 2000/widows XP.
you can ask me for more details BUT PLEASE HELP IT'S BEEN YEARS SEARCHING FOR IT


New member
May 3, 2018
Hello guys

I've been thinking about this game which I used to play around early 2000's.

I'm pretty sure in was an rpg in 3D, in either 3rd person or "bird's eye" perpective.
I think the main character had blue hair, the first level was in a small village and you could talk no npcs, then you had to get inside some kind of cave, and if I remember correctly there was another level right after that was a forest. I think there was classic rpg elements, the protagonists might have been dwarves or gnomes or hobbit-like.

I know it's kinda vague but I figured i would try.

Thank you in advance boys ! :)


New member
May 3, 2018
Okay I've got one that's super, super obscure.

It's from the early 2000's, I think I found it on RealArcade (now called GameHouse, but it's lacking like 99% of the games I remember from RealArcade). You played as... I believe a dwarf? Some type of viking dwarf? And I believe he was always being followed by his brother dwarf or something.
All I can remember is that it was a 2D platforming game with very good graphics for the time. And that the main game involved you just going around a grid map (like the left/right top/bottom sides led to a new room) where there would be new enemies you would kill, get gold and gems and stuff, and then sometimes run into a shop in the middle of this wooded maze to buy upgrades and consumable items.

If it helps, I specifically remember always wasting all my gold on these flying turret things, which were of course all steam-punk-ish because of the medieval setting, and I always bought them forgetting that they expired after like just a minute. During that time though I'd plow through every enemy in my path.

EDIT: Nevermind! It's Brave Dwarves 2! I FOUND IT!!!


New member
May 12, 2017
entruV said:
Hello guys

I've been thinking about this game which I used to play around early 2000's.

I'm pretty sure in was an rpg in 3D, in either 3rd person or "bird's eye" perpective.
I think the main character had blue hair, the first level was in a small village and you could talk no npcs, then you had to get inside some kind of cave, and if I remember correctly there was another level right after that was a forest. I think there was classic rpg elements, the protagonists might have been dwarves or gnomes or hobbit-like.

I know it's kinda vague but I figured i would try.

Thank you in advance boys ! :)
Septerra Core?


New member
May 3, 2018
Zharenn said:
entruV said:
Hello guys

I've been thinking about this game which I used to play around early 2000's.

I'm pretty sure in was an rpg in 3D, in either 3rd person or "bird's eye" perpective.
I think the main character had blue hair, the first level was in a small village and you could talk no npcs, then you had to get inside some kind of cave, and if I remember correctly there was another level right after that was a forest. I think there was classic rpg elements, the protagonists might have been dwarves or gnomes or hobbit-like.

I know it's kinda vague but I figured i would try.

Thank you in advance boys ! :)
Septerra Core?
Nope, it was more of an occidental kind of rpg. I remember some puzzle mechanics with shafts and kart in mines or caves. You had a torch too I believe, and you wouldn't get a sword till some hours in the game


New member
Apr 19, 2018
Ners said:
Ners said:
So, can't remember a game, it was some sort of action/shooter based. No close known timeframes but I used to play it on a WinXP machine around 2009 perhaps? +/- couple of years, likely older.
After a couple of clicks through the main menus (red-black themed, some pictures and an intro/cutscene I think) you show up as an armored person/soldier in some sort of a valley surrounded with another few soldiers, each having a different set of weapons I think. You could individually control each unit. The main theme color of the game overall was red, like red-orange-yellow(?) and any shades around those, it was literally all red-shaded. From the grounds and grass up to the skies as well, except soldier units, those were black and structures(?) those were more grayish.
The surroundings were kind of like steppes, low steppe-like grass, lots of tiny hills and valleys covered in grass and some larger mountains in the horizont, felt like a desert.
Moving some further you'd encounter some enemy units and some flags waving around, or was it some poles? Can't recall, but it definitely was something alike. Eventually you'd end up finding some kind of conctrete/metal structure/bridge(?) up on a huge hill and few trees around which were similar to those of GTA SA, huge&high, they were also scattered around the fields but nothing in large amounts.
This is the further I came and that's all I get to remember, guess there was some mission to be done but as a kid back then and with lack of english knowledge, it wasn't something I went after and likely the reason I can't remember what it was about, it's mostly visual memories.
Anyone got a clue what I'm talking about?
B. U. M. P. Anyone?


New member
May 3, 2018
It was a tetris-like game, so between 1986 and 1998 (I think), a PC game, most probably MS-DOS.
The pieces were "falling sideways": so, instead of from top to bottom, it was from right to the left.
Maybe some pieces or parts of pieces acted like power-ups - not sure about this detail.
Another detail: the theme. or at least the name was perestroika-ish. Maybe some name resembling "glasnost"?


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Bill Powers said:
What was it?

Arcade game I played somewhere around '80 or '81. Space-based. Rocket ship flying horizontally to the right, spitting "bullets" straight ahead as well as arcing bombs for land-based enemies/structures. Had to shoot enemies while you maneuvered the various obstacles. Controls were: Control stick w/ ball on top & buttons on the panel.

Maybe Scramble [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vc-RIkpk40]?


New member
May 3, 2018
Hi guys, trying to recall this game I played around 2004-2005. PC, online multiplayer, probably an Asian game, cartoony artwork and comprised a bunch of different "maps/minigames" of sorts. One of them resembled soccer where you had to hit the ball into opponents goal. You could choose from several characters and level up, the characters IIRC flew around, some on broomsticks? Characters I think were like different elements, you could choose the fire character, the darkness character etc.

Any ideas?


New member
May 3, 2018
1 game:

There was this old game I used to play on the computer that involved watching what you eat. You had to eat right and exercise enough to make your character as healthy as they could be. After you finished your diet and exercise, you had to race someone to test your athleticism. I remember that one of the races involved swimming. I think another involved hot air balloons, but I can't be sure. I really want to play the game again to see if I can finally beat it.


New member
May 3, 2018
Hey Guys,
I hope you can help my find a game I used to lover when I was younger.
This is what I remember:

-This game was a flashgame I played on a cheap website somewhere about 10/12 years ago
- It was a 2d 8-bit ish looking game. You played as a dark punk/goth girl/woman in a dark dystopian alien world. You jumped on platforms away from a pretty dark purple goo with tenticalls that could grab you to lose a life, coming from the bottom of the screen rising to the top. The goo was sometimes also spread acrossed the platforms. I can remember a kind of toxic waste factory level. And a woods/tree scene... When you were caught by the goo, the harsh look on the girls face turned into a scared almost screaming type face.
- I think this game/the girl was based on a female singer. Idk her name, but the game had only her singing songs playing pretty loud in the background. Kind of the style of Nelly Furtado's "Say it right" but a bit more dark. But when I heard the song it reminded me of that game.

Please help me ^^ thankss