I remember this one game that I use to play on the Playstation One as a child. It was a 3rd person shooter/infiltration style of game (nothing to do with Metal Gear Solid) that occasionally involved picking up differently colored cards to open locked blast doors and such. It had a sort of..futuristic feel to it. I vaguely remember the first level. It started you off with your character flying in a helicopter,or rather,standing on the side of the helicopter while above a moving train. The cinematic involved the character jumping onto the train,and then ending with him in kind of a cool pose. The level would then start next to,I would guess,the railway tracks that the train was passing by. You then would have to go and beat up your first enemy in the game,beating the shit out of him and taking a..like..sort of blue+green-ish card off of him to open a blast door to continue the level. At the end of the level was a boss fight with some big guy that was hammering away at an anvil,he says something to your character and then runs at you with it. I actually remember my strategy involving racking up a huge amount of sub-machine gun ammo to finish him off quicker. I can barely remember anything in between the end and the beginning and the end of the first stage..
And that's about all I can offer. Any ideas on what it might be called?