It is from the year 2005-2007, the game was sci-fi, you could choose between 3 characters at the beginning of an older man on the left as far as I remember, in the center was a man in suit and solid, and in the right a girl, game was at the 3rd person, start a kind of floating island with a big pole in her centre that held in the air on the way you have to put guns on the island to defend yourself from enemy ships, if you destroyed pillar island was destroyed and you lost, you get to build more buildings on the island as a hangar ship, missions were generally like to destroy certain targets or to resist the waves of enemy ships, you could if you wanted off the island of motion, I hope I have said well the year since i'm not super sure, to build buildings need an energy that is in a quadrant, sometimes "anchor" your island near larger ones to make these assignments as buildings found , he found little sketchy as bright and makes them real by that energy on your island, also if it falls on the island were dying, I hope you can help me if you need further information ask me questions , and sorry for my bad english
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance