Old games you remember playing, but can't remember the name of


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
It was some browser game where you play as one class of internet trolls like hacker, cam girl, all that and the goal of the game is to troll forums/chatrooms in a RPG style kind of game. You have skills that work like spells like spamming images for example. There is a storyline surprisingly enough but I remember that the last level was hacking into the White House and detonating a nuke, getting the player character into prison leading to an episodic adventure.
Since no on answered this one from waaaay back at the bieginning...

Forum Warz, no clue if it's still running or not. It had the "best" game forums ever where they encouraged people to stay IC (on a game about trolling forums). Also mechanics to let you directly screw with other forum user's profiles, because why not?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for an old game I used to play on Windows 3.11. I think you played a robot an need to escape somesort of a maze. While doing so, you need to collect keys and also colorful points. Furthermore, there were some enemy robots you need to avoid or "blow up" by planting bombs.

I think most memorable was the "Aua" when the main character run against the wall of the maze, as well as the "Aaahhhhh" when you step into your own bomb.

Please help me out here :eek:
Well, I'm not sure of the game, but archive.org has a huge listing of software from all eras. Including Windows 3.1.

Hope you can find it here.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Hey Guys,

I'm looking for an old game I used to play on Windows 3.11. I think you played a robot an need to escape somesort of a maze. While doing so, you need to collect keys and also colorful points. Furthermore, there were some enemy robots you need to avoid or "blow up" by planting bombs.

I think most memorable was the "Aua" when the main character run against the wall of the maze, as well as the "Aaahhhhh" when you step into your own bomb.

Please help me out here
Do you remember if the perspective was top-down (like Bomberman) or 1st-person (like Doom)?


Jan 25, 2021
Hello guys,

I hope you can help me find a game that I played when I was very young but of course I cannot remember its name. I guess I was playing it about 2002-2005 but the game can be older than that.

It was an old RTS, a little bit similar to Age of Empires II. I think it wasn't very popular even at that time.

I do not remember it very well, only things that I can remember are:
*you could scout the map with the raven (yes, raven)
*names of some characters (maybe some sort of kings) were Eryk and Roderyk
*it was a medieval RTS

Mayyyybe it was published by a studio from Poland but I'm not sure about it.


Jan 28, 2021
My first computer game. Adventure, with spiky graphics, you could choose one of two characters. From what I remember, you had to save your village, which was locked in an ice dome. The worst thing about it was that my mother allowed me to play only 1.5 hours a day and no arguments that I had to help my people imprisoned there went to her


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
My first computer game. Adventure, with spiky graphics, you could choose one of two characters. From what I remember, you had to save your village, which was locked in an ice dome. The worst thing about it was that my mother allowed me to play only 1.5 hours a day and no arguments that I had to help my people imprisoned there went to her
Can you tell us if it was 2d or 3d graphics. The only adventure/point and click game I can think of off hand with 2 characters is Goblins 2, but I don't think the story involved an ice dome.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
My first computer game. Adventure, with spiky graphics, you could choose one of two characters. From what I remember, you had to save your village, which was locked in an ice dome. The worst thing about it was that my mother allowed me to play only 1.5 hours a day and no arguments that I had to help my people imprisoned there went to her
Was that Modi i Nanna: Sprytne Smyki?
Oct 1, 2020
Hi all

Not sure if I will be able to describe the game well enough, but if memory serves it is a PC rpg game (worst case could have been a PS2) and it was similar to Baldur's Gate (but not BG) and in the character selection screen, I faintly remember you would choose a class of sorts - but it was then you had to choose an element or affiliation and the selection was a ring/circle of people (perhaps like gods or deities) and one was a Circe like woman (could actually have been named Circe) who was connected to nature/elements and her area of the circle was green. The screen was overhead as you were choosing amongst the circle.

It would have been mid-late 90s or very early 00s.

Sorry not much help otherwise!
Hoping that someone knows the game I mentioned above - every year or so it drives me insane I can't remember it.

I think I remember with the circle of gods/deities you would have to walk to the one you wanted to choose.... that could be slightly wrong. It would have been out years ago (like early to mid 2000s)


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2020
Hello, thank you, I've found the game eventually!
But I have a problem here, can you help me to solve it please?



Feb 5, 2021
United States
Hello, my brother and I were trying to remember a game I used to play and I was hoping someone here could help out. The story was your spaceship had crashed and you had to explore this jungle and solve puzzles in order to find the pieces. I remember there being radioactive barrels in some area, and there was a pipe assembly puzzle at one point. I think there was also a way to go underground, I seem to remember some sort of hatch with a valve on top. Isometric view, probably Windows 98 era but I'm fuzzy on when exactly it came out. Thanks in advance for the help


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Hello, my brother and I were trying to remember a game I used to play and I was hoping someone here could help out. The story was your spaceship had crashed and you had to explore this jungle and solve puzzles in order to find the pieces. I remember there being radioactive barrels in some area, and there was a pipe assembly puzzle at one point. I think there was also a way to go underground, I seem to remember some sort of hatch with a valve on top. Isometric view, probably Windows 98 era but I'm fuzzy on when exactly it came out. Thanks in advance for the help
Just a guess but could that have been Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Ok, I've got a long shot for you guys. This is an old dos/windows 95 game game. I don't remember which os I played this in, probably dos though. It puts me in mind of Jill of the Jungle mainly because its a side scroller and you play as a woman in a jungle, but I really don't think its one of those games. When you killed enemies they would tend to gib into bloody chunks and the environment had more of a jungle background with a lot of vines and such. The graphics were vga or svga pixel graphics. Unfortunately I don't remember anything about what kinda weapons you used or anything like that. I found this game long ago when I would dl a bunch of shareware games so its entirely possible this is one of those homebrew games that is just lost to the ages. I don't think I would know it by name, but I would know it by screen shot or video.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Ok, I've got a long shot for you guys. This is an old dos/windows 95 game game. I don't remember which os I played this in, probably dos though. It puts me in mind of Jill of the Jungle mainly because its a side scroller and you play as a woman in a jungle, but I really don't think its one of those games. When you killed enemies they would tend to gib into bloody chunks and the environment had more of a jungle background with a lot of vines and such. The graphics were vga or svga pixel graphics. Unfortunately I don't remember anything about what kinda weapons you used or anything like that. I found this game long ago when I would dl a bunch of shareware games so its entirely possible this is one of those homebrew games that is just lost to the ages. I don't think I would know it by name, but I would know it by screen shot or video.
Was it any of these games:
Realms of Chaos
Vinyl Goddess from Mars
Xargon (there's a green shirt wearing female main character in one of the episodes)


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Was it any of these games:
Realms of Chaos
Vinyl Goddess from Mars
Xargon (there's a green shirt wearing female main character in one of the episodes)
Nah, none of those. I think the closest was 'Vinyl Goddess from Mars' but that wasn't it. The thing that really stood out to me was how bloody and gory the enemy deaths were. They died pretty much exactly like from Bio Menace.

Where they gibed into pieces like that but instead of EGA graphics it was at least VGA.


Feb 9, 2021
Hey all, I'm looking for this game I believe to be on ps2 but I'm not sure anymore. From what I remember of the game, at some point you end up in this airship and you fight your way to escape, then end up in a forest and have to fight this like giant cat with I think a lady's face. It would meow angrily at you during combat. It seemed like a dark game but it was my bros and I remember the boss being really hard and basically that damned mmmrreeeeeeooooooooowwwww got ingrained into my subconscious and it would please me to know the name. Thanks if you are able to make out the game from my poor memory :giggle:


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Hey all, I'm looking for this game I believe to be on ps2 but I'm not sure anymore. From what I remember of the game, at some point you end up in this airship and you fight your way to escape, then end up in a forest and have to fight this like giant cat with I think a lady's face. It would meow angrily at you during combat. It seemed like a dark game but it was my bros and I remember the boss being really hard and basically that damned mmmrreeeeeeooooooooowwwww got ingrained into my subconscious and it would please me to know the name. Thanks if you are able to make out the game from my poor memory
That's probably Alundra 2: A New Legend Begins.
That link doesn't show the first boss, but this legendra.com link does (she's on the second to bottom row).