I remember playing this game around '06, if that helps. It was an N64 game, because I remember playing Banjo and Kazooie and Super Smash Bros on the same console. I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that you play as a robot an you have to go all over the world (or multiple dimensions, maybe) to find all of his pieces. I have this nagging feeling though that the pieces were used as a sort of scoring system, every time you complete the robot you get points, or something. This is supported by the fact that the character isn't broken at all from what I remember. It is not R.O.B., the robot's body ends in a small wheel-thingy instead of a wide platform. The maps are the most nostalgia-causing, though I hardly remember them at all. There is one map in a theme park, I think, and one set in a sort of supermarket. Maybe those are all one map, though. Anyway, its a third-person game but I think I remember a first-person option. It was geared towards kids, there were no weapons (that I remember), and I remember the graphics being not too bad for their time. If anyone can help, thank you very much. This would take a lot off my mind.